The emergence of English as a Lingua Franca is beneficial for both native and non—native English s

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  【Abstract】English has been widely used throughout the world for trade, transport, industry, sport, diplomacy and technology. As a result, there is a belief that English as a Lingua Franca brings drawbacks too, such as threatening the world by being hegemony over other languages. This essay is going to argue that even though there are drawbacks to the rise of English as a Lingua Franca, its benefits overweigh its drawbacks. There will be altogether two parts in this essay, illustrating the argument from two aspects. The first aspect is the benefits of Lingua Franca, being a facilitator and reducing misunderstanding. The second aspect is the benefits of English being a Lingua Franca, in terms of easy to learn, can be widely used and delivers messages from a powerful country.
  【Key words】Lingua Franca; beneficial
  1. Lingua Franca is a facilitator for both native and non-native speakers
  One of the accusations against Lingua Franca is that it threatens the existence of minor languages. Since Lingua Franca is used quite commonly, a person only needs one language to talk to someone else (Crystal, 2003). Another one is that Lingua Franca may cultivate a so-called elite class. As is the case in Hong Kong, International business is in want of those who can master English very well (Boyle, 1995). This contributes a great deal to the emergence of elites who is able to manage a Lingua Franca.
  However, those drawbacks of Lingua Franca cannot compete with the benefits it provides. The original purpose of Lingua Franca is working as a facilitator to help people to communicate with each other. Lingua Franca is a contact language between persons who share neither a common native tongue nor a common national culture (cited in House 2003:557). It, as well, works as a ‘common language’ in communities where many languages co-exist (Crystal, 2003). For instance, after a plague, the communication in Hong Kong breakdown as the Chinese failed to respond to sanitary directives in English (Boyle, 1995). This led to the promotion of English since then (Boyle, 1995).
  Also, some hold the hope that the world will be more united and peaceful with one Lingua Franca, because every misunderstanding can be washed away (Crystal, 2003). Therefore, for both native and non-native speakers, Lingua Franca works as a facilitator and has the potential to guarantee social harmony and mutual understanding.   2. Benefits of English as Lingua Franca
  English is the Lingua Franca all over the world:
  It is the main language of books, newspapers, airports and air-craft control, international business and academic conferences, science, technology, medicine, diplomacy, sports, international competitions, pop music, and advertising (Crystal 1987: 358, cited in Pennycook 1998: 147).
  Concerns about its domain arise as well. For some, English is the neo-colonialism (Kirk lecture, August). As Yukio Tsuda (2000) says, English is considered ‘a proprietary commodity’ of English speaking countries to be marketed across the world (cited in McArthur, 2002:8).
  No clear evidence however, shows that English is threatening other languages in the world. House (2003:570) mentions a project in her article about using English as a medium of instruction in a German university. The result shows that students think using English as a medium helps increase the attractiveness of their mother tongue on both academic and everyday-life level, and there are no signs of English being a threat to a native language, referring as German in this context (House, 2003).
  In addition, it is many English speakers’ belief that if there should be a Lingua Franca, let the fittest survive; and if English is the fittest, so be it (Crystal, 2003). English indeed has the characteristic of a Lingua Franca, which is it is easy to learn. First, English has a large vocabulary, which makes its speakers the ablest thinkers (Pennycook, 1998). Second, English is flexible and likely to borrow words from other languages. That is to say, speakers from the language English borrows may have the feeling that they are somehow connected, because they share something in common. This makes English an easier language to learn than other languages.
  Moreover, English has a vast foundation in terms of people who speak it, which means it is already widespread. Due to colonialism, the United Kingdom has made English as an official or semi-official language in over 60 countries (Crystal 1987: 358, cited in Pennycook, 1998), and also the most important second language in the world (Clairborne 1983:1-2, cited in Pennycook, 1998). Therefore for both native and non-native speakers, English is well-known and can be widely used.
  Furthermore, since the United States is the most powerful country in the world, one of the benefits, for either native or non-native speakers, of English as Lingua Franca is that a lot about America can be learnt from its language. In particular, two-third of the world’s scientists write in English, eight percent of the world’s electronic retrieval systems is stored in English (Crystal 1987: 358, cited in Pennycook, 1998).   3. Conclusion
  No matter for whom, native English speakers or non-native English speakers, the benefits of English as a Lingua Franca outweigh its drawbacks. English as Lingua Franca is not a threat to other languages, and it facilitates both of native and non- native speakers. In addition, it is easier to learn and can be widely used. Also it conveys the message from the world’s mightiest country for all to learn.
