The Analysis on the Problems and Possible Reasons in English

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  【Abstract】The English learners and teachers both have some difficulties in English writing learning and teaching despite continuous efforts are put by teachers and students to develop their competence in L2 writing,most students still score much lower in writing part than listening and reading parts in various English level tests.Three main sections are included in the paper: The first section surveys the students’ main problems in English writing learning with my analysis of its possible factors from the respects of students and teachers,such as students’ motivation,teacher’s education and approaches to teaching writing in L2 classes.The second section presents a review of how the relevant literature suggests on the students’ problems in writing.Accordingly,I put forward several possible solutions as the attempts to change the problematic situation in L2 writing.
  【Key words】English writing; L2; learning motivation
  Writing has been a central topic in applied linguistics area for over fifty years and continues to be lively intellectually studied and debated.(Hyland,2002 p.1)The students I teach in Tongren University and I both have some difficulties in English writing learning and teaching.Even though I have paid continuous efforts to develop my students’competence in L2 writing,most students still score much lower in writing part than listening and reading parts in various English level tests,such as TEM and IELTS.My students always complain to me that they feel little hope in English writing after spending several times of time and energy on writing than other three English basic skills.I feel quite worried when I hear my students’puzzles like that.Therefore,I made up my mind to study the problems preventing my students from being efficient English writers and find out possible solutions to help my students thereby.Three main sections are included in the paper:The first section surveys my students’main problem in English writing learning with my analysis of its possible factors from the respects of students and teachers.The second section presents the relevant literature about my students’problem in L2 writing.Some possible solutions to help my students develop English writing level are put forward in the last section.
  1.The problematic situation and its possible factors
  1.1 The main problem in my students’English writing learning
  I have taught Comprehensive English in English Department of Tongren University for nearly nine years.Comprehensive English is a compulsory course for English-major students ranging from Grade one to Grade four,including the teaching of listening,speaking,reading and writing with four classes each week in total.The textbook we use for this course is called Intensive Reading.After the intensive study of the text sentence by sentence,which is regarded as the most important section of each unit,a writing assignment based on the topic of the text is given to the students as the homework of the unit.Students are required to finish an article not less than 500 hundred words on the given topic.They are supposed to understand the steps to compose a good article because I always provide them with sufficient writing guidance before they begin to write.For example,I would hand out two or three excellent articles which are quite similar to the topic they need to write on to my students.I would help my students to underline the good expressions and sentences in these articles.I put emphasis on the explanation of the fixed structural models in accordance with the given topic and make lots of practice among my students on the frequently-used sentence patterns to guide the passage writing of my students before they can write a similar article on their own.However,much to my surprise,even though I have done so much to help them write,my students still have poorer competence in English writing comparing to the other three skills because I observe that they can easily understand what the native speaker say,speak fluently and comprehend long and complex articles well in English while the writing assignments they hand in are always with dozens of grammatical mistakes and ambiguous sentences.They tend to ignore grammatical rules,misuse synonyms,overuse complex sentences and write Chinglish expressions which can only be understood by Chinese teachers.Their poor writing competence causes the average passing rate of various kinds of English level tests,for example,TEM4,to be quite low in Tongren University.Worse still,more and more students lose heart in their English writing even copy others.writing assignments.   1.2 Its possible factors
  1.2.1 Students.Tongren University is a young comprehensive university developed from a local teachers college with the purpose to educate teachers for middle schools.In English Department of Tongren University,over 90 percent graduates of the past five years are working as English teachers in the middle schools of Tongren District.(The figure is counted by English Department.I can only find the figures of the recent five years because the data of more previous years are not available).The graduates have become the career model for the students in university.Their strong desire to be a teacher after graduation makes my students pay more attention to English speaking and grammar learning than writing because they firmly believe a good teacher is a teacher who has enough grammar knowledge to answer students.grammatical questions with fluent oral English.Moreover,they take it for granted that writing is of little importance because as an English teacher in middle schools,what they need to do in writing class is to ask their student to write in English,not themselves to write any more.Therefore,for the majority of the students,the aim to learn English writing is only to help them pass TEM4 because TEM4 certificate can offer them more opportunities to get a position in urban or suburb middle schools.
