本期我们特地邀请了北京新大都饭店的厨师长绕贵林、徐大庆选编,并由在新大都饭店工作的扬州中餐特级烹调师祝茂昌、靳连银制作了六款简单易学、风味特色明显的淮扬家常菜。 新大都饭店的淮扬菜以制作精细,口味纯正,风味特色突出享誉国内海外。这几款家常菜料简而工细,形朴而味精,观似平常却隐现匠心。在辞旧迎新的日子即将到来之际,这几款家常菜带给您的是新大都人的一片真情和良好祝愿。
In this issue, we specially invited chef from Beijing Xindadu Hotel to make a selection of Guilin and Xu Daqing. We also made six simple and easy-to-learn Huaihuai restaurants by Yangmao Chinese cuisine supervisors Zhu Maochang and Jin Liangyin, Yang homemade dishes. New Most Hotel Huaiyang cuisine to produce sophisticated, pure taste, flavor prominent domestic and overseas renowned. These few home cooking materials Jane and fine workmanship, simple and MSG, the concept seems common but ingenuity. In the coming days of greetings and greetings, these few homemade dishes bring you the true feelings and good wishes of the new majority.