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  Although zorbing[悠波球] was invented in 2000 in New Zealand, it has only recently begun to take off around the world.
  It involves a giant plastic ball which has two skins ?one inside the other. The area between the skins is pumped[打气] up with air. The person zorbing climbs into the interior[内部]. The ball is then rolled down a hill.
  “It’s not really amazingly scary, it’s not an amazing adrenalin[肾上腺素] rush -it’s just bizarrely[古怪的] fun,”said the co-inventor of zorbing, Andrew Akers.
  Like a number of other extreme sports, zorbing originated in New Zealand.
  Mr. Akers explained that there are a number of reasons why New Zealanders have developed an attraction to developing these types of activities.
  “We’re so far away from anywhere that we’ve really had to make our own fun,”he said.
  Zorbing Methods
  There are two different ways to zorb-either harnessed[绑带] inside the ball, or “hydro[水的]-zorbing,”which involves putting water in the ball, which zorbers can slide[滑动] around on as it revolves.
  There were fears that people would be sick.
  “However, of over 100,000 people who have now done it, no one has ever thrown up inside the zorb,”Mr. Akers explained.
  This is because as the zorb is 3.2m in diameter[直径], it rotates[旋转] only once every 10m -so even down 100m of hill, it will make a full rotation only 10 times.
  “The whole feeling is actually not that scary -it’s kind of a going over and over. For some people this will be the scariest thing they do, but for people who do bungee jumping or skydiving[跳伞] or white water rafting[乘筏], this really is nowhere near that sort of level of adrenalin or fear factor,”Mr. Akers added.
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