  1.2.2 Teacher.English Department is a young department in Tongren University because the average age of teachers in English Department is 35 years old with nearly half of the teachers below 30 years old.Due to the serious lack of lecturers in English Department and the rapid increase of the number of students,all the young teachers are required to teach independently after graduation without a practical period as Teaching Assistant.The lack of valuable teaching experience may make the young teachers unable to deal with the problems arising in students. learning process.Especially,as writing is a course which not only needs teachers.guidance of linguistic knowledge,but also teachers’ presentation of background knowledge to students,which need high teacher education.Unfortunately,normally young teachers in English Department are assigned to teach English writing because writing is being regarded as “simple” course in my context while the “advanced and complicated” courses,such as linguistics and English literature are always taught by teachers with advanced education and much experience.
  2.Literature review
  On account of my students. main problem on writing and the analysis of its possible factors,I looked through the relative literatures for the sake of finding out possible solutions to my students’ problems in writing.Firstly,I made a brief description of the process of writing to help me clearly understand what writing is,which is followed by the identification of the importance of students. motivation,and teacher education in the interest of providing L2 writing teachers,especially young teachers with a variety of methods in promoting students. L2 writing motivation.Secondly,I presented several influential classifications of L2 teaching approaches based on different focuses,including Hyland.s classification in 2002,Hyland.s classification in 2003 and Badger and White.s classification in 2000 with my comments on each of the classification in accordance with my teaching experience in order to help me testify which one or the integrate of some ones is the most appropriate and effective L2 writing teaching method in my context among product approaches,process approaches,genre approaches and process genre approaches.   2.1 What is the process of writing?
  Before we start to consider how to teach L2 writing effectively,it is necessary first to explore what the process of writing is in L2 learning.Zamel defined“writing is the process of discovering meaning”(1982 p195)while Hyland identified a process view of writing in details: a.writing is a process of problem-solving b.writing is a process of generation c.writing is a process of recursion d.writing is a process of collaboration e.writing is a process of development(2002 p88).
  2.2 Learners. motivation.Motivation is defined by Gardner as“the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitudes toward learning the language.”(Gardner,1985 p10).
  3.Possible solutions
  In view of my understanding of my students’ problem in L2 writing and review of the relevant literature,I propose to use the following solutions(which are divided into three parts)to overcome my students. problem in L2 writing and enhance their interest and competence in L2 writing.
