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纵观近几年的高考历史问答题,大多数每题的字数都比较多,每题又有几问.有的问题一问之中还可以分解成若干小问.因此,我们在审题时,一定要注意以下三点.第一、要审清题目的时间、空间概念.将所问的时间、空间概念确定下来,超出试题所问时间和空间范围的事情不要答,以免喧宾夺主,答非所问,浪费宝贵的时间,造成答得差不多了的假象,自己蒙蔽自己.第二、要审内容,弄清试题问的是什么,明白题意.论证题要搞清楚论点是什么?并对论点的正确与否进行判断.第三、分解问题.注意试题共有几问,每问又可以分解为若干小问或要点.全题共有几分,每问大约几分.1994年高考题给了每小问的分数,这更有利于判断每问答案的多少.现在高考试题的答案没有没分的句子,每个得分点最小的分数是1分,这就可以估算出每问答案的多少,然后,按分提炼总结要点答题.下面就以1994年全国高考历史问答题为例,具体谈谈怎样审题.1994高考历史第43题:1848年欧洲革命失败后、马克思、恩格斯曾预言,新的革命 Looking at the history of the college entrance examination quiz in recent years, most of the words in each question are more numerous, and each question has several questions. Some questions can be decomposed into smaller questions in the course of questioning. Therefore, when we examine questions, We must pay attention to the following three points. First, we must examine the time and space concept of the topic. Determine the concepts of time and space that are asked. Do not answer the questions beyond the time and space scope of the questions asked, in order to avoid losing sight of the subject and answering questions. The precious time creates the illusion that the answer is almost the same, and deceives itself. Second, we must examine the content, understand what the test questions ask, and understand the meaning of the questions. What is the argument for the arguments of the argument? What is the correctness of the argument? No. Make judgments. Third, decompose the question. Note that there are several questions in the question. Each question can be decomposed into a number of small questions or points. The whole question is divided into several points, and each question is about several minutes. The 1994 college entrance examination question was given to each question. Score, which is more conducive to the judgment of the number of answers to each question. Now the answer to the high test questions is not undivided sentences, the minimum score for each scoring point is 1 point, which can be estimated how much the answer to each question, and then, according to points to refine Summary points answer. The following The 1994 national college entrance examination history essay questions as an example, specifically talk about how to examine questions. 1994 entrance history of the 43rd problem: After the failure of the European Revolution in 1848, Marx, Engels predicted that the new revolution
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