A Probe into the Cultivation Strategies of College Students' English Autonomous Learning Abilit

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  ◆Summary: The role of autonomous learning ability in learning has been given different understandings by researchers over the years, but the common point is that with the ability to learn autonomously, learners can consciously and actively learn in a targeted manner, changing the unreasonable before. Learning methods or methods, the ability to achieve better learning results. The author of this article discusses the cultivation of college students' English autonomous learning ability.
  ◆Key words:  College students; autonomous English learning; ability; training; countermeasures;
  Entering the 21st century, we have entered the information age, not only the total amount of knowledge and information is increasing day by day, but also the speed of updating is also accelerating. As a college student in the new century, school education alone can no longer meet the needs of modern social development. At present, cultivating students' autonomous learning ability has been listed as an important goal of college English teaching in my country's universities. Teachers should cultivate students' learning autonomy and guidance of learning strategies during the teaching process, so that they have the ability to manage and control their own learning.
  1 Importance of Cultivating Autonomous English Learning for College Students
  The development of society naturally puts forward higher requirements for talents. Under the new international situation, the standards for talents should be diversified, and they will have more abilities. As a new teaching model, autonomous learning It has a unique function in cultivating students' abilities.
  1.1 Cultivating students' ability to learn independently is not only the need of educational development, but also the need of social development
  The modern education philosophy emphasizes the proactive and self-adjusting role of students. The management of universities is more free and loose, and university students are also very free and have greater autonomy. In view of the current status quo, the teaching mode of high school is still dominated by traditional teachers. As a result, many students will have many unsuitable places after graduating from high school and entering the university. Therefore, in order to allow students to adapt to university life as soon as possible, Therefore, it is very important to cultivate the ability to learn independently.
  1.2 Cultivating college students to learn independently is conducive to improving the quality of teachers, enhancing the overall strength of the teaching team, and then improving the quality of education   Although the main body of autonomous learning is the students themselves, autonomous learning will increase their own thinking, more active thinking, and clear learning goals. Students themselves will encounter more problems and difficulties while exploring knowledge. At this time, the teacher It is a provider of information resources, helping students to answer their questions and guiding them to learn. Since the students have found some problems themselves, then the teacher will have such a situation at this time: the teacher may have this aspect of reserves or not. Therefore, in the context of autonomous learning, teachers must have a large amount of knowledge reserves in order to enable teachers to better help students. In addition, the personalities of the students are not the same, and the teachers' guidance methods should also be different. At this point, the teacher's actual experience is required, so that the teacher can actually guide the students to complete some learning tasks. Therefore, self-directed learning does not have no requirements for teachers at all, but puts forward higher requirements for teachers.
  1.3 Autonomous learning is conducive to cultivating students' creativity
  Because the cognitive level of different students is also uneven, teachers can organize more activities to allow students to communicate with each other, which is conducive to the training of divergent thinking among students, which can help students to exchange ideas and share ideas. Multi-angle thinking and divergent thinking will be more conducive to cultivating students' creativity.
  2 Factors Affecting College Students' English Autonomous Learning Ability
  2.1 The motivation of college students' autonomous English learning is not clear
  The author found through a survey of senior students in our school that 55% believed that their English ability had improved a bit during college, while 40% of the students thought that they had not improved, and some students thought that their English had declined. The students who think they improve are also improved during the preparation for the fourth and sixth grades and graduate exams, and the improvement is also limited to the ability of the test, mainly in vocabulary, and secondly in reading. Rather than reading professional articles within the scope of the exam, the reading ability of the entire book such as newspapers and periodicals has not improved significantly. The degree of improvement in translation and writing is even lower. However, the English proficiency of the students who did not enter the postgraduate entrance examination did not improve or even declined after the fourth and sixth test. The problems brought by this single test motivation for the follow-up teaching of college English are worthy of reflection by college English teachers.   2.2 The lack of English context hinders the development of potential abilities
  At present, some students think that English is just a communication tool, and has nothing to do with our future career. This kind of understanding makes the character students think that they have finished learning English and that the professional courses have nothing to do with English. They don't want to spend time and effort to learn things that are of no practical use. Therefore, transforming the purpose of learning English from examination to use is an important part of further developing and continuing students' English ability. Curriculum setting should be closely integrated with the learning motivation of students. The goal of nurturing talents also needs to be achieved through specific courses. However, traditional English textbooks are mostly literary and lack systematic cross-over with other subjects. This lacks sufficient useful information for college students who are more concerned about practicality. Students’ cognition and emotion cannot be awakened, and the learners’ existing learning motivation may be frustrated and bored due to such long-term useless information input.
