可疑人 前不久的一天上午,北太平庄巡警队的几名巡警正在街上巡逻,忽然接到群众举报:“那边有一个人总是在转悠,看样子挺可疑的,你们去看看吧!” 那是一个二十来岁、外地模样的小伙子,穿得挺破,怀里抱着一个黑包,见警察时神色极为慌张。“把包打开!”小伙子越发抱紧了包,脸都白了。“现在依法对你进行盘查。打开包让我们看看。”小伙子无可奈何地打开了,里面竟是万余元钞票。“是你的钱吗?” 他那躲闪的神态实为可疑,带回队里审查。
In the morning before the suspicious persons, several patrolmen from the North Taipingzhuang Patrolling Corps were patrolling the streets and suddenly received reports from the masses: “There was a man over there always looking suspiciously, and you go and see!” That is A twentysomethod, looks like a young man in the field, wearing quite, arms holding a black bag, see the police looked extremely panic. “Open the bag!” The young man hugged the bag more, his face white. “Now according to the law to conduct an inventory of your investigation. Open the package let us see.” The young man helplessly opened, which was actually more than ten thousand yuan banknotes. “Is it your money?” His dodge demeanor was suspicious and brought back to the team for review.