The Application of Task-based Language Teaching Method in Middle School Oral English Teaching

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  Abstract:Through the study of the application of task-based teaching method in middle school oral English, this paper focuses on the importance of oral English teaching and exploring new teaching methods, to promote the oral English ability of middle school students, and enhance cultural communication between China and global countries. Teachers and students are no longer the traditional rigid relationships, teachers are both planners and participants in teaching activities. Students in the spoken language environment created by the teachers from the bystanders to the participants, gradually improve the ability to communicate in spoken English.
  Key words:Task-based teaching; oral communication; stimulus training task
  I. Introduction
  Task-based pedagogy is the development of the communicative teaching method. It has aroused people’s extensive attention in the world language education world. With the advancement of the new curriculum reform, the task-based teaching method has become more and more widely used in teaching. It plays an especially important role in the teaching of spoken English, and it can guide students to actively use what they have learned in oral English teaching activities and achieve mastery, thus becoming the master of learning.
  II. The Theoretical Basis of Task-Based Teaching Method
  Nunan argues that task-based pedagogy has the following characteristics: Task-based pedagogy requires teachers to introduce real language materials into their teaching. Students should not only pay attention to language projects, but also attach importance to the learning process itself. The task-based pedagogy emphasizes the personal experience of students and requires students to study by themselves.
  The task-based approach emphasizes the learning process and introduces the real language materials into the learning environment so as to enable students to participate in the learning process by accomplishing real life tasks, so as enable students to develop their ability to use English. As psychologist Rogers pointed out, “Creating a good teaching atmosphere is the main condition for guaranteeing effective teaching, and the establishment of such a good teaching atmosphere is based on good human relationships.” (J,2003:11)
  III. Problems and The Causes of Oral English Teaching in High School
  Dumb English is the true portrayal of most Chinese students’ oral English ability. “Dumb” here does not mean that Chinese students can not speak an English fluently, and they can not conduct theirs’ daily conversation in English and have low oral communication skills. They may be able to read foreign masterpieces and esoteric academic documents well, perhaps able to write eloquent English essays, even perform well in the written tests of various international exams, such as GRE, IELTS, TOFEL and other examinations. These examinations cannot be used as the basis for foreigners to judge if his or her spoken English is good enough. In addition to the poor performance of phonetic fluency, more worrying is that many students are reluctant to speak English, even in the classroom, in the face of teacher supervision, students barely answer individual words. After back home, no one to urge them, it is hard for them to open the mouth.   Under the influence of the college entrance examination baton, almost all the thoughts of teachers are focused on the type of practice and examination skills training, no time to take into account the thinking ability of students, the cultivation of innovative spirit for oral English. Therefore, students can not form a good learning habits and effective oral English learning strategies. Second, there has been a tendency to emphasize knowledge and improve students’ oral English abilities. The main reason that leads to the low level of English in our Chinese students is that professors pay too much attention to English grammar rules in teaching, while neglect the cultivation of practical ability of students. Exam-oriented education caused another drawback is do not teach something which not be taken seriously by paper grade.
  IV. Conclusion
  As a new teaching mode, task-based language teaching pays more attention to the adjustment of students’ learning strategies and the improvement of emotional goals. During the whole teaching process of Oral English in senior high school, task-based language teaching should fully develop students’ ability of divergent thinking and innovative thinking, greatly improve their language communication skills, and reflect the students’ subjectivity and autonomy.
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摘要:在初中的英语学习过程中,要充分发挥学生的主体作用,让学生能够自己探索英语知识海洋的奥秘,培养学生对英语的热爱,让他们把英语这门语言看为一种提升内在的需要,不断从学习接受者转变为探索者,引导学生独立思考,自主判断,不断调动学生学习英语的积极主动性,从而提高初中生的英语核心素养,为我国建设一批优秀人才打下良好的语言基础。  关键词:初中英语;自主学习;新课程标准  引言:  目前很多初中生对英语
摘要:中职院校的思政课教师承担着向学生传授政治理论知识的重任,肩负着对学生开展思想政治教育的使命。中职院校思政课教师队伍的教育教学水平直接影响着学生的学业学习与思想认知,也决定着社会主义意识形态在中职院校的落地开花。因此,加强中职院校思政课教师队伍的建设对学生、对院校、对社会都发挥着重要的作用,加强思政课教师队伍建设意义重大。  关键词:思政课;教师队伍;师资力量  师者,传道授业解惑也。思想政治
摘要:随着我国教育事业的发展,对幼儿教育也提出了更高的要求,幼兒教育是一个孩子教育的启蒙阶段,因为大部分的行为习惯都是这个时期形成的。所以,在这个重要的时期,幼儿园管理的科学性与否直接影响到孩子的发展。而现如今的很多幼儿园对于管理模式还只是传统方式,这对于孩子的发展是十分不利的,所以就要进行管理创新。  关键词:幼儿园;管理;教育;新策略  引言:  近年来,幼儿园办学日益多样化,给幼儿园管理带来
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一、把社会主义核心价值观融入到语文课堂的重要意义  《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)前言》部分着重指出:语文课程致力于培养学生的语言文字运用能力,提升学生的综合素养,为学好其他课程打下基础;为学生形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,形成良好个性和健全人格打下基础;为学生的全面发展和终身发展打下基础。语文课程对继承和弘扬中华民族优秀文化传统和革命传统,增强民族文化认同感,增强民族文化认同感,增强
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摘要:爱是一种伟大的力量,没有爱就没有教育。只有教育有爱才能完成“传道授业解惑”这一光荣而又伟大的任务。宽待孩子的慢慢长大,也是育人的体现,在教育的过程里,播撒爱的种子。  关键词:教育;关爱;点燃希望;倾听  上帝给我一个任务,叫我牵一只蜗牛散步。  我不能走得太快,蜗牛已经尽力爬,每次总是挪那么一点点。  我催它,我唬它,我责备它,  蜗牛用抱歉的眼光看着我,仿佛说:“人家已经尽了全力!”  
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摘要:本研究旨在通过借鉴国内外学者已有的留学生就读满意度调查经验,在深入了解留学生真实想法基础上全面、深入得围绕来华留学生就读满意度问题构建指标体系,并依靠满意度模型来测量和分析留学生的就读满意度及影响因素。本项目以江苏大学来华留学生为研究对象,运用调查法对江苏大学大学非短期在读的国际留学生进行调查。  一、研究背景:  20世纪70年代末以来,特别是近10年来,随着世界经济全球化、政治多极化、文