咨询业是一个服务范围十分广泛的行业,六十年代以来,世界各国建立了不少如美国的兰德公司一类预测咨询机构。这些举世闻名的咨询机构,被人们誉为“思想库”、“智囊团”。资本主义国家竞争激烈,风浪险恶,因此,人们都把信息预测与咨询看作是决定事业成败兴衰的关键。科技情报信息成了国家、企业和个人生存的生命线。 (一) 展开科学技术发展史的近代部分可以看出,先进的生产工具对生产力的发展是起推动作用的。而先进生产工具的出现,又是科学技术发展的产物。因此,马克思指出:“劳动生产力是随着科学和技术的不断进步而不断发展的。”(《资本论》第一卷,《马克
Consulting industry is a very wide range of services industries, since the sixties, many countries in the world have established many such as the United States Rand Corporation, a type of forecasting advisory body. These world-renowned consulting agencies, has been hailed as “think tank,” “think tank.” Capitalist countries are fiercely competitive and their storms are dangerous. Therefore, people all regard information prediction and consultation as the key to determining the success or failure of their businesses. Scientific and technological intelligence information has become the lifeline of the survival of countries, enterprises and individuals. (1) It can be seen from the modern part of the history of the development of science and technology that advanced production tools play a catalytic role in the development of productive forces. The emergence of advanced production tools, but also the product of the development of science and technology. Therefore, Marx pointed out: “The productive forces of labor are constantly evolving with the continuous progress of science and technology.” (Capital Theory, Vol. 1,