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校园里,究竟怎样的教育才可以直逼年轻的心灵。58年来中国教育一直在前行中摸索。2007年秋季,校园里不再只有“第X套广播体操现在开始”的声音。当校园的上空第一次响起悠扬的华尔兹舞曲,操场上开始扬起翩翩的舞姿,变化带来的思索接踵而至。年轻的心,告别童稚,长大成人。当成人已经习惯了墨守成规的校园交往时,中国的教育看到今天的孩子更需要多样、开放、自然的沟通。于是校园集体舞走进了大众的视野。它优美而独特,可以印衬青春的张扬;它单纯而美好,可以抚平青春的不安;它阳光而灿烂,可以照亮青春的理想。2007年,校园集体舞的推广无疑成为了教育进步的一次注脚。注脚之一:作为重庆市选派进京参加学习的两位教师代表中的一员,胡鹰敏感地觉察到一丝变化:我们的教育不再狭隘地看待青春期男女生的交往,更加注重以适当的方式进行引导。这样的变化来自官方。注脚之二:阳劲力,与共和国同龄的体育工作者,谈得更多的是存在的问题,提得更多的是建议,想得更多的是如何持续下去。注脚之三:重庆市合川区大石中学,以创新的思维自创校园秧歌集体舞。聚焦一所普通农村中学,它所遭遇的困难、积累的经验和沉积的思考一定会给广大农村践行《第一套全国中小学校园集体舞》带来信心和启发。它们平凡、真实,因而更具有说服力。不同的案例,不同的主人公,进步的不一样表现,却隐藏着一个共同的闪光点:教育对于人性的崇敬。它承认青春期异性的向往,它善于疏导青春的不羁,全力树立青春的自信。校园集体舞,它的名字叫“青春”。 On campus, what kind of education can really drive young hearts? In the past 58 years, Chinese education has been groping forward. In the fall of 2007, there was no longer only the voice of “The Xth set of radio gymnastics is now beginning” on campus. When the melodious waltz dances for the first time in the sky above the campus, the playground starts to dance up and down, and the thoughts of change come one after another. Young heart, farewell childish, grow up adult. When adults have become accustomed to pursuing regular campus interactions, Chinese education sees today’s children need diverse, open and natural communication. So the campus collective dance went into the public view. It is beautiful and unique, it can be printed with youthful publicity; it is simple and beautiful, it can smooth out the unrest of youth; it is bright and shining, it can illuminate the ideal of youth. In 2007, the promotion of school group dance became undoubtedly a footnote for educational progress. One of the footnotes: As a member of the two teachers’ representatives who were sent to Beijing to participate in the study, Hu Ying was sensitively aware of a change: our education no longer treats adolescent boys and girls’ contacts in a narrow manner, and pays more attention to appropriate Way to guide. This change comes from the official. Footnote 2: Mr. Yang Jinli, a sports worker of the same age as the Republic, talks more about existing problems, makes more recommendations, and thinks more about how to continue. Note 3: Dashi Middle School in Hechuan District, Chongqing Municipality, with its innovative thinking to create a campus Yangge group dance. Focusing on an ordinary rural middle school, its difficulties, accumulated experience, and thoughts on sedimentation will surely bring confidence and enlightenment to the rural areas in practicing the “first set of school dances across the country.” They are ordinary, real, and therefore more convincing. Different cases, different heroes, and different performances of progress conceal a common shining point: Education respects human nature. It recognizes the aspirations of the opposite sex in adolescence. It is good at diverting youthful ambitions and is fully committed to youth’s self-confidence. Campus dance, its name is “youth”.
针对传统的音乐课堂教学模式的弊端,本文重点研究了新课程中如何发挥学生的主体地位,真正让学生在音乐课堂中活起来。 In view of the shortcomings of the traditional mus