历时12年开发开放, 浦东新区的通信基础设施 初步形成一个集语言、 数据、图像为一体的多 媒体通信网,较好地满 足了浦东经济飞跃发展 的需要。而作为与国际接轨的 浦东新区四大开发区,其通信 网更是日臻完善、异常活跃,这 有效地促进了开发区电子商务、 电子政务乃至整个区域经济的 发展。
After 12 years of development and opening up, the communication infrastructure in Pudong New Area has initially formed a multimedia communication network integrating languages, data and images, which better meets the needs of the rapid economic development in Pudong. As the four major development zones in Pudong New Area which are in line with the international standards, their communication networks are more and more perfect and active. This effectively promotes the development of e-commerce, e-government and even the entire regional economy in the development zone.