唐代大诗人杜甫于公元760年游览武侯祠时曾留下了一首有名的七律诗:“蜀相祠堂何处寻,锦官城外柏森森。映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音。三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。”缅怀和歌颂了汉丞相诸葛亮忠君爱国、鞠躬尽瘁的一生,至今广为传诵不衰。 座落在成都南郊的武侯祠,是后人为纪念诸葛亮的功绩而建造的。历史悠久,历尽沧桑。据说始建于公元六世纪,起初是与汉昭烈(刘备)庙相邻的,上面这首诗足资证明。另外,李商隐的诗“蜀相阶前柏,龙蛇捧闷宫,阴成外江畔,老向惠陵东……”也说明了这一点。嗣后到了明朝初年(公元14世纪末)被并入昭烈庙。据《诸葛亮武侯祠堂碑记》:蜀献王朱椿以武侯祠逼近刘备墓不合“祀制”,且“君臣宜一体”,从此合在一处沿袭至今。而今的殿宇是清朝康熙11年(公元1672年)重新修建的。有大门、二门、刘备殿、过厅、诸葛亮殿5重,殿宇壮丽宏伟,巍峨肃穆,青砖素瓦,粉墙丹柱,斗拱飞檐,古朴典雅。祠内古柏森森,园林幽雅,回廊曲径,蔚竹鸣泉,绿树葱茏,碧草繁花。充分体现了中华民族古老建筑和园林艺术的风格。是历史久远,保存完好,规模较大的古迹园林,1961年,被国务院列为全国重点文物保护单位。
Du Fu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, had left a famous Qilu poem when he visited Wuhou Temple in 760 AD: “Who looks for the Ancestral Hall, and Peterson of Jinguan City outside. The frequency of triads and troubles the world, the two-year-old Kaiji veteran. The teacher did not die before the death of the hero, long heroes full of tears.“ Remembrance and eulogize the life of the patriotism and dedication of the Han Dynasty prime minister Zhuge Liang, has been widely known . Wuhou Temple, located in the southern suburbs of Chengdu, was built by the descendants to honor the merits of Zhuge Liang. Has a long history and has experienced many vicissitudes. It is said that it was built in the sixth century AD and was originally adjacent to the temple of Han Zhaolie (Liu Bei). In addition, Li Shangyin’s poem “Zhu Xiangqian, Boss holding a boring palace, yin into the Waijiang River, old to Huilingdong...” explains this point. Later, it was incorporated into the Zhaolie Temple in the early Ming Dynasty (the end of the 14th century). According to ”Zhuge Liang Wuhou Temple Memorial Tablet": 蜀 王 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 椿 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘 刘. Today’s temples were rebuilt in the 11th year of Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (AD 1672). There are gates, two doors, Liu Beidian, halls, Zhuge Liang Hall 5, magnificent temples, solemn and solemn, green brick tiles, Dan Danzhu powder wall, brackets fly cornices, simple and elegant. In Kenshinu Gubsensen, the gardens are elegant, the corridors are winding, the Weizhumingquan, the trees are green, and the grass is full of flowers. It fully embodies the Chinese ancient architecture and garden art style. Is a long history, well-preserved, large-scale heritage gardens, in 1961, the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection units.