转换经营机制 主动走向市场——记河北省宣化钢铁公司轧钢厂

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去年我们轧钢厂与公司签订五年经营承包协议,实行了自主经营、自负盈亏、依法纳税、包死基数、超收按比例分成的办法。在五年承包期内,完成上缴流转税金指标后,利润留厂发展生产和改善职工的福利设施。在这新形势下,怎样转换企业经营机制,主动走向市场呢? 一、更新观念经营承包协议的签定使我厂“断奶离母”,欲走向市场,参与竞争,必须增强市场意识: 1.换脑筋。要在竞争中求生存、求发展,首要的问题是转变观念。怎么转变观念,如何把新观念化为广大职工的公众意识呢?一是组织职工学“讲话”,学“条例”,强化宣传教育工作;二是采取制约措施,实行缴纳风险金的作法,把职工的责、权、利和参与市场竞争捆绑在一起,同舟共济,共谋大事。2.抓经营。社会主义市场经济的显著特点之一,就是以“销供产”为龙头。企业走向市场搞活经营,要把产品销出去,拿回效益,没有一支过硬的经销队伍是不行的。为适应走向市场的需要,一是由领导牵头组建了钢材经销 Last year, our rolling mills signed a five-year contracting agreement with the company and implemented a method of self-management, self-financing, tax payment according to law, base rate of death, and over-provisioning. In the five-year contracting period, after completing the turnover of taxation targets, the profit will be left to the factory to develop production and improve employee welfare facilities. Under this new situation, how do we change the operating mechanism of enterprises and take the initiative to go to the market? First, the concept of updating the concept of operating a contracting agreement has enabled us to “wean from the mother”, and if we want to go to the market and participate in competition, we must increase market awareness: 1. Change your brains. In order to survive and develop in competition, the primary issue is changing concepts. How to change concepts and how to turn a new idea into the public awareness of a large number of employees? First, organize employees to “speak”, learn “regulations”, and strengthen publicity and education; second is to take restrictive measures and implement risk payment methods. Employees’ responsibilities, rights, benefits and participation in market competition are bundled together to help each other and seek common cause. 2. Grasping management. One of the salient features of the socialist market economy is to take “sales for production” as the head. If companies go to the market to invigorate their businesses, they must sell their products out and get back the benefits. Without a strong distribution team, it is impossible. In order to meet the needs of the market, first, leaders led the formation of steel distribution.
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