第二届韬奋奖已评出十位得奖者,另有三十一位同志获提名奖。连同第一届获奖者,我国新闻战线已有八十位同志,获得这一与“范长江奖”并列为中国新闻最高奖的荣誉。 韬奋奖是一项编辑奖。本届获奖的同志,有已在新闻工作岗位上辛勤耕耘几十年,由记者、编辑而成为一个单位的高层负责同志,担负着审发重要稿件和组织、指挥报道的重任;有的不断以出色的评论文章,阐明着党和国家的重要方针政策,坚持着正确的舆论导向,为增强报纸的权威性作出了自己的贡献;有的密切联系着群众,为以舆论力量匡正时弊而尽心尽责,在群众中享有威信;还有在默默无闻的岗位上埋头工作的稿件检查工作者、校对工作者。这些同志尽管岗位不同,但有一个共同之点:都是新闻界的幕后工作者,他们的名字,极少有机会和读者见面。但是,他们的事迹同样组成了我国新闻工作一幅丰富多采的画卷,展示着新闻界灿烂群星中的一个非常重要的群落。 各个新闻机构都是一部复杂的机器。而如果没有一个个的螺丝钉,机器都无法运转。呈现在读
Ten winners of the second Tao Fen Award have been awarded, and another thirty-one winners have been nominated for the prize. Together with the first winners, 80 comrades in the information front of China have won this honor as the top prize for China’s news with Fan Changjiang Award. Tao Fen Award is an editorial award. The comrades who have won this award have been hard-working journalists for decades and have become the top responsible comrades of a unit from reporters and editors. They are responsible for the important manuscripts and organizations of the auditing and reporting and command and reporting. Some of them continuously Outstanding commentary articles clarify the important guidelines and policies of the party and the country, uphold the correct direction of public opinion, and make their own contribution to enhancing the authority of the newspaper. Some of them make close contact with the masses and do their utmost to rectify the shortcomings with public opinion , Enjoys prestige among the masses, and manuscript inspectors and proofreaders who work hard at obscure positions. These comrades, in spite of their different positions, have one thing in common: they are all the backstage workers in the press, and their names rarely have the opportunity to meet readers. However, their deeds also form a rich and colorful picture of China’s news work, displaying a very important community among the bright stars of the press. Each news organization is a complicated machine. Without one of the screws, the machine will not work. Rendered at reading