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  Will Wright is literally[确实] interested in everything. Based on his conversation, he might be a biologist or an economist. In fact, he designs video games for a living. Wright is the inventor of The Sims, the revolutionary[革命性的] game in which actual humans control the lives of little simulated[模拟的] humans, making them go to work or fall in love or swim around in virtual[虚拟的]
  swimming pools till they drown. The Sims is the
  best-selling computer game of all time. Among game designers, Wright is considered a living god. Now he wants to make you a god too.
  For the past seven years, Wright has been working on one of the most ambitious video games ever conceived[构想出]. The basic idea is to blow out The Sims to the horizon in all directions: this time you create and control an entire species. Guys, here comes the generation of Spore.
  A comet crashes into Earth bearing organic[有机的] material from outer space. This represents an actual hypothesis[假设] of how life on Earth began, called panspermia[胚种论], which Wright considers to be fairly plausible[可信的]. But that’s not why he put it in Spore. He put it in because it’s more fun than other hypotheses.
  God rested after he created life, but you’re just getting started. Next you take care of your new life-form through its single-celled stage until it’s ready to crawl[爬] onto land, at which time you decide where its various eyes and ears and limbs and less easily identifiable[易于辨认的]
  appendages[附属肢体] go. Then it must learn to feed itself and reproduce. Eventually, it forms tribes and builds cities. Finally it achieves spaceflight, whereupon you guide it off into the galaxy to meet other species.
  “A game like this can actually generate interesting, meaningful conversations between people,” Wright says. “I think that’s the best thing it can do.”
  In The Sims, people told stories about their private lives. Spore should lend itself to very different kinds of narratives[叙述]. “I think Spore is going to be closer to Tolkien or Lucas or Kubrick注,” Wright says, “in terms of these very epic stories about the meaning of life and its destination.” What’s interesting about Wright is that he doesn’t have to be Tolkien or Lucas or Kubrick. He wants you to be. “I’m a little different from a lot of other game designers in that I’m never interested in trying to tell a story,” he explains.
  “I’m much more interested in the players being able to tell stories.”
  Q&A with Wright
  Q: It’s been almost 20 years since you brought us SimCity. When did you realize that you were able to create something as vast as Spore?
  A: I think it was The Sims that showed us the value of having the players in a more creative role [in the game], able to create their own characters, their own houses. They got very emotionally connected to these experiences. With Spore, we went about giving players the next level of creative control. Almost everything that you see on screen in Spore at some point in the game the players will create and manipulate[操纵].
  Q: What is your advice to people who sit down to the game and suddenly it’s seven hours later?
  A: (laughs) You always hope eventually [the game] sparks someone to get off the computer and go find out more about global climate, or the history of civilization, or evolution, or astronomy[天文学]. Really, you’re playing with the toy version of something that’s a much deeper subject.
作为2009国际天文年的其中一个基础项目,“她是天文学家”(She is an Astronomer: breaking down misconceptions)致力于推动天文学领域的性别平等。一直以来,女性天文学家对天文学作出了极大贡献,然而为人熟知的少之又少。在她们当中最不可忽略的当数美国第一位女性天文学家玛丽亚·米切尔。可以说,现今有许多女性活跃于美国天文界,或多或少要归功于这位长期投身于天
1)Meteorites on the ground or icy comets millions of miles away are usually the only sources of ancient matter from the early days of the solar system.   But in a high-flying experiment, researchers h
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每年1至3月就是全球各大电影颁奖典礼的盛宴,从有力的提名者评估到最后尘埃落定的得奖感言,各大媒体和万千粉丝的目光都没办法离开那一张张星光闪烁的红地毯。纵观2009年众影视作品的表现,小编们也有各自的“心水”号码了哦,纷纷摩拳擦掌等待最后结果!你们的心头好又如何呢?  这期“口语角”为大家带来的两部动画,都在各自的领域以其独特的创意征服了观众的心,大有和  皮克斯(Pixar)一比高下的势头——可见
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he air was dry, tasted like a burnt 1)tortilla. The sun blazed white across a 2)bleached out sky. There would be no relief from the heat, not for weeks to come.   It was summer. In Phoenix, summer mea
正当人们兴致勃勃地欣赏万年一遇的巨型流星雨时,一颗夹杂在流星雨当中的不明天体突然撞向月球。月球的运行轨道因此改变,世界各地出现了一系列异常现象,例如奇怪的海啸、手机信号消失、不规则的静电干扰等。这些现象引起全球科学家的普遍关注,随着研究逐步深入,他们发现情况可能比人们预想的还要糟糕,一场劫难眼看就要降临……  对科幻作品来说,“地球末日”这个题材的重要性无异于“外星人”,几乎就是这类作品的一个独立
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经常使用英语是真正改善发音的唯一办法。可是如果不能每天都与英语母语人士交谈该怎么办呢?别担心!生活中还有很多唾手可得的提高口语能力的方法哦。Let’s check it out!  1. Listen to yourself. 如果你听不出自己的发音问题,就很难纠正发音。试着把你说的话录下来和英语母语人士的原声材料进行对比,找出需要改善的地方。   2. Slow down! 语速太快容易养成发音