  2.3 Students lack knowledge of English learning strategies
  The key for students to have the ability to learn English autonomously is to have some common English learning strategies, otherwise autonomous learning cannot be carried out. Most college students lack understanding of English learning strategies and cannot use English learning strategies effectively.
  2.4 Influencing factors
  The first is the lack of independent personality training and educational democracy. The second is the perplexity of learning freedom. The last is the impact of the social environment. The utilitarian thoughts in society have gradually permeated the college students. They are eager for quick success, impetuous, and in the choice of learning content, they attach importance to the practical value of knowledge and ignore the learning of humanistic knowledge related to self-cultivation. In addition, the problem of difficulty in obtaining employment for college students is increasingly emerging. Facing the pressure of employment, some students treat it negatively, thinking that “reading is useless”. During school, it is not good to study and waste four years of precious time. The relationship between the university and the society Compared with primary and secondary schools, it is closer. Therefore, the overall atmosphere of the society has a very important influence on the autonomous learning of college students.   3 Countermeasures to strengthen the cultivation of college students' English autonomous learning ability
  3.1 College students should establish the learning philosophy of lifelong education
  Lifelong education emphasizes that people should constantly "learn to recognize, learn to do things, learn to live together, and learn to survive" throughout their lives. Emphasize the coordinated development of individual cognition, ability, thinking, emotion, value, body, etc., and ultimately realize the all-round development of people and promote the healthy development of society. Lifelong education breaks the traditional concept of one-time education. At the beginning of this century, the "University English Curriculum Teaching Requirements" (for trial implementation) promulgated by the Ministry of Education requires the reform of traditional teaching models and teaching methods. It clearly points out that the goal of college English teaching is to cultivate students' comprehensive English application ability and comprehensive cultural literacy, so that they can In future work and social interactions, English will be used to effectively communicate oral and written information. In order to achieve this goal, the "University English Course Teaching Requirements" advocates optimizing students' learning strategies and learning methods, enhancing students' subjective initiative, enabling students to have learning autonomy, becoming true active learners, and thus having sustainable development. ability.
  3.2 Colleges and universities should strengthen the creation of a good self-learning atmosphere
  Colleges and universities should combine teaching content with students' learning interests, take each course or a certain chapter as a project, and carry out real project teaching activities in connection with reality. Teachers are no longer the dominant players. Their role is mainly reflected in the mechanism of inspiring students to learn independently and self-education, fully stimulating students' interest and enthusiasm in learning, tapping the potential of each student, and giving students according to the characteristics and hobbies of different student’s Appropriate guidance. In project teaching, students are no longer passive recipients of knowledge, but based on the content of the course they have learned, and linking with the actual implementation of project teaching activities. In this process, group-based units are fully cultivated to carry out project teaching activities between schools. In this process In the process of fully cultivating the subject teaching in small groups, fully respect and reflect students' learning autonomy and management power. In an autonomous learning environment, the classroom is no longer a single classroom, and students can use the learning platform, in order to achieve the purpose of mastering the knowledge and skills learned.   3.3 Enhance students' learning effectiveness
  In the process of cultivating students' autonomous learning ability, the school adopts incentives and encouragement methods to minimize the impact on students' academic work; more platforms are added for students' academic exchanges, so that students can experience the feeling of success more, which will not only improve Students' general self-efficacy can also promote the effectiveness of students' management of learning motivation. Of course, success and the enhancement of self-efficacy are not a simple relationship. Success in easy tasks is of little value in evaluating self-efficacy. When completing more difficult tasks, students' self-efficacy can be gained. improve. The evaluation of others also indirectly affects the evaluation of students' self-efficacy. People with similar or slightly higher abilities provide individuals with the most confidence in measuring their own effectiveness.
  3.4 Guide students to improve time management efficiency
  Due to the drawbacks of our country's education system, that is, at the elementary education stage, teachers have almost no education on student time management. Students' time in junior high and high school is arranged by teachers and parents, but when students arrive at university, the extracurricular time has increased, but college students are obviously not adapting to the relaxed management model. This poses a severe challenge to the time management of college students. Many students do not have the concept of time management after entering colleges, and for the free time left by teachers. Usually, they can't make good use of it. Many students are addicted to online games, social software, etc., completely ignoring the importance of time management, and they do not realize the importance of time management. For colleges and universities, teaching students how to manage time correctly is an important topic. Students themselves must first realize the importance of time management, and then it is possible to learn to manage their own time, so that students can improve their time management. Utilization rate and awareness of the importance of time. If the school can offer courses on time management types or related quality development training, it will teach students to establish correct time management from the front, and improve the effectiveness and effective utilization of unit time.
