
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZLF308440423
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我是《语文教学通讯》的老订户、老读者,《语文教学通讯》是我的老朋友。它催我边教边学,在教中求知;它促我赶时代潮流,求教材、教法革新。一、它急教学所急,实用价值大。 1983年,初、高中一至四册教材都增补了新课文,《语文教学通讯》在编发“讲读课精讲导读”、“阅读课自学导读”稿的同时,及时开辟了“双册新教材备课指要”、“单册新教材备课指要”专栏,编发了系列辅导文章。同年秋季始用高中第五册课本,它又超前从第七期起开辟出“秋季 I am an old subscriber and old reader of the “Language Teaching Newsletter” and “Chinese Teaching Newsletter” is my old friend. It urges me to learn while teaching and to seek knowledge in teaching; it urges me to catch up with the trend of the times and to innovate teaching materials and teaching methods. First, it is urgent to teach, practical value. In 1983, one to four high school textbooks for elementary and junior high schools were supplemented with new texts. In the “Language Teaching Newsletter”, while compiling the “Reading and Reading Lessons” and “Reading Self-study Guides” drafts, the “Double-book New Textbook” was promptly opened up. Prepare lessons for “to”, “single book new textbook preparation refers to” column, compiled a series of counseling articles. In the fall of the same year, he began to use the fifth grade textbook of senior high school.
80年代以来,档案编研工作      同整个档案工作一样发展 很快,地方综合档案馆相继成立了编研机构,县馆无编研机构的也设有专职编研人员,加之档案馆(室)达标升级活动的开展,使档案
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一、下列各句中加点的词,是句子的什么成分?请仔细思考,然后将正确选项填入表中。 1、她天天坐在窗口做针线。选项有:①是谓语;②是补语;③是状语;④是主语。 2、第比利斯的
Invited by Taiwan“Shen Chun-chy Culture and Education Fund”,“the Imposing Murals of Yongle Palace of Shanxi”was shown at the Yat-sen Gallery of the National D
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