A Spatial Variable Selection Method for Monitoring Product Surface in Semiconductor Manufacturing

来源 :The Third IMS-China International Conference on Statistics a | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fdiskhotmail
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  With the availability of advanced sensing technology, product and process quality nowadays are often assessed and characterized by observations with complex structures such as measurements from a 2-D surface instead of a single or multiple numerical quality indices in many applications.This paper discusses monitoring product surface in wafer testing of a semiconductor manufacturing process, since poor quality of surface affects wafer yield.Due to the spatial characteristics of wafer defects, a variable selection method is proposed using the fused LASSO algorithm to identify spatial clusters on the surface.Monte Carlo simulations have been conducted to compare the proposed method with industry benchmark and other competitive statistical process control (SPC) methods.A real example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
据外刊报道 ,美国国防安全机构最近将向巴基斯坦出售高空气球雷达系统及配套设备及服务 ,总费用高达1.5 5亿美元。该雷达系统将主要用于增强对巴基斯坦西部边界的监控能力 ,
【摘 要】自主学习是学习者参与判定对自己有意义的学习目标,自己选择学习方式,参与设计评价指标;积极主动地思考各种学习策略,在解决问题中学习;在学习过程中对认知活动进行自我监控,并作出相应的调适。自主学习是社会发展的需要、是创新教育的需要。要针对高等职业院校的学习现状努力落实自主学习。  【关键词】自主学习;内涵;理论基础;现实意义;现状;要求  社会的发展和教育自身的发展都迫切需要加强人的自主探
【摘 要】学校作为培养人的场所,是引领社会发展和文明的重要阵地。从教育的作用来看,学校教育具备促进人的发展和社会进步两大功能,在启迪心智、传授知识、确立人生价值、实现人类进步上具有极为重要的作用。所以,学校教育担负着构建和谐社会的重任,创建和谐校园是构建和谐社会的基础,两者相辅相成。  【关键词】和谐校园;思政  和谐校园是一种以和衷共济、内和外顺,协调发展为核心的教育模式,是以学校为桥梁将各种
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