  As far as it seems now, English as a Lingua Franca has a prominent future, whereas the diminishing of minor languages cannot be ignored. Continuing absorbing new information from other languages, spreading to more places, and influencing more people, English as a Lingua Franca is going to benefits more in the world. Perhaps it can also help minor languages to survive.
  [1]Crystal,D..English as a global language[M].Cambridge University Press,2003.
  [2]Pennycook, A..English and the discourses of colonialism[J].London
【摘要】当前我国中等职业学校不断加大对英语教学的重视程度,因此,在为学生提供基础的英语教学之外,还需要培养学生的职业素养。本文主要对职业素养在中等职业学校英语教学当中扮演的不同角色进行分析和研究,并结合英语实际教学情况进行深层次的思考和实践。  【关键词】中职英语;职业素养培养;思考与实践;职业性  【作者简介】董美玲(1978.01-),女,汉族,江苏扬中人,江苏省扬中中等专业学校,本科,英语教
【摘要】语感是学习一门语言的核心素养,对于一个语言学科来说至关重要,英语也是如此。初中阶段加强英语语感的培养,对于学生英语阅读和口语都有至关重要的作用。因此,必须重视初中的英语阅读课程。笔者简单阐释了初中英语的阅读教学和学生的英语核心素养建立之间的逻辑关系。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读课教学;学科核心素养;培养  【作者简介】王樨月,江苏省江阴市暨阳中学。  加强学生的语言核心素质的培养对于英语学
【摘要】我们都知道,教育的目的是发掘学生们的学习能力。但在近几年来,核心素养这一教学问题渐渐被众人所揭开。小学时期是非常重要的,在这个时期,学生们的大脑正处于极度活跃的状态。而随着世界经济的发展,英语教学就自然而然成为了教育任务中的重点。正是因为如此,英语教学的核心模式就要随着这些变化而变化了。  【关键词】小学英语;核心素养;教学策略  【作者简介】胡陈子,江苏省泗洪县青阳中心小学。  引言  
【摘要】充分了解市场需求是培养师范类英语专业人才的必要前提。本研究首先调查福建省各培训机构对师范类英语人才的市场需求;其次,从课程设置方面分析福建师范大学(福清分校)师范类英语人才的培养方案。最后,将两者对比并找出差距,进而提出相应的优化方案。此研究将有助于福建省各高校了解本省的市场需求,也有利于各高校调整其师范类英语人才的培养。  【关键词】市场需求 师范类英语人才培养 需求分析  一、引言  
【摘要】在听力教学中,听力理解的关键在于对篇章意义的把握而非对单纯接收篇章的语言形式项目,而篇章意义的连贯主要依靠显性及隐性链接机制实现。本文分析了隐性衔接机制在听力理解中的体现及其在听力理解过程中起到的补偿作用,以期对听力教学起到有所帮助。  【关键词】听力理解;隐性衔接;语境;补偿作用  【作者简介】王黎(1984.09-),女,汉族,甘肃庆阳人,陇东学院,硕士,讲师,研究方向:翻译理论与研究
【Abstract】The construction of campus culture has a huge impact upon the growth of students. Excellent campus culture is able to benefit students throughout their life. So, how does the school construc
【摘要】阅读课是培养批判性思维的主阵地,在教学设计上存在缺少支架、偏离主线和束缚思维的问题。教师在设计教学活动时要积极梳理文本原点,这是解读文本的基础;并且确定趣点,激发学生兴趣;架设支点,推动学生理解文本挖掘内涵;最后在深层理解文本的基础上形成思维高点。  【关键词】评判性思维;课外阅读;活动设计  【作者简介】王琛,江苏省宜兴市和桥镇第二中学。  【基金项目】本文系江苏省教育科学“十三五”规划
【摘要】初中英语课程标准强调重视英语的阅读写作能力和口语表达能力的培养,语法也要有相应的积累和运用,才能更好的学好英语,掌握听说读写的技能,迎接未来的挑战。  【关键词】初中英语;语法教学;有效探究  【作者简介】冯兴平,江苏淮安涟水县红窑中学。  语法是学生英语学习过程中的重难点内容,也是初中英语教学中的重中之重,在学生的英语学习生涯中有着承上启下的作用,学生在日后要进行更深层次的语法学习,对学
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展,英语也越来越接近我们的日常生活。所以,对于如何提高学生的英语水平,一直是人们关注的对象。但是对于如何提高学生学习英语的积极性,却是众多英语教师头疼的问题。因此,针对这个问题,在实际教学中我们建立了“分组互动型”趣味英语教学课堂,可以帮助学生提高英语学习的兴趣,同时通过分组教学提高学习成绩。  【关键词】分组教学;学生互动;趣味课堂;英语教学  【作者简介】黄爱侠,安徽省