Movement behavior of a spider on a horizontal surface

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuxin0226
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Studying the locomotive behavior of animals has the potential to inspire the design of the mechanism and gait patterns of robots (“bio-inspired robots”). The kinematics characteristics of a spider (Ornithoctonus huwena), including movement of the legs, movement of the center of mass (COM) and joint-rotation angle, were obtained from the observation of locomotion behaviors recorded by a three-dimensional locomotion observation system. Our results showed that one set of the stance phase consists of four legs, which were leg-1 and leg-3 on one side and leg-2 and leg-4 on the other side. Additionally, two sets of the stance phase comprised eight legs alternately supporting and driving the motion of the spider’s body. The spider primarily increased its movement velocity by increasing stride frequency. In comparison to other insects, the spider, O. huwena, has superior movement stability. The velocity and height of COM periodically fluctuated during movement, reaching a maximum during alternation of leg phase, and falling to a minimum in the steady stance phase. The small change in deflection angle of the hind-leg was effective in driving locomotion, whereas each joint-rotation angle of the fore-leg changed irregularly during locomotion. This research will help in the design of bio-inspired robots, including the selection of gait planning and its control. Studying the locomotive behavior of animals has the potential to inspire the design of the mechanism and gait patterns of robots (“bio-inspired robots”). The kinematics characteristics of a spider (Ornithoctonus huwena), including movement of the legs, movement of the center of mass (COM) and joint-rotation angle, were obtained from the observation of locomotion behaviors recorded by a three-dimensional locomotion observation system. Our results showed that one set of the stance phase consists of four legs, which were leg -1 and leg-3 on one side and leg-2 and leg-4 on the other side. Additionally, two sets of the stance phase composed eight legs alternately supporting and driving the motion of the spider’s body. velocity by increasing stride frequency. In comparison insects, the spider, O. huwena, has superior movement stability. The velocity and height of COM Periodically fluctuating during movement, reaching a maximum during alteration rnation of leg phase, and falling to a minimum in the steady stance phase. The small change in deflection angle of the hind-leg was effective in driving locomotion, each each joint-rotation angle of the fore-leg changed irregularly during locomotion. research will help in the design of bio-inspired robots, including the selection of gait planning and its control.
罗杰斯在《自由学习》中写道:真正的学习“就是青少年在源源不断的好奇心的驱使下,不知疲倦地吸收自己听到、看到、读到的一切有意义的东西。真正在“学”的学生是从真实生活中有所发现,然后把这发现变成自己的财富的人。作为一名工作在教育教学第一线的农村高中的英语教师,我对此深有体会,可是什么才能够真正吸引学生,激发学生的好奇心,使之持续学习下去呢?  从最初小学生对知识的渴求,到初中生对知识的习以为常,现在的
现代教育引入了以计算机为主的信息技术教学手段,提出了以“超媒体”方式组织教学信息,以“任务驱动”组织教学过程的思想。  一、什么是“任务驱动”  “任务驱动”教学法符合探究式教学模式,适用于培养学生的创新能力和独立分析问题、解决问题的能力。信息技术课是一门实践性很强、极富创造性、具有明显的时代发展性特点的课程。“任务驱动”教学法符合计算机系统的层次性和实用性,提出了由表及里、逐层深入的学习途径,便
摘 要:在新课程标准下,针对低年段的学生年龄特点,教师应如何激发学生的兴趣,让每节音乐课都成为“快乐课堂”。  关键词:快乐;兴趣  作为一名音乐教师,要让每个学生在上音乐课时感到快乐,让学生在快乐课堂中爱上音乐,让音乐成为他们的终身爱好。这是每个音乐教师所追求的目标。每当我听到学生们在议论着“今天的音乐课很好玩……今天的音乐课我很开”时,倍感欣慰。那么如何让音乐课快乐起来?如何让学生能享受快乐的
Microelectrode arrays (MEAs) for stimulation and signal recording of in vitro cultured neurons are presented.Each MEA is composed of 60 independent electrodes w
我国在传统的数学教学上取得了极大的成功,但是随着时代的发展,社会更需要高素质的研究性人才,传统的教学方法已面临一些问题亟待解决。  一、中学数学教学的现状  (1)教学内容繁、难、偏、旧。教材比较偏重逻辑性,强调结构严谨,对学生的感性认识培养不够:偏重知识的传授,对知识的发生发展过程重视不够;强调统一性,关注学生的个性差异性不够;对学生的数学学习特点、应用数学知识解决实际问题等重视不够。  (2)
摘 要:对于初中物理的学习来说,无论是学习内容还是学习强度以及学习难度都一定程度上都高于其它课程。近些年,随着新课改的推进和实施,一些新的教育教学观念和教学策略开始在一线教学中得到推广。初中物理有其自身的教学特性和学习策略,只要学生能有效的运用学习方法就能提升初中物理的学习效率。本文中,笔者结合自身多年的教育教学经验,主要探究了如何在新课改的背景下采取有效的策略来提升学生对初中物理的学习效率。  