Analysis on A Translation Practice

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  【Abstract】The thesis is based on a translation practice of one chapter of Introducing Translation Studies Theories and Applications by Jeremy Munday. Through the analysis of the translation, five basic questions about translation are answered, including the definition of translation, translation unit, translation process, translation skills and the relationship between translation and culture.
  【Key words】Translation Practice; Basic Questions of Translation
  Ⅰ. The definition of translation
  In my point of view, “translation” has three basic meanings. First, it refers to the general subject field. For example, in the sentence “there are a considerable number of collections and histories of translation”, the word “translation” here refers to the field of translation. Second, it refers to the production. For example, in “translation from English to Chinese”, here the “translation” means the text that has been translated. Third, it refers to the interpreting process from the source language to the target language. For example, I translate the “translator’s preference” into “譯者序”.
  Ⅱ. Translation unit
  I think there are different arrangements on contents and structures overall a whole passage. We should try to find out the structure of the ST and use it when we translate. For a translation unit, it should express one same meaning. A single word, a sentence, a paragraph or the whole passage can all be translation units. For example, a single word “preface”, is a unit and can be translated into “前言或序言”. But, when the translation unit is too small, such as a word, a phrase or a sentence, we tend to translate literally. And it will be harder for us to connect the whole text and express the original meaning and intention.
  In my translation of this text, I basically use one paragraph as a unit, especially in the “summary” and “further reading” parts. But it is also appropriate to directly take the contents under different titles as units. Also, after the third checking of my translation, I feel the whole text is actually translated as a whole unit.
  Ⅲ. Translation process
  I think the translation process include two steps. First, we need to understand what the ST is. This step can be either simple or complex, depending on the background of the ST. After knowing the culture background and understanding the basic literal meaning, it is also important to figure out what specific intention the author wants to convey. Only then a thorough image about the ST can be established in our mind. Second, our task is to transfer the SL into TL using the equivalent words and restructuring the TT in view of the culture of the TL. We should describe the same thing and express the same feeling and intention in another different language. This process should not be confined to only once. We may need to check and assess if our translation is appropriate for many times, until the TT is authentic.   For example, I translated the two pages’ text for three times. The first time, I just skipped through the content, checked out the unfamiliar words and backgrounds of some famous theories, such as “triad of Dryden”, after searching it on Wikipedia, I knew it referred to “约翰德莱顿的翻译三分法”. But at that time I just had a rough idea of the ST. The second time, I began to translate sentence by sentence, but just literally for most of the text. The third time, I compared my translation with the ST, and tried to polish it into more authentic Chinese. During my translation process, the first time belongs to the first step of translation process, the second and the third time can be both concluded into the second step of translation process.
  Ⅳ. Basic translation skills
  After a lot of practice, I have a better command of using translation skills flexibly. In the translation of this text, I mainly use conversion, amplification, negation, division and shifting.
  I think this is the most frequently-used skill. Here I will give two simple examples. ①For the sentence “they are now sometimes restricted to a justification for producing a new translation of a classic work”, I translate it into“(译者序)现在有时仅被局限到用于解释创作一部经典作品的新译本的理由”. Originally, the word “ justification” is a noun, I use it as a verb “解释...的理由”. ② For the sentence “a translator’s loyalty is to the original author”, I changed the part of speech of “loyalty” from a noun to a verb and translate it into “译者要保持对原作者的忠诚”.
  For the sentence “echoes the imprecision of earlier writing”, I translate into “反映了早期作品的用法不精確”. Here, I add “用法” to specifically confine “不精确”.
  For the sentence “I have refrained from officious tinkering with the translation for its own sake”, originally “refrained from” should be translated into “克制住了做某事”,here I put it into this “我已经不再仅仅基于对译文本身的考虑,而对其进行费事的修补”。
  ① For the sentence “translators preferences are a source of extensive information on the translation approach adopted in earlier centuries”, I think literally it can be translated into “译者的序言是一种我们可以从中了解关于早些时候所采取的翻译方法的广泛的信息来源”, but the modifier part is too long and does not accord with the Chinese usage, so I divide the sentence and translate it into “译者的序言是一种广泛的信息来源, 我们可以从中了解关于早些时候所采取的翻译方法”. ② For the sentence “there was a need to correct ‘mistakes and misinterpretations’ in the translation”, I translate it into “...出现了一些错误和曲解,因此有必要去进行改正”. Here, conversion is also used.   Shifting
  ① For the sentence “much of translation theory from Cicero to the twentieth century centered on...”, I translate it into “从西塞罗到二十世纪的许多翻译理论,都集中在...”.② For the sentence “readers are recommended to follow their specific interests regarding country, period, cultures and languages”, I translate it into “建议读者们综合考虑国家,时期,文化和语言这些因素,根据个人兴趣挑选作品进行阅读”. Here, as for “挑选作品进行阅读”, amplification is also used.