  3.5 Supervise teachers to carry out academic evaluation of students   The school did not consider the teachers' own characteristics and the teachers 'individual needs when setting up posts for teachers. If the teachers' psychology is not satisfied, it will affect the enthusiasm of the teachers for work, and the low quality of the work of the teachers will directly affect the students' academic work Schools should not only consider the psychological needs of excellent teachers and students with excellent academic performance, but it is also necessary to motivate teachers whose scientific research performance or teaching level needs to be improved and students with poor performance. The punishment mechanism can only serve as a warning, but cannot solve the problem fundamentally. To motivate the underachievers and teachers who need to improve their teaching level from the side, not only can they take care of their psychology but also get good results.
  3.6 Teachers should strengthen their own learning and update teaching concepts
  In the current college English classroom, the teachers are mainly born in the 1980s, and most of them are young teachers who graduated from common colleges and universities in English, English language, English translation and other similar majors. They lack systematic and complete higher education, psychology, and teaching methods. The theoretical knowledge and teaching experience are insufficient. Classroom teaching is mainly instillation, and there is a lack of information exchange, sharing and feedback between teachers and students, students and students. And some college English teaching objects are born in the 90s who have grown up with the rapid development of informatization. They have distinct characteristics of the times: the use rate of electronic products and mobile Internet has increased year by year, and the Internet has become the main carrier of learning and life; The screen-style information acquisition and interpersonal communication have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In this situation, English teachers should consciously strengthen the learning of educational teaching theories and methods, change the traditional concept of "learning by teaching", and establish the teaching concept of "student-oriented and teacher-led" through WeChat, Weibo, professional QQ exchange groups, free online courses and other ways to strengthen business improvement, consolidate their own professional knowledge, and have the ability to guide students in independent learning.   3.7 Teachers should communicate with students in a timely manner and encourage students to write down their learning experience on a regular basis
  The process of education is the process of dynamic interpersonal relationship between teachers and students in both rational and emotional aspects. "A good teacher-student relationship is an effective basis for the implementation/happy learning concept." Teachers should communicate with students in a real sense." Understand their "Learning experience and experience" encourage students to write down their learning experience regularly. Through this practice, students will have a better understanding of their own learning and can analyze the reasons for their own learning successes and failures, so as to achieve better self-learning results. The purpose of "At the same time, teachers can help students analyze their learning situation and put forward reasonable suggestions in time." This can help students enhance their understanding of their own learning methods and strategies.
  3.8 Provide students with lively and diverse learning methods
  Create a variety of English learning methods, provide a variety of practical activities, stimulate students' interest in learning English, and enable students to swim in the knowledge world of English. It is necessary to actively create an environment for learning English, make full use of class time, and use group discussion-style teaching to stimulate students’ desire to express their opinions, which invisibly exercises students’ oral English and listening skills; encourages students to read English magazines, Expand English knowledge and improve English reading ability; require students to write diaries in English and communicate with each other, which not only exercises students' writing skills, but also cultivates students' habit of thinking in English, which is of great significance for Tibetan college students to improve their overall English proficiency The driving role of the. In the classroom, teachers should fully explore students’ hobbies and combine them with English learning, so that the English classroom attracts students like a huge magnetic field, and actively guides students to think and discuss English with multimedia technology to make teaching the form is vivid and lively, so as to establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship and cultivate students' strong interest in learning English. Outside class, English reading, English speech and other intelligence and knowledge competitions are often held, which not only satisfies the students’ strong desire for self-expression, but also enhances students’ confidence in learning English actively. Make good use of the school’s FM station and set up listening counseling for students. A good language environment; encourage students to listen to VOA, BBC and other radio channels, expand multiple channels, and cultivate students' interest in learning English actively.
  [2]冯欣欣.网络环境下大学生英语自主学习能力培养研究[A].Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute, Singapore、Huazhong Normal University, China.Proceedings of 2017 7th ESE International Conference on Management Science, Education Science and Human Development (ESE-MEH 2017)[C].Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute, Singapore、Huazhong Normal University, China:智能信息技术应用学会,2017:4.
