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  In the sky of Egypt, the sand which likes an alive volution2 even touches the cloud. The three famous Egyptian pyramids, majestic royal mausoleums3 standing in the sandy field, show us that they’re so small but filled with pride. Compared to time and space, though the construction may be huge enough, it couldn’t be such concrete.
  Next to the majestic royal mausoleum, the archeologists dag out the mausoleum of the imperial4 concubine5, in which lay a female mummy whose atrium6 sinistrum and aortic7 ventricle8 had set a rose surprisingly while there was a mud board with a kiss sealed on her ventriculus dexter9 and atrium dextrum. It told of a love affair regarding the imperial concubine, and never withered even though time passed. It is not a discovery of archeology, but of love.
  It is not very anecdote10 that old Egyptians could make mummies by little animals the departed saint loved very much before his death. A mummy with a rose? If we know how complicated it is to make a mummy, we should be surprised at the excellent technique of preventing it from rotting and also the existence of a rose.
  In modern time, we could dry it as quick as we can and seal it with plastics in order to keep its bright colour from withering. But in ancient Egypt there was no such technique, and it was more difficult to make a mummy with a rose. After drying the rose, it is estimated11 that an unknown Pharaoh12 took great pains to dye the rose with blood, so that the entire flower changed into the unusual black rose. The perpetuity appeared but whether it had been cast a spell is not known.
  My friend and I sailed on the branch of the Nile, taking an autoboat13 to visit the whole village of Pharaoh , through a performance the villagers gave we could appreciate the ordinary life, the crops and the techniques of making Papyrus of the ancient Egyptians and saw beautiful Egypt women refine enchanted essence from fresh flowers and miraculous sanctuary14. From those scenery, we could get a general view of the life style of the ancient Egypt.
  Watching the green Nile water, it seemed that Icould see the scenery of the past. The Pharaoh sent only some rose to his sweet concubine. In his heart, the only rose is the honest love.
  This concubine was called Nilme. The Pharaoh wanted to make her the Queen, but a lot of people disapproved and said that she puzzled the Pharaoh and couldn’t have a baby. Royal members strongly demanded the Pharaoh of changing a new Queen but the Pharaoh stuck to his point of view. Eventually, the concubine died of poisonous snake. People thought it was a doom. The only one who was very sad for this was the Pharaoh.
  The next day, I took a canvasand palette15 to paint alone beside the pyramid. The mummy in the pyramid was painted by colored pencils with a rose marked on her atrium sinistrum and aortic ventricle. The palette of the rose was dry, and when I touched the leaves as if a marked imprint, I erased the palette at once with a knife and used my finger to color it. The palette changed like a flower with thousands of layers, like fingerprints and also like lines of leaves. Just like the Pharaoh’s mud board with a sealed kiss. I sealed the envelope with my fingers as a response to the Pharaoh’s love.
  In the desert of great sand, this painting disappeared. The perpetual true love is just like the existence of the sand, and even if that rose is small and nihility16, in the eyes of lovers who could understand love, the small became very huge.
  A mummy rose lost in the desert.

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