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  语音:英式发音 适合泛听
  关键词:India, population, projection, burden
  According to the 1)projection made by the government, over the last hundred years India’s population has seen a five-fold increase and is expected to 2)surpass that of China by 2050. While India’s population grew by 1.4% over the last five years, China witnessed only a 0.6% population growth.
  Expert: A major factor of course is 3)illiteracy. That’s so high in the country that not many people realize the significance of small families and better quality of life. And then the poverty is quite high and we do find that amongst the lower economic groups, the number of children is quite high.
  The report by the National Population Stabilization Fund said, “If India continues at the existing pace, its population will increase to 1.61 billion by 2050 with very serious consequences on 4)sustainable development of the country.” India’s total population in 2009 was 1.19 billion people and China’s was 1.34 billion.
  Expert: We still have lot of unemployment. We still have to reach out to a larger population 5)in terms of education, in terms of providing health services, and I think the greater the number of population the more difficult it would get.
  According to report, India will have to share an additional burden of 371 million by 2026. An interesting fact is that the individual population of India’s states equal the total population of many countries, like Uttar Pradesh, which has a population of 190.3 million, nearly that of Brazil at 193.7 million.
  According to experts, major factors 6)fueling population growth in India could be 7)attributed to high infant 8)mortality rate, early marriages and teenage pregnancies, and unless the whole society is not involved in a meaningful manner, the burden of population growth is expected to rise only.
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