In the present study,three new aconitine-type diterpenoid alkaloids brochyponines A-C (1-3) were isolated from the roots......
Cycloartenol triterpenoid saponins from Cimicifuga simplex (Ranunculaceae) and their biological effe
A phylogenetic tree was constructed by sequencing rbcL genes of 33 species representing 19 genera of Ranunculaceae, and ......
Ranunculaceae is a family of flowering plants with ca.59 genera and 2500 species and shows tremendous diversity in b......
Restoring Mountain Slope Forests by Strip-cutting Shrubs in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River,Sich
The aims of forest restorationRestoration on of mountain slopes forests is often used to achieveone or a combination of ......
本文通过对大布苏泡子第10地点孢粉分析,自下而上划分为二个孢粉组合带:下段(1-2层)Equisetum-Isoites 孢粉带;上段(3-6层)Ranuncu......
Treatment of lappaconitine 1 with NaIO_4 and Br_2-HOAc at room temperature for 7 h afforded smoothly the bromine-contain......
Investment of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources and Their Utilization in Jinpenshan Forest Farm
Objective To conduct a survey of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) resources in Jinpenshan Forest Farm,Xinfeng County,J......
冰凉花(Adonis amurensis Regel et Radd)系毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)冰凉花属(Adonis L)多年生草本植物,又名侧金盏花、福寿草。189......
小蘗硷目前在医疗上有着广泛的用途,我国以往大多从黃連(包括黄連Coptis chinensis Franch)峨嵋野連C. omeiensis C.Y.Cheng,Mss.......
露蕊乌头、老鸦蒿(甘肃岷县)、臭蒿(甘肃天祝)、泽兰(青海民和)、罗砧巴(四川)——毛莨科(Ranunculaceae)。见图1Aconitum gymnan......
11.附子(图11) 毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)植物乌头Aconitum carmichaeli Debeaux的侧生块根。粉末灰黄白色,气微,味微辛。粉末现亮瀑......
我国乌头(Radix Aconiti sinenis)为毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)乌头属植物(Aconitum carmichaeliDebx;Aconitum kusnczoffii;Aconitum......
1.威灵仙(イレイセン) 原植物Clematis chinensis Osbeck及同属多种植物的根及根茎。科名Ranunculaceae(毛莨科) 理化反应①取本......
川乌、草乌分别是毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)乌头属(Aconitum L.)的植物乌头(Aconitum CarmichaeliDebx)和北乌头(A.kusnezoffii Reic......
Aconitumspecies (Ranunculaceae) ,whichdistributewidelyinmiddleandlowerreachesoftheYangziRiver ,northandsouthwestofChina ......
乌头Aconitum cramichaeli Dexb.是一种性热、味辛甘、有大毒、能去寒止痛的常用中药材,在四川的栽培中,常因春季的霜霉病流行而......
目的建立使用反相高效液相法测定天葵子药材中苯骈呋喃酮型内酯格列风内酯含量的方法。方法使用迪马Kromasil ODS柱,流动相为甲醇-......
[Objective] To optimize the microwave extraction process of total alkaloid from Aconitum flavum,so as to lay the foundat......
目的:研究赤芍药材经钴-60射线辐照前后有效成分的含量变化情况。方法:采用HPLC方法,色谱柱为瑞士SPHERI-GEL ODS C18(150mm×4.6m......
[Objective] To discuss how the content of single and double ester type alkaloids was influenced by microwave processing.......
从兴安升麻根茎中分离得到1个新化合物cimicifugamideA(1)和4个已知化合物trans-feruloyl tyramine4-O-β-D-glucopyranoside(2)、......
Protective effect of Nigella sativa oil against binge ethanolinduced oxidative stress and liver inju
AIM: Nigella sativa L.(Ranunculaceae) is considered as a therapeutic plant-based medicine for liver damage. In this stud......
Cycloartenol triterpenoid saponins from Cimicifuga simplex(Ranunculaceae) and their biological effec
The constituents of Cimicifuga plants have been extensively investigated, and the principal metabolites are 9,19-cyclola......
UPLC-Q-TOF/MS-based metabolomic studies on the toxicity mechanisms of traditional Chinese medicine C
Chuanwu(CW), a famous traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) from the mother roots of Aconitum carmichaelii Debx..(Ranunculac......
The constituents of Cimicifuga plants have been extensively investigated, and the principal metabolites are 9, 19-cyclol......
Anti-diabetic effects and mechanisms of action of a Chinese herbal medicine preparation JQ-R in vitr
Refined-JQ(JQ-R) is a mixture of refined extracts from Coptis chinensis(Ranunculaceae),Astragalus membranaceus(Leguminos......
Identification and differentiation of major components in three different “Sheng-ma” crude drug spec
Cimicifugae Rhizoma(Sheng ma) is a Ranunculaceae herb belonging to a composite family and well known in China,has been w......
A new cycloartane triterpene glycoside was isolated from the rhizome of Souliea vaginata. Its structure was established ......
A new triterpenoid saponin,named clematiganoside A(1),was isolated from the whole plant of Clematis ganpiniana.Its struc......
Aconapelsulfonines A and B, seco C20-diterpenoid alkaloids deriving via Criegee rearrangements of na
Two sulfonated seco C20-diterpenoid alkaloids, aconapelsulfonines A (1) and B (2), were isolated from an aqueous extract......
Structure, property, biogenesis, and activity of diterpenoid alkaloids containing a sulfonic acid gr
Three new C20-diterpenoid alkaloids with a sulfonic acid unit,named aconicarmisulfonines B and C (1 and 2) and chuanfusu......
A new diterpenoid alkaloid, racemulotine (1), was isolated from the whole plants of Aconitum racemulosum Franch var. pen......
From the roots of A conitum sinomontanum, five new norditerpenoid alkaloids, sinomontanitines A (1) and B (2), sinomonta......
Four new norditerpenoid alkaloids, geniculatines A (1), B (4), C (7) and D (8), were isolated from the roots of Aconitum......
,C19-Diterpenoid alkaloid arabinosides from an aqueous extract of the lateral root of Aconitum carmi
Eight new C19-diterpenoid alkaloid arabinosides, named aconicarmichosides E-L (1-8), were isolated from an aqueous extra......
[Objective] To determine the content of oleanolic acid in the roots and stem of Clematis hexapetala, so as to provide th......
Ecological features of Aconitum balfourii (Bruhl) Muk.-an endangered medicinal plant in the northwes
Aconitum balfourii (Bruhl) Muk. (Ranunculaceae) is an endangered medicinal plant. Natural populations were surveyed in t......