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  Since 1980 China has had a one-child policy. The result is that traditionally large families have turned into 1)inverted pyramids with multiple grandparents for every treasured little one, a child on whom much attention is 2)lavished and of whom great things are expected.
  This is the Long Yun Guzheng Training Academy. It’s a private music school where girls learn to play the Guzheng. The school is run by Ms. Long, herself a fine 3)soloist, who has even toured in the U.S. I asked her how many of the students are only children.
  Long Dejun: (via translator) All of the students in this school are only children. We have 300 students, a little over 300.
  Ms. Long says the pressure that only children can feel might be too much for some students, but it might actually make others work harder.
  In this practice room, three girls age six, six and a half, and ten play in 4)unison with a 5)metronome keeping time. Each is perched on her three-legged stool in front of her instrument. The six-and-a-half-year-old in the front chair is so little her feet don’t reach the ground. As the children take their lessons, the parents or grandparents who brought them wait. A few told us their kids practice at least an hour a day. I asked Ye Ping about the phenomenon of so many only children. She’s an accountant who is waiting for her 10-year-old daughter. She said, yes, these kids live under a great deal of pressure.
  Ye Ping: (via translator) Children here don’t have a very happy childhood.
  Reporter: What would be a better word to describe their childhood?
  Ye Ping: (via translator) Hard work.
  Song Daode is a 66-year-old retiree who happily admits to 6)doting full time on his 12-year-old granddaughter. She’s his only grandchild. He says many more people now can provide their kids with a good education and they feel that they have to so that their children can compete.
  Song Daode: (via translator) The big difference between China and other countries is that there are so many of us, so the pressures on the children are so much greater. I’ve been to Singapore and they don’t have as many people. Pressure on their students is not as great as here. In China, the pressure to study is great. So we parents and grandparents are all running around in circles for our kids.
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金球奖、英国电影学院奖、奥斯卡奖……到了3月,英美的各大电影奖项基本尘埃落定。候选的电影中,詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《阿凡达》一定还让大家记忆犹新。论“烧钱”与“挣钱”,论各项技术指标,这部影片都堪称绝无仅有。不过,小编觉得影片最最为人津津乐道的还是其导演——早就凭《泰坦尼克号》傲视影坛的卡梅隆为实现儿时梦想永不言弃的精神。  “十四年磨一剑”,这份执着与坚毅,又是多少奥斯卡奖座才能抵得上呢?    3D
On any given Sunday, right across America, little girls 1)primp and 2)preen. Pose and 3)pout. At beauty 4)pageants like this one, thousands of tiny princesses are paraded by their doting mums and dads