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  From where he sat at a roadside stall each morning eating breakfast, Maheswaran (Mahes) Kandasam could look right into SRK (T) Saraswathy, a primary school for children from the squatter1 areas off Old Klang Road in Kuala Lumpur. He noticed that moss2 covered the flooded grounds every time it rained.
   Finally, when a flash flood closed the school in March 2002, the 44-year-old building contractor decided it was time to act. Mahes brought in 100 truckloads of soil, had the school grounds levelled and recruited3 80 parents to help turf4 the new fields. His efforts got him appointed to the Parent-Teacher Association even though the newlywed5 didn’t have any children at the time.
   Using left-over paint and materials from his building projects, Mahes has since repainted the entire school, carpeted the school offices and had the leaky plumbing fixed.
   “Others started to notice the changes, which promoted6 more people to come forward to help,” says school principal M. Mariappan. “If not for Mahes, we never would have attracted the kind of aid we get now.” According to Mariappan, Saraswathy is now one of the best Tamilanguage schools in the district.
   Thanaletchumi, an alumnus7 who sends her two kids to Saraswathy, says the improvements have sparked her children’s interest in learning. “In the past we couldn’t even wear shoes to school because it was always flooded. Now it’s dry and clean, and the children feel happier.”
   Sarojini Sinnasamy, who has taught at Saraswathy for 20 years, says the teachers are also more motivated, and many give up their free time to tutor students studying for Malaysia’s national examinations.
   Mahes now wants to organise free medical check-ups for the students with his wife, who is a doctor. He also plans to offer cash prizes to high achievers and help run the school’s new preschool, where he may send his two-year-old son. “I just hope to inspire others to do the same so underprivileged8 kids get a good education to equip them for life.”

  王善武 摘译自Medical Economics
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