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  Happy Feet
  导演:乔治·米勒 George Miller
  配音:以利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood
  罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams
  妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman
  Happy Feet tells the tale of one penguin’s quest for love. In the world of the emperor penguin, a simple song can mean the difference between a lifetime of happiness and an eternity of loneliness. When a penguin named Mumble is born without the ability to sing the romantic song that will attract his soul mate, he’ll have to resort to some fancy footwork by tap dancing his way into the heart of the one he loves.
  Facing the Giants
  导演:亚历克斯·肯德里克Alex Kendrick
  主演:亚历克斯·肯德里克Alex Kendrick
   詹姆斯·布莱克韦尔James Blackwell
  In his six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never had a winning season. Even the hope of a new season is squelched when the best player on his Shiloh Eagles decides to transfer schools. After losing their first three games of the season, the coach discovers a group of fathers are plotting to have him fired. Combined with pressures at home, Coach Taylor has lost hope in his battle against fear and failure. However, an unexpected challenge finds a purpose bigger than just victories. Coach Taylor and the Eagles discover how faith plays out on the field and off.
特雷莎修女的演说朴实无华,其中蕴含着伟大而神圣的爱——平凡中孕育伟大,真情中感动世人。她用爱温暖着孤寂受伤的心灵,并为他们撑起一片希望天空。    The poor are very wonderful people. One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. And one of them was
Back during the Vietnam war, when I was sta tioned in Thailand, I met a beautiful Thai wom an named Surapun. We fell in love and got married soon after. When my wife learned, after a trip to a doctor,
一张做工精致的红木书桌正静静地诉说着母爱的质朴与伟大。那么在每一个隐秘的小隔间里,不仅珍藏着母亲无言的爱,而且还积淀着我们深深的思念。     I am sit ting at my mother’s desk, a mahogany1 sec re tary with a writing leaf that folds down to reveal2 rows of cubbyholes3 an
I have been a professional caregiver1 for twen ty years and I continue to learn a valu able life lesson everyday. I’m always amazed how sor row and pain can bring such won der ful gifts as wisdom, pat
ongratulations, man!”exclaimed my buddy Alex when he greeted me at my locker. “To day’s the big day, right”“   “Yeah!”I said, giving him a huge grin1. “I’ve been waiting forever for this!”   I shoved2
I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and there are some homeless people in the downtown, especially the University area. I used to give a lot of money to the homeless, feel ing sor ry for their misfortu
It’s reported that Peru’s famed “Ice Maiden”, the frozen mummy of an Inca girl sacrificed1 to the gods 500 years ago, might be at risk from humidity. Dampness was detected inside the mummy’s glass-enc
Ostia Antica was Rome’s port two millennia1ago, but no history-changing event happened there. What you see is the size and scope of an entire Roman city, a mini-Pompeii with a less dramatic ending. Bu