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  She is a scholar, an economist, and also a politician.
  She wears a short hair, always smiling.
  She is a representative of “Doves” who cares about employment, stick to strict supervision and risk control.
  She is the first woman to head the powerful US Federal Reserve (Fed) in its history of a hundred years,
  She is Janet Yellen.
  The first female head of Fed
  Janet Yellen is 68 years’ old now. She has a profound academic background and an outstanding working resume. She was born on August 3, 1946 in a Jewish middle class family in Brooklyn, New York. In 1967, she graduated from Brown University with Bachelor degree in Economics and obtained the grading of outstanding student. In 1971, she got Doctorate degree in Economics from Yale University. Then she got Honorary Doctorate degree in Law from Brown University and Honorary Doctor degree in Humanity from Barnard College in 1998 and 2000 respectively.
  Yellen started working for Fed in 1977 as an economist, and then from 1994 to 1997, she was nominated by President Bill Clinton as a Governor. After that, she served as Chairman of the Economic Consultant Committee of US President and President of Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. In 2009, she got the rotating appointment as member of Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).
  On April 28, 2010, President Barack Obama nominated Janet Yellen to succeed Donald Kohn as Vice Chairman of Fed. On October 9, 2013, Barack Obama nominated Janet Yellen to succeed Ben Bernanke as Chairman of Fed. The senate eventually passed the nomination with 56 affirmative votes versus 26 negative votes. On February, 3, 2014, Yellen took the oath of office.
  Some people have a meteoric rise in their career, like Barack Obama. It seems that they don’t come across any obstacles and sit on the most powerful seats. On the contrary, there are also people who go up slowly and steadily, but they are unstoppable. Obviously, Janet Yellen is one of the second type.   Yellen spent many years serving for Fed, from the initial economist in the research department, to a Governor, then to the President of Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and to the No.2 figure of FED. Yellen is not a magical person. Her name has never been as bright as the previous chairman Bernanke, but she has moved forward in this path step by step until she won president Obama’s preference over previous economic advisor summers and won the highest and most powerful position in economic field: Chairman of FED last year, at the age of 67, as a new women in a world of men.
  A much told tale of the economist
  Many people pay attention to Yellen’s political experience in Fed and the White House. In fact, Yellen has profound academic achievements as well. She was an assistant professor in Harvard from 1971 to 1976, and then a lecturer in LSE from 1978 to 1980. She started working in Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley since 1980 and teaching macroeconomics to full time and part-time MBA students in 1980. She is now an honorary professor of Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley and has won Excellent Teaching Award twice. Yellen has written many influential papers that have been fully recognized by people in the academic field. She often writes books together with her husband, George Arthur Akerlof, professor of UC Berkeley.
  Yellen’s career reached its peak in Fed, and she also harvested love in Fed. The love story of her and her husband is a much told tale. Yellen’s husband is the winner of 2001 Nobel Economics Prize. In late 1970s, they two met in a café in Fed. The two with same interests quickly fell in love and got married. After they got married, they conducted many influential researches together in UC Berkeley. Akerlof said in his self-introduction when he won the Nobel Prize: “What we have in common is not only characteristics. We’ve reached a nearly perfect consensus in macroeconomics.”
  很多人都着重关注了耶伦在美联储和白宫工作的政治经历,其实耶伦在学术上也有非常高的造诣。耶伦最早于1971年至1976年在哈佛大学任职助理教授,1978年至1980年来到伦敦政治经济学院担任讲师,最后1980年在满负盛誉的加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院从事研究工作,并为全职及兼职工商管理硕士学生教授宏观经济学,现为该学院的名誉教授,并曾两次荣获该学院的杰出教学奖。耶伦写过的很多文章都被学术界广泛引用并且影响深远。她常常和自己的丈夫,伯克利教授乔治·阿克洛夫一起合著写作。   耶伦的事业在美联储起步并达到巅峰,同样也在美联储收获了自己的爱情。她和丈夫的爱情故事被传为佳话。耶伦的丈夫是2001年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,20世纪70年代末,他俩一见钟情于美联储的咖啡厅里,志趣相投的两个人迅速坠入爱河并成立了家庭。婚后,俩人在加州大学伯克利分校任教期间合作完成了多项颇有影响的研究。阿克洛夫在获得诺奖后的自我介绍中写道,“我们不仅性格非常契合,而且在宏观经济学上也一直能达成几乎完美的共识。”
  Born in an economists’ family, their son Robert Akerlof also has deep interest in economics. He has devoted himself to economics. He is now 32 years’ old and a deputy professor in Warwick University in the UK. President Obama kidded during the nomination on what would be the topics at their dinner table. The three of them are all big fans of economics, and what they discuss must be different from what ordinary people do.