◆摘 要:初中时期是学生情感形成的关键时期,但这一时期也是学生情感的叛逆期。现在的初中生都是“00”后,他们往往追求个性自由,反对束缚,如果教师仍然沿用传统的教学方法,必然会导致学生的逆反心理。在此背景下,情感教育法就应运而生。笔者在总结前人情感教育法运用经验的基础上,结合自身对班级管理的实践,分析了当前班主任管理中存在的一些问题,并探讨了情感教育法下班主任班级管理的措施,希望本文能为班主任做好班
◆摘 要:幼儿本身就对未知的世界充满了好奇,手工活动就为幼儿探索世界提供了良好的机会,幼儿可以在手工活动中发挥自己的想象力和创造力,通过手工活动锻炼了幼儿动手、动脑能力的发展,促进幼儿身心协调发展。但是在实际教学中,幼儿园在开展幼儿手工活动中还存在一定的问题,重要是手工材料投放不合理、手工活动的组织缺乏系统性、教师指导方法单一等。因此,本文主要针对这些问题提出解决对策,为幼儿园的教育工作者提供一些
◆摘 要:高校中音乐类专业学生是一个特殊群体,专业特点、学习方式、生活习惯等方面有其自身的特点,因此也会给班级管理工作带来一定难度,但是班级管理作为学生管理工作的重要组成部分,对学生今后学习和发展有很大的影响,高质量的班级管理工作可以为学生创建浓厚学习氛围,促进和谐师生关系。因此,高校应该结合音乐专业学生实际情况来制定相应的班级管理实践策略,全面提高音乐专业学生的音乐素养。  ◆关键词:高校;音乐
◆摘 要:在传统的教学模式中,教师往往偏重于科学文化知识和人文知识的传授而忽略了对班级团队的建设,这对于开展教学活动而言是不利的。为了较为有效地解决这个问题,教师可以对竞技游戏进行一定地应用,让学生能够在游戏的过程中较为有效地增强自己的团队合作意识和竞争意识,这对于学生的发展而言有着不言而喻的重要性。本文围绕有输有赢式体验——运用竞技游戏提升班级团队建设展开论述,希望对大家有所帮助。  ◆关键词:
◆摘 要:高职院校学生最后一学年为顶岗实习期,学生面临既要完成学业,又要尽快适应社会,在学业完成上、生活上和心理上都会出现一些变化,因此需要班主任多加以引导和帮助,文章通过具体的班级工作,详细分享总结了高职院校毕业班班主任开展的一些工作。  ◆关键词:高职院校;毕业班;班主任  毕业班工作是高校学生工作的重点。在竞争和就业压力日益增大的今天,这一问题更加突出。毕业班学生在政治思想、学习、就业等方面
◆摘 要:新时代下小学生的思想观念发生了显著变化,如何采取有效管理策略加强对学生的生活教育、学习管理,已成为小学班主任面临的主要问题。因此,小学班主任应该充分意识到当下小学生思想和习惯的变化,应该及时转变管理模式,创新管理体系,秉持“以人为本”的教育理念,全方位做好学生的思想教育工作和生活学习指导,积极探索出一条小学班主任管理路径,全面提升班主任管理工作水平。  ◆关键词:小学班主任;班级管理;创
◆摘 要:家庭是幼儿成长的第一任教育者,幼儿园是幼儿学习知识、形成良好品质、养成优良行为习惯的主要阵地,通过遵循办学、教学、共育的教育理念实现家园共育,让这一教育方式常态化,培养出幼儿良好的公德和品行,养成其良好的行为习惯,为幼儿今后的健康成长奠定基础。因此,家庭和幼儿园作为幼儿成长的主要阵地,如何通过两者的“共同合作”培养幼儿的品德,养成幼儿良好的行为习惯,已成为家长和幼儿园教师面临的主要问题。
◆摘 要:新时代下高中生的思想观念发生了显著变化,如何采取有效管理策略加强对学生的生活教育、学习管理,已成为高中班主任面临的主要问题。因此,在新课改背景下,高中班主任应该及时转变管理模式,创新管理体系,采取“以人为本”的教育理念,全方位做好学生的思想教育工作和生活学习指导,积极探索出一条管理路径,全面提升班级管理水平。  ◆关键词:新时代;高中班主任;班级管理  高中班主任管理工作是一项较为复杂且
◆摘 要:新时代的到来,国家对于教育行业的关注程度逐渐提升。尤其是在新课程改革标准的背景之下,各学科的教学内容都在发生更改。小学阶段,学生正处于认识世界的关键时期、价值观念不是特别地成熟。因此班主任一定要做好学生的引路人,在班级管理过程之中渗透德育内容、考虑学生的身心特征、尊重学生的差异性。循序渐进地对学生进行德育内容的渗透,只有这样才能对学生进行正确的引导  ◆关键词:小学班主任;班级管理;德育
◆摘 要:数学学科重视对学生思维逻辑和数学素养的培养,小学是学生对于数学的起步和初长阶段,教师应重视小学学生在学习数学的过程中是否有兴趣,引导学生对数学有良好的学科印象。小组合作模式可以加强学生的课堂参与度,增加学生的学习兴趣,在小组合作中每个学生都有独立思考的机会,此教学模式可以锻炼学生思维能力,让学生灵活运用课堂知识。本文结合案例探讨了小学数学小组合作模式的教学方法。  ◆关键词:小组合作;小