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  Copley teaches 1)physical education and health at Kennett Middle School in Missouri. Recently she was drinking coffee when it went down the wrong way. The coughing soon gave way to 2)gasping as something 3)lodged in her throat.
   “I knew what was happening,”Copley said, “and I was not too scared 4)initially, but within a few seconds I could not breathe.”Unable to 5)dislodge the item, Copley walked into the school 6)hallway and encountered 13-year-old Amanda Rinks, a seventh-grader. Though unable to speak, Copley took Rinks?arms and put them in the position to do the 7)Heimlich maneuver.
  Rinks, who had learned the Heimlich from her mother, figured out what the teacher was directing her to do. After a few 8)attempts, she was able to dislodge the item from Copley’s throat.
  “It was a little 9)scary,”Rinks said. “I just did it.”
  “当时有点儿可怕。” 瑞恩克斯说,“但我成功了。”

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