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  (Singing) And a pot of fresh coffee, just to cheer the long night.
  In most of North America during the early 19th century everybody 2)roasted their own beans, which sounds nice, and 3)in a way it was, at least it was fresh-roasted. But mostly, what people would do would be to put the beans in their frying pan, and then sort of stir them around on top of a 4)wood stove. And they would get burned on the outside, they would be raw on the inside and it would be pretty terrible coffee. And then they would grind them with a little 5)hand grinder, and they would brew it by boiling it for like a half an hour, or just leaving it on the stove all day long. 6)Particularly cowboys prided themselves on their really strong coffee. You know, “Strong enough to float a 7)horseshoe,” was their phrase. You know, you really want good strong coffee. So this was fairly disgusting stuff.
  For workers of the Industrial Revolution a cup of coffee isn’t about taste, but about keeping alert in the new, steam powered factories. With Brazil producing lots of cheap coffee, Americans can afford to drink it. All they need is someone to roast the beans.
  8)The Gold Rush attracts people from all over North America looking to make their fortune. One is a young man named Jim Folger(James Folger) who comes from a famous whaling family.
  The Folgers were so famous that Herman Melville mentioned them when he wrote 9)Moby Dick. They lived in Nantucket, but by the 1840s the 10)sperm whales were pretty much hunted out so the young Folger boys, teenagers, were allowed by their parents to take ship to the 11)boomtown of San Francisco to try to find gold.
  When they got to California there wasn’t enough money for all three of them to go up into the mining areas, and so James stayed behind and he was eventually hired as a 12)carpenter for a Mr. William Bovee, who…he started a coffee and spice mill in San Francisco.
  If you had a fresh egg to sell on the trail you could get ten dollars for an egg. What do you figure you could get for a pound of coffee?
  At that time most of the people on the gold fields were men, and they didn’t have all of the equipment necessary to actually roast the coffee and to grind it with them. And so, James Folger realized that if he could roast the coffee and grind the coffee, and take it up to the gold fields already roasted and ground, it would be better for the miners. And they immediately fell in love with his product.
  And Folger eventually took over the entire business and decided that he could make his fortune, not from gold, but from coffee.
  淘金热吸引了整个北美渴望致富的人。这些人中有一个叫做吉姆·福尔杰(即詹姆 斯·福尔杰)的年轻人,他来自一个著名的捕鲸家族。



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