  3.1 Students. motivation.Based on the fact that the majority of my students are motivated to learn L2 writing is based on instrumental motivation and my understanding of Dornyei’s motivational strategies (refers to section 2.2),I decide to try the following ways to promote my students. motivation in L2 writing:The first step of Dornyei.s motivational strategies is to generate learners’ motivation(Dornyei,2005 p119).As Dornyei points out“most students do not really understand why they are involved in a learning activity”(Dornyei,2005 p125)and Hadfield expressed“it is fundamental to the successful working of a group to have a sense of direction and a common purpose”(Hadfield,1992 p134)Whereas,it is obvious that the first task in my context is to promote students’ motivation in English writing besides test-based writing motivation which has been set up among students and causes students to be reluctant to writing in English as one guarantee to pass TEM4.Therefore,making my students realize the importance of writing in English not only for tests also for their future career development is quite essential to explore their motivation to write in English.For example,we may ask students to discuss the importance of English writing in groups,including various questions asked among group members,such as“why do you write in English?”or“what.s the purpose for you to write in English?”After group discussion,a list would be hand out to each student to fill in the answers to “why I write in English” in different periods: Table one:Why I write in English.The last 5 years I wrote in English for.At present.I write in English for.The next 5 years.I will write in English for.n future.Writing in English will be important or unimportant for.After careful reading,teachers may choose some novel and encouraging answers to read them out in class for the sake of helping other students be aware of learning to write in English is helpful both to their career choice and career development.Secondly,David Little views one learner’s intrinsic motivation can be nourished by autonomy and takes autonomy as one solution to the problem of learner’s motivation.(Little,2003)He also puts forward three basic pedagogical principles to govern the development of one’s autonomy and takes learner involvement as the first step.With reference to his suggestions,teachers may motivate learners more involved in sharing the responsibility for the L2 writing learning process and choosing their own learning activities.   3.2 Teacher education.Richards
一 拉雪兹神父公墓(法国巴黎)  世界上再没有其他地方比巴黎的拉雪兹神父公墓安葬的文学名人更多。巴尔扎克、斯泰因、普鲁斯特和王尔德皆长眠在这处风景如画的墓地,成千上万仰慕者在他们的墓碑上留下唇印。将肃穆的墓地作为旅游热点,听起来有些奇怪,但是有一百五十多万人来到这里,致敬长眠于此的杰出人物,在巴黎最大的公墓漫步,欣赏叹为观止的自然风光。自1804年开放以来,拉雪兹神父公墓已成为世界上游客最多的公墓
【摘要】大学英语听力是外语学习中一个非常关键的部分,也在英语四六级考试。本文通过对昆明医科大学海源学院听力教学现状进行调查,从学生和教师两大方面进行分析,并给出相应对策。  【关键词】大学英语 听力教学 现状 对策  在英语学习中,听说读写译被认为是最主要的五部分。正如婴儿学习语言从听开始,听在英语学习中起到了非常关键的作用。同时也影响着学生整体的英语水平。听力在大学英语四六级考试中占比为35%,
作为下萨克森州首府的汉诺威,既有得天独厚的自然风韵,也有智慧和汗水的硕果结晶。看似貌不惊人、毫无特点的汉诺威,或许正因为有意无意地保持着特有的低调,赢得了足够的时间和空间,在自我审视中健康发展,只有能够走近她的人才会有惊艳之感。  马克思和他的《资本论》  “不同的公园,设计的格调及品位远远超过了伦敦的任何一个公园,每天都有不同的音乐表演”,这是卡尔马克思对汉诺威由衷的赞叹。1867年的春天,马克
一哥:  我是五年级的小学生,“学生”是为人家准备的,“小”是留给我的。自打上了小学,我就一直坐在第一排,完美扮演“人体吸尘器”。班里其他男同学都比我高,我甚至连很多女同学都比不过。妈妈还特意带我去医院检查过,医生说我身体健康,但是发育晚。我和老妈都不甘心,联合上演“施肥大计”,什么骨头汤、维生素、钙片,几乎隔三岔五就能见到它们。我还放弃了足球,练了跑跳更多的篮球。虽然球场上的我因为个子矮,很少有
《小鞋子》再一次证明,电影的表现力是无国界的,如果把剧中那些街头的场景、家庭的日常生活、以及主人公阿里的校园生活放在中国任何一个乡村或者是城镇,都无比地融洽。  而主人公阿里,好像就是从我们家乡长大的穷苦孩子一样,承担了在这个年龄不应该承担的责任,却依然保持着一颗善良的心。  电影讲述了一个伊朗小男孩的故事,阿里出生在一个贫苦的家庭,爸爸打零工养活全家,母亲染病卧床,家务活和照顾襁褓之中小弟弟的工
深夜。  朦胧月色下的街道。  电车停靠地处郊外的Y站。  门开了。  人群一齐涌出奔向站外。  汤村公介把包夹在腋下跟着人群走下车。  “又赶不上了。”他嘀咕一声,动作迟缓地在月台上走着。  赶路不是他的强项。十多年前他做过肺切除手术,肺活量只有1800毫升,只要走得快一点,心脏就难受得像要跳出喉咙,而平复下来则要花费很长时间。  按季节算此时已经入冬,但今天晚上却不怎么冷。  这个地处郊外的车
我把车开进了“献血 玩彩票有限公司”的停车场。  “你想好了吗,伙计?”我问。  马克咧嘴笑了。“当然想好了。距离我上次献血已经有六十天了,我终于可以再去啦!”  “你不觉得这地方有点儿让人瘆得慌吗?”  “一点也没有啊,”马克说,“这种献血方式很好!无论怎么说,这都是一件好事,不是吗?这是在鼓励我们帮助自己的同胞。”  “—在帮助同胞的时候还琢磨着要赢一千块!”我说,“人们为什么不能像以前一样,
散文大家威廉·黑兹利特曾这样评述拜伦:“在散漫、鲁莽和古怪方面,拜伦勋爵超越了他同时代的所有人。”  乔治·戈登·拜伦,浪漫主义时期最放浪不羁的摇滚坏男孩诗人,为人熟知的除了他的叙事诗《唐璜》和《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》外,还有臭名昭著的性丑闻、贵族的狂妄放肆以及天生一只跛足。然而,他是一个真正的英国怪人,浑身散发着迷人的光环,无论男人还是女人都难以抗拒。下面我们就来看看被称为“恶魔诗人”的拜伦的另
“自然对想要创造奇迹的人施加报复……并迫使他们生活得一贫如洗。”  ——莱奥纳多·达·芬奇,1507  那尊维多利亚时代的大理石半身雕像非常漂亮,吸引我走进了吉姆伯特的拍卖室。雕像价值连城、光彩夺目,雕像上女士的面容活灵活现。索菲娅·拉瑟福德女士半身雕像大约完工于1850年。古代的雕刻家知道什么是爱情。我深深为她倾倒。  “为什么它这么值钱呢,洛夫乔伊?”简妮问,“她又不是很漂亮。”  “她明明很