  Their colleagues in UC Berkeley said that Yellen and Akerlof are meant to be a unusual couple. “How many Nobel Prize winners can study the same thing with their partners who are even more famous than them?”
  Strength is the absolute principle
  On the 100th anniversary of Fed, it welcomed the first woman chairman in history. Obama called Yellen the “top economist and policy-maker in US” at the nomination ceremony. He spoke highly of her insight, judgment, and ability of understanding. American economists and marketing professionals also believed that this is a well-earned appointment. The CNBC commented earlier that “Yellen will definitely become the most powerful woman in the world. Her influence may exceed German Prime Minister Merkel and President of IMF Christine Lagarde.” Even Lagarde herself said that the new chairman of Fed is the “best choice”.
  However, the world of Fed has always been a world of men. Yellen’s appointment is apparently a milestone of females in economic field. Although her female identity is very “appealing”, it is strength that makes Yellen be able to break the “glass ceilings” in a male-dominated world. In respect of professions, Yellen’s research places extra emphasis on labor market, and she studies in depth the reasons for unemployment, mechanism, countermeasures and market patterns in economic recession period.
  在美联储百岁之际,迎来了历史上首位女主席。奥巴马在提名仪式中称她为“美国最顶尖的经济学家与政策制定者”,不吝赞美之辞,称赞她出众的洞察力、判断力和理解力。美国经济学家和市场人士也普遍认为,这是一项“出色的任命”。此前更有CNBC评论称,“从美联储副主席晋升为主席的耶伦无疑将成为全球最有权势的女性,其影响力甚至可能超越德国现任总统默克尔和国际货币基金组织主席克里斯蒂娜·拉加德。”就连拉加德本人也表示,这位新任美联储主席是“现有的最佳人选”。   然而,央行的世界从来都是男人的天下,耶伦成功入主美联储当然算是女性在经济领域的一大里程碑。纵然她的女性身份十分“吸睛”,但在这个男性主宰的世界里,能打破“玻璃天花板”的耶伦更多是靠实力说话。就专业而言,耶伦的研究领域侧重于劳动力市场,对失业现象的原因、机制和对策以及经济衰退时期就业市场模式有着深入研究。
  According to her colleagues in Fed, although Yellen is a senior member of Fed, she always prepares a whole pack of materials for every meeting and always listens to others’ opinions before expressing her own ideas concisely and comprehensively. On many conferences, Yellen’s opinions are the final conclusions.
  Focusing and seriousness is the most common comment for Yellen from her colleagues and friends. Former Vice Chairman of Fed Donald Kohn once said: “Yellen has keen minds and incomparable analysis ability.” Recently, Wall Street Journal analyzed 700 predication reports by 14 policy-makers of Fed and found that Yellen’s prediction of economic situations is the most precise one.
  Multiple Challenges
  When accepting the nomination by Obama, Yellen expressed her determination of solving the unemployment issues in her Brooklyn accent – this is a well-known signature during her term as Vice Chairman of Fed. “Although we’ve made some progress, there is still a long way to go.” She said, “There are still too many Americans who cannot find jobs and are worried about paying bills and supporting families.” As the successor of Ben Bernanke, Yellen will face multiple challenges after assuming the office, like the balance sheet of 4000 billion dollars after several rounds of “quantitative easing” policy.
  Yellen said, “Powerful economic recovery process will make Fed curtail monetary easing policy and lower the degree of dependence on untraditional tools like asset purchase plans. I think the support for the current economic recovery process is that we should choose a reliable path and then return to a more normal monetary policy.”
  “Since the ‘dark times’ of financial crisis, the economic situations and financial system of US have made great progress, but there are still important work to do to reconquer the land lost in financial crisis and economic recession.”
  However, on February 13, 2014 when Yellen accepted the inquiry of the Finance Service Committee of the US Senate, she admitted: “From multiple angles, our employment market hasn’t returned to its normal status.”
  Yellen has made history, but her Fed time has just begun.
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