市场上出售的海参一般是干制 品,食用前必须进行涨发。常用的涨发 方法是水煮法和油发法,若没有一定 经验是不会发好的。笔者今有一新法 ——蒸发海参法。此法易学,易会,最 适合家庭主妇和初学者使用,现介绍 如下: 1.将海参晒干,用小刀刮去表层 黑皮,如不好刮的,可用木炭火烧焦再 刮,并用温水洗净。2.把洗净的海参放 入盛器内,倒入清水,以淹没海参为 度,并放入适量的葱段姜片,入笼开锅
Sea cucumbers on the market are generally dried products, must be raised before eating. Commonly used method of raising hair is boiled and oil hair law, if not certain experience is not good. I now have a new law - evaporation sea cucumber method. This method is easy to learn, easy to learn, the most suitable for housewives and beginners to use, are as follows: 1. The sea cucumber is dried, with a knife scrape the surface black, if not scratch, charcoal can be scorched and then scrape, Wash. 2. The washed sea cucumber into the container, into the water to submerge the sea cucumber for the degree, and add the appropriate amount of scallion ginger, into the open pot