A Brief Analysis of the Self—correction Model

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuzhi1979
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  【Abstract】Based on postmethod pedagogy and teaching practice, this paper proposes a new teaching model and explains it from the theory of text linguistics.
  【Key words】self-correction model; text linguistics
  1. Introduction
  The theories of the second language acquisition (SLA) have been developing almost for 70 years, but most of them are western theories based on Indo-European langugaes. The Self- correction Model, proposed by this paper, is to explore the way of learning English in Chinese classrooms and it is hoped to be rewarding for the Chinese English teaching.
  2. The concept of the Self- correction Model
  This “Self-correction Model” can be divided into the following six steps. Step 1, translating. The learner translates the native language into the target language. Step 2, comparing. the learner compares the learner’s language with the target language to find out the differences. Step 3, analyzing. The learner analyzes the causes of these differences. Step 4, correcting. The learner corrects the differences or error places according to the rules and forms of the target language. Step 5, memorizing. The learner abandons the error sentences and keeps the correct sentences of the target language in mind. Step 6, reproducing. The learner uses the correct sentences of the target language in other similar situations.
  3. The text linguistics and the Self-correction Model
  Richards defines text and discourse as follows:
  Text: a piece of spoken or written language. A text may be considered from the point of view of its structure and its functions, e.g. warning, instructing, carrying out a transaction. A full understanding of a text is often impossible without reference to the context in which it occurs. A text may consist of just one word, e.g. danger on a warning sign, or it may be of considerable length, e.g. a sermon, a novel or a debate. Discourse: a general term for examples of language use, i.e. language which has been produced as the result of an act of communication. Whereas grammar refers to the rules a language uses to form grammatical units such as clause, phrase and sentence discourse refers to larger units of language such as paragraphs, conversations and interviews. (Richards et al, 1992/2000)
  Wang Zongyan, editor of the “English Chinese Dictionary of Applied Linguistics”, defined text and discourse as follows:
  Text, a unit of oral or written, short or long. A discourse may have only one word, such as writing at the exit of the Exit, also may be a long speech or text, such as a sermon, a novel or a debate.   The domestic and foreign scholars are controversial on the concept of the definition of discourse and text. According to De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981), the definition of “text” should meet the 7 communication event. If any one of them is not satisfied, the “text” does not have the communication. The 7 criteria are: cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality and intertextuality.
  Foreign language teaching in the world, as De Beaugrande and Dressler said, are in a “not reliable” state. After learning English for several years, even many yeaes, most learners can not say a few correct or appropriate sentences except some knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. The teaching is still in the traditional way. The teacher explains the words first, and then the text. The language knowledge is also taught isolately, rather than in the text.
  After the students’ translating-comparing- analyzing-self-correcting-memorizing”, the teachers analyze and summarize the whole passage according to the theory of text linguistics to help the students to understand the article from the text level and “reproduce” the article from the perspective of discourse, rather than stay in a simple way of remembering words.
  In the Self-correction Model, the teacher analyzes the text from the textlinguistic view and changes his way of teaching from words or sentences to the text. The students’ independent learning awareness is improved. The enthusiasm, initiative, confidence and motivation are also enhanced, which is beneficial to the cultivation of the students’ learning habit and independent ability.
  [1]de Beaugrande,R.,
一、引言  翻译的“文化转向”对当今翻译界产生了不容小觑的影响。但其翻译观并未解释翻译的本质问题,更有消解翻译学科的趋势。本文以“文化转向”一词为契机,以传统翻译观所提出的的“忠实”一词为试金石,通过“忠实”的三个层次的实例比较,指出文化派翻译观的局限性所在。  二、文化派翻译理论  “文化转向”(cultural turn)一词源于翻译文化学派。这是该学派为指导翻译实践和构建翻译学说体系所提出的
【摘要】本文以高中英语阅读课阶梯设计为主题,以英语学科核心素养为主线,从练习活动、思维活动、情感生成三个维度出发,阐释以“读”促语言知识、语言能力、思维品质、文化品格的高效英语阅读课的思考。  【关键词】阶梯阅读设计 三个维度  随着英语课改深入化,高中英语阅读课也在经历着一次又一次的变化。“为何而读”?从为语言知识而读,到为语言知识、语言技能而读,到为语言综合运用能力而读,再到如今为英语学科核心
【摘要】现阶段,大学英语翻译教学中涉及到的内容相对广泛,特别关注的是语言范围内的学习运用,同时也开始传播其他国家文化信息,强化了语言教学和文化教学的相互结合。本文将分析大学英语翻译教学中的文化信息问题,探讨当前大学英语翻译教学现状,明确其中涵盖的详细文化信息,采取积极的态度探索不同文化之间的差异,推动大学英语翻译教学的发展与进步。  【关键词】大学英语 翻译教学 文化信息问题  大学英语翻译教学本
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教材是学生学习和教师教学的资源和工具,是达到教学目标和发挥教育成效的基础。现代高中英语教学不再是简单地传递、灌输书本知识,而是结合具体的教育情景批判性地、创造性的运用教材,其间就会涉及到教材资源的活化整合和教材内容的调整、加工等等。  《英语课程标准》对教材的使用也提出了如下建议:“教师要善于结合实际教学需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序、教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。