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  Ostia Antica was Rome’s port two millennia1ago, but no history-changing event happened there. What you see is the size and scope of an entire Roman city, a mini-Pompeii with a less dramatic ending. But that is it: apart from a bookshop, a cafe and a little museum, it is weeds, walls and mosaics, marble columns and a few ancient dogs.
  You can get there by train in less than half an hour from central Rome. But I would recommend2 taking the boat, which costs less than many taxi rides, and then pushing on to the sea. After two quiet, breezy hours, the boat would arrive at Ostia Antica. Once there, there is no one treasure to hunt down, so hyperactive 3tourists can slow their brains down for a few hours: Ostia is a place where one can wander leisurely4, with the imagination wide open.
  And so today visitors can walk over an entire Roman city, from the baths to the amphitheater5, to huge warehouses for grains and goods, a basilica6, a synagogue7, and a temple to the Roman gods. Unlike Pompeii, which died a quick and hot death, Ostia petered out like the Roman empire itself, with its inhabitants slowly trickling out until about the ninth century. After that, Ostia---- like the old Forum in Rome ---- became a quarry, with its marble going to build newer churches in Pisa, Florence and Orvieto. Until the early 19th century, it was also a place where pretty much anyone could drop by and take whatever antiquity8 caught the eye.
  The museum, which is a few steps away from the cafe and the bookshop, holds most of the remaining treasures, and is worth a look. But there is still much to rove9 over on the ground, the most interesting dealing with daily life.
  More traditional, but a must on the trip, is the well-preserved amphitheatre, built in 12 B.C. Do not miss the mosaics ---- many of them, fittingly, depict ships and fish ---- at the Baths of Neptune; the rows of warehouses to feel the scale of Ostia’s commercial reach; or the tumbledown necropolis10 at the far east.
  You can even go swimming on a gravelly11 beach there. But the main pleasure, as the breeze lifts and the sun goes down over the sea, is to join in on the walking, which like many things in Italy, has been going on for a very long time.

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