A Pragmatical study of Hedges in news reports

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  News, working as a popular and well-received mass reading material, should be paid particular attention; in consequence, the particular exploration of functions or effects of hedges performed in news style are indispensable, which is a good way of promoting their proper use. This thesis aims to identify the major hedging devices used in English news to explore their pragmatic functions, offering some useful suggestions to English learners especially those who take up the career related to intercultural communications.
  2. Research Methodology
  Contextual correlates of adaptability “potentially include all the ingredients of the communicative context with which linguistic choices have to be interadaptable”, (Verschueren,1999:66): it covers three worlds: The mental world covers the cognitive and emotional factors of the two sides of interlocutors such as personality, desires, motivations, etc, which are all taken into consideration in the process of making choices. Social world refers to the rules and principles that standardize the interlocutors’ speech act in social occasions and environments. Physical world contains two major factors: temporal reference and spatial reference.
  3. An adaptive analysis of Hedges in English news reports
  3.1 Improving News’ Objectiveness or Truthfulness
  That’s typical of the way people look at messiness—it’s someone else’s mess that always seems most problematic. (from “The Perils of Order” in Newsweek March 5, 2007).
  Analysis: The use of “seem” implies the possible partial disagreement coming from some readers and it also demonstrates the changeable stance of the writers in these expressions.
  3.2 Enhancing News’ Appropriateness
  While a $ 2.6 trillion Chinese economy amounts to only about 5 percent of overall world output, it makes up a much larger share of the growth in the global economy. (from “China Exports Trouble” in Newsweek March 19, 2007)
  Analysis: these data are not always exact and the long figures are not suitable for readers’ reading comprehension, which may just obscure the overall comprehension or interrupt the grasp of the main themes.
  3.3Increasing News’ Brevity
  …the overall effects of a China slowdown could easily knock more than 0.5 percentage points off global economic growth in 2007. (from “China Exports Trouble,
  too” in Newsweek March 19, 2007)
  Analysis: modal verbs always avoid absoluteness in expressions to not provoke anger, disagreement or contempt from the readers’ part and can omit the full exhibition of supportive evidences. Thus, the brevity of news is attainable by means of modal verbs.   3.4 Integrating the Sense of Humor into English News
  As legions of international fans are about to find out, opera can be spellbindingly seductive. (from “Northern Exposure” in Time May 7, 2007)
  Analysis: In view of Conversational implicature, the violation of any maxim in Cooperative principle gives rise to imply speaker or writer’s intended meaning potential. it gives the audience a sense of grand spectacle in mind; accordingly, a sense of humor accompanies.
  4. Conclusion
  Fuzziness, with hedges working as an important member in it, has been observed to occur widely in language use, and some investigators have shown the tendency to maintain that all language use is fuzzy in some way. On the whole, two major functions of hedges in English news are derived. The one is to fulfill the characteristics of the news style; the other is to coordinate the involved intra-personal relationships in news writing.
  作者簡介:李美华(1992.09.02—), 籍贯:安徽,院校:上海对外经贸大学。
【摘要】:中华优秀传统文化是当前思政教育的重要组成部分,针对当前高校传统文化的教育中主体性参与不强的问题,我们在“第二课堂”开展了主体参与形式的沙龙活动——“法商沙龙”,尝试探索在思政教育“第二课堂”中实现对传统文化教育的主体嵌入,在无意识中完成对学生的思政教育。  【关键词】:思政教育;传统文化;沙龙;主体嵌入  一、“法商沙龙”的缘起趣旨  1.沙龙的缘起  “法商沙龙”是西北政法大学商学院特
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课堂提问是教师组织课堂教学的重要手段。一个好的课堂提问能够把学生带入“问题情境”,使他们的注意力迅速集中到特定的事物、现象、定理或专题上;能够引导学生追忆、联想,进行创造性思维。一个好的课堂提问有助于提高学生运用有价值信息解决问题的能力和言语表达能力;有助于教师及时得到反馈信息,不断调控教学程序,实现教学目标。那么,如何在教学过程中,设计出好的问题呢?  一、内容通俗化  课堂提问的切入点要紧扣教
【摘要】:心理健康标志着人的心理调适能力和发展水平,是人生发展的重要方面,作为人发展和成长的重要阶段,幼儿的心理健康尤应受到足够的重视。本文通过对国内外学者关于幼儿心理健康的界定、存在的问题与发展趋势等方面研究的综述,力图发现当今幼儿心理健康问题研究中存在的问题及其发展趋势。  【关键词】:幼儿;心理健康;问题;发展趋势  《幼儿园教育指导纲要》明确指出:“幼儿园必须把保护幼儿的生命和促进幼儿的健
【摘要】:现代化是一个国家、民族走上兴旺繁荣的必由之路,它已促使全球社会发生了深刻的变化,既包括物质和精神生活的共同进步。然而,在一些地区现代化的发展仍然面临着诸多问题。本文以民族地区为主线,以海南藏族自治州贵德县为个案,以现代化为议题,论述了贵德现代化现状、面临的问题及其提出了相应的对策。  【关键词】:现代化發展;民族地区;经济;政治;传统文化  一、现代化及其涵义  现代化研究的权威人士塞缪