  Ⅴ. The relationship between translation and culture
  Narrowly speaking, translation is the interpreting between or among languages. But languages are integrated parts of cultures. So actually, translation plays a prominent role in communicating between different cultures. However, culture background is in turn a very essential factor for successful translation. If we want to translate a source text and make the subsequent target text equivalent to the original, having a general understanding about the SL culture background is essential. It is also necessary for us to correctly understand the intension of the author and the deep meaning of the ST. Except that, we should also know well about the TL culture background, so that we can express the SL into TL in an authentic way.
  ① For example, the word “triad”, simply looking it up in the dictionary, we cannot find out its true meaning. Because here it particularly refers to “約翰德莱顿的翻译三分法”.
  ② For example, I translate the sentence “however, they are far more of a rarity in current publications” into“然而,译者序在当前的出版物中却尤其罕见”. Originally, “rarity” means “稀有物,珍品”. We need to use our knowledge on the language flexibly to polish our translation, because it will be very weird if we translate literally sometimes.
  All in all, we should have a good understanding about both of the SL and the TL culture background. At the same time, translating can improve our command of both of the two cultures and languages.
【摘要】当今社会艺考越来越流行,导致高中艺体特长生越来越多。由于他们不但要学习文化课,还有用大量时间去学习自己的特长课程,最终导致很多高中艺体特长生的文化课基础知识比较薄弱。因此,本文通过对高中艺体特长生英语学习困难的成因以及转化的策略进行查阐述,以便提高对高中艺体特长生的英语教学质量,使他们的文化课成绩有所提高。  【关键词】高中艺体特长生;英语学习困难成因;转化策略  一、高中艺体特长生英语学
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【摘要】英语阅读是学生学习英语的重要途径,也是初中英语教学中的重要环节。随着交互式阅读模式的出现以及信息技术的快速发展,教师有了优化教学方法的契机。本文将结合实际的教学案例,就如何在信息技术环境下有效应用交互式阅读模式提出一些建议。  【关键词】信息技术;交互式阅读;初中英语  【作者简介】张振海,山东省新泰市协庄学校。  交互式阅读也叫作相互作用模式下的阅读,在这种理念中,提倡要将阅读作为一种双
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【摘要】听力作为初中英语学科的一大基本项目,是教育者所应深切关注的话题。但展望现阶段的英语听力教学,会发现许多阻碍性因素影响着教学质量的进步。这其中便包括听力训练模式与材料的单一化,以及对学生听力技巧敏感度方面的忽视性。对此,教师必须针对这些问题做出重要的策略调整,把握初中这一关键时期来稳固学生听力基本功,使之能以听收获语言信息并增进表达,提升实际语言能力水平。  【关键词】初中英语;听力训练;动
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【摘要】英语书面表达一直是高中英语的教学重点,更是教学难点。笔者结合自身多年教学经历,浅谈如何提升学生英语的书面表达能力。  【关键词】英语;书面表达;提高策略  在现在高考英语的考试中,书面表达仍是不少学生最薄弱的环节,相当一部分学生提笔无话可写或一写就错,严重影响了中学英语素质教育的发展。  因此,作为英语教师要重视书面表达,下面笔者就自己的教学实践谈谈提高学生“书面表达”能力的几点做法英语是
【摘要】读写结合是一种有效的初中英语教学方法,将阅读教学与写作教学结合起来,既能提高学生的阅读能力,又能提高学生的写作能力,还能通过阅读促进写作,使学生的英语综合能力得到提升。本文以初中英语仁爱版七下教材为例,对初中英语读写教学中常见的误区进行分析,并通过多媒体教学,利用信息技术,采用读写结合,以读促写的方式培养初中生英语读写能力的策略进行探讨。  【关键词】读写结合;以读促写;初中英语;写作能力