赫尔辛基建城于十六世纪50年代,多次因火灾重建,1812年成为芬兰首都。城中现有的一些著名建筑物是十九世纪留下来的,芬兰著名建筑大师 E·沙里宁和 A·奥托在这里也留下了重要的作品。赫尔辛基全市人口50万人(大赫尔辛基地区人口80万人)。50年代以来,城区的住宅不断被商业、行政,办公建筑所排挤和取代,居民们纷纷迁往城市边缘和郊区。因此城区居住人口下降,而郊区人口迅速上升。1950年,全市人口36.9万,其中城区29.7万人,占81%;1975
Helsinki was built in the 1950s and was rebuilt by fire several times. In 1812, it became the capital of Finland. Some of the famous buildings in the city were left in the 19th century. The famous Finnish architects E. Saarinen and A. Otto also left important works here. The city of Helsinki has a population of 500,000 (800,000 in the Greater Helsinki Region). Since the 1950s, residential buildings in urban areas have been crowded out and replaced by commercial, administrative and office buildings. Residents have moved to the edge of the city and suburbs. As a result, the resident population in urban areas has decreased, while the population in the suburbs has risen rapidly In 1950, the population of the city was 369,000, of which 297,000 were urban areas, accounting for 81%; 1975