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  Some say Scarlett Johansson could be one of the most 1)exquisitely gifted young actress’s currently working in American films. Most actors of her age are still working on teen films. Johansson, on the other hand, has already earned several 2)nominations and put her name among the Hollywood A-lists. One who meets Johansson for the first time would be immediately surprised by her unusual beauty, but beyond that, the young girl displays her 3)diligence, talent and acting skills in every single film. Acting is, after all, her dream. I had a one-in-a-million chance for this career,Johansson once said.
  She was named for Scarlett O’Hara of Gone With the Wind, and as a child Johansson always loved movies. She knew at age three she would grow up to be an actress. Understanding that she was serious about her dream, her parents enrolled her in a theatre 4)institute for young people. After an off-Broadway 5)debut and several film roles, the 12-year-old Johansson played the girl who had her leg 6)amputated after an accident in Robert Redford注1’s The Horse Whisperer, which finally introducedher to the industry and the audiences.
  If any doubt remained about Johansson’s talent, it was 7)wiped away with her heartbreaking performance in Lost in Translation, as a neglected 8)newlywed sharing a Tokyo encounter with washed-up star Bill Murray注2. In the same year, opposite Colin Firth注3 in Girl With A Pearl Earring, she played the 9)maid 10)immortalized by Jan Vermeer注4’s painting. She was nominated for two Best Actress Golden Globes for the two films. That year, 2003, she was only 19.
  With so many challenging roles in a wide range of films such as Match Point (2005), The Island (2005), Scoop (2006), The Black Dahlia (2006), The Prestige (2006) and more to come, Scarlett Johansson mixes wit beyond her years and well-deserved self-confidence to create a truly 11)atypical 12)appeal.
  Q: I get the sense you’re very serious about acting. The 13)nuances you 14)reveal are not those of an actor whose mind is on all the other stuff that goes with being in movies the self-image, the celebrity. You clearly lose yourself inside your characters. Is acting a 15)vocation for you?
  SJ: Being a movie star is a quality that somebody sort of 16)embodies, and being a celebrity is something that people give to you. It has to do with being recognizable, as opposed to something that people recognize in you. I just hope to make good movies. I know that sounds simple, but it’s true. I love everything about the process of making films: the 17)rehearsing and performing and the messages you can 18)convey.
  Q: I spoke with your mom one afternoon, and she called you an “old soul.” And I came across an interview with Robert Redford, where he said that you were 13 going on 30. To tell you the truth, I get the same feeling about you. You really do seem to have an uncommon 19)maturity.
  SJ: I think you mature with experiences, and how other people view you and your maturity really depends upon when you have those experiences. If you have them at the age of 13, you’re gonna seem really mature, and if they happen when you’re 75, you’re gonna seem immature. I think I was born with a great awareness of my surroundings and an awareness of other people. And I absolutely know what it feels like to meet an old soul, to know an old soul. So for my mom and Robert Redford, two people I really respect, to say that about me, well, that’s a huge 20)compliment.
  Q: To have the respect of those you respect? I’d say it really is a great compliment.
  SJ: It is, but I can’t take too much credit for it really. Sometimes that awareness is good, and sometimes I wish I wasn’t so 21)sensitive.
  I’m so happy I’m not walking around life with a cloud over my head, not really knowing which way to look or which way to turn. But then, on the other hand, sometimes you don’t wanna see what’s behind people’s doors.
  Q: So are you an old soul?
  SJ: Oh, I don’t think so. But I haven’t really 22)plunged into the depths of that just yet. Maybe years from now, when I’m having my midlife crisis and need to find myself, I’ll search deep down inside and find that old soul of mine and 23)dust it off. But for now I’m enjoying getting to know all about my young soul.


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