Gatsby’s Greatness and American Dream: A Reflection on the Theme Presentation of The Great Gatsby

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  The Great Gatsby (1925), one of the most renowned novels of F·Scott Fitzgerald, is hailed as the sparkling representative work of “Lost Generation” writers and a mirror of the serious social sicknesses in the United States in the 1920s. As a chronicler of an era that he dubbed “The Jazz Age”, Fitzgerald managed to epitomize the experiences and perceptions of people at that time, with the successful portrayal of a tragic Platonic character—Jay Gatsby. As is indicated in the novel, his unremitting pursuit of dreams leads to fame and fortune, but meanwhile, death and destruction. The essay aims at probing into the theme of The Great Gatsby, by the discussion of the greatness of Gatsby and the reflection of American Dream.
  Excessively idealistic and impractical though Gatsby in some sense may be, it turns out that he is undoubtedly great, or rather, particularly great in that fixed setting. Three reasons will suffice to make him tower over his counterparts of the generation. First and foremost, the persevering fulfillment of dream is likely to be the biggest shining trait of the hero, and he who strives to acquire what he wants by painstaking efforts does merit respect. Moreover, Jay Gatsby is characterized by the courage to swim against the tide–his invariable split with the American upper class in East Egg, his low-profile as an invisible magnate and his pink suit, all being the disdain and challenge to secular realities. Adding to his greatness may be also the tolerance and generosity in the face of the mortal trouble cast from his beloved. However, shall we consider him as a genuinely great man? The answer remains to be seen. The novel says that the yearning for enormous wealth and ideal love is the cradle of Gatsby’s dream, which triggers him to engage in illegal business and sink into illusion. On the negative side, what it (the dream) leads to is his naivety and resignation and degeneration and death. I have a sneaking suspicion that Gatsby’s greatness is a unique product of the era, against the backdrop of a money-oriented, ruthless, hypocritical and impetuous society.
  Gatsby’s dream is a small unit of American dream, which serves as a thread to run through the whole story. Strikingly, the American dream reflected in this novel, fails to be a sincere and inspiring belief. It’s woefully degenerated by the flourishing capitalism and interpreted as follows: (1) a vulgar dream of wealth. Born-the-poor Gatsby held the illusion that his lover Daisy Buchanan, a girl with blue blood, would come back sooner or later if he had made a fortune. Thus, he built wealth overnight by illegal means including alcohol-bootlegging and gambling. The unscrupulous pursuit of a huge fortune is not only the primary impetus for Gatsby, but also a reflection of degenerate American dream; (2) an illusory and fruitless dream of love. As for Gatsby, Daisy was the “green light” which brought him brightness, warmth and hope, so that he took it for granted that her mind would agree with her appearance–she definitely would love someone as firmly as he did. He was bound to win Daisy back as a man of wealth and privilege. Yet the fact that his beloved was acquisitive, epicurean, superficial, heartless and irresponsible did shatter his dream.   If we ponder on the relationship between the two dreams above, it might dawn on us that the former lays foundations for the latter. Without a great fortune, Gatsby wouldn’t have gained Daisy’s attention, let alone her love. On the other hand, the innocence to pursue love was gradually vulgarized by the baseness to hanker after wealth. Eventually, both of them came to an end when Gatsby died as a victim of American dream in that era. In my opinion, his dream or the degenerate American dream, lack of the subjective and objective conditions for the realization, is doomed from the very beginning. From the subjective aspect, Gatsby merely staked his dream on the return of Daisy, and lost. That’s because materialistic love turns out to be unrealistic and unreliable, which makes Gatsby always at a loss and steeped in the past. From the objective aspect, the Jazz Age is a denounced time when money speaks louder than affection, industry and morality, so it’s next to impossible for Gatsby to achieve his dream.
  “The green light eludes people to beat on, boat against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”, pace Fitzgerald, we should turn our critical eyes on the wealth and culture of capitalism. After all, great Gatsby died, American dream faded.
  【作者簡介】陈泽南(1996.7- ),男,浙江东阳人,浙江师范大学外国语学院,本科,研究方向:英语。
【摘要】高中英语教学过程中,阅读教学是非常重要的内容,在考试中也占有较大的比例。所以,高中英语阅读教学一直是重点研究的话题,同时也是教学过程中的重难点。因此,如何运用科学合理的教学措施来提高高中英语阅读教学的效果,是广大高中英语教师所关注的重点。网络资源的有效运用则可以有效的丰富高中英语阅读的教学资源,对于提高高中英语课堂教学效率具有重要的意义。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;网络资源  【作者
【摘要】高职教育对社会应用型人才的培养具有作用,随着全球一体化进程的不断加快,高职英语教学在新时期也必须做出相应的调整。基于此,本文就新时期高职英语课堂教学进行分析,首先分析新时期高职英语课堂教学中存在的问题,然后对新时期高职英语课堂教学的策略进行探讨,以此帮助高职英语教师提高教学水平,培养出适应时代发展需求的高素质人才。  【关键词】高职英语;职业教育;素质人才  【作者简介】陆海焱,安徽省体育
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【摘要】医学英语是一门专业的英语科目分类,具有特殊性和专业性。医院英语的教学现状与教学质量直接关系着医学生的学习效果,甚至影响着医院生的综合能力。在国家日益加大医学研究与医学交流的宏观背景下,本文从医学英语的特征出发,重点介绍了我国医学英语教学现状,指出了医学英语教学中存在的问题。并就如何改进教学问题提出了有效的策略,为医院英语教学改革提供思路。  【关键词】医学英语;英语教学;现状;策略  【作
【摘要】阅读一直被当作一种促进外语学习者词汇学习的有效方法。然而单纯的阅读效率低下,大量研究试图探究如何提高阅读中的二语词汇附带习得效率,这些方法主要分为“输入增显”和“任务干预”两大类。本文通过对这两类方法的相关研究作简要梳理,希望为今后外语教学与学习的任务设计提供一些借鉴。  【关键词】阅读任务;词汇附带习得;输入增显;任务干预  【作者简介】涂孟玮(1990-),女,江西南昌人,江西应用科技
【摘要】作为一位有着20多年教学经验的英语教师,根据自己多年的教学经验,对高考英语书面表达应试策略做了几点思考:多读文章,扩大词汇量;好的开头和靓的结尾;审清文章的体裁、类型及其格式;连句成文,提高文章的连贯性;用好标点符号、大小写、安排好段落;书写清楚。  【关键词】高考;英语;连句成文;书写清楚;应试策略  【作者简介】李中兰,湖北省武汉市新洲区第三中学。  在高考试卷中,书面表达占主观性试题
【摘要】三年级是小学英语学习的起步阶段,培养好学习兴趣将大大有益于更高年级的学习。笔者接手的是一个纪律松懈而无法正常教学的班级,通过建立家长微信群,创新作业形式,在激发学生学习兴趣的同时密切家校合作,优化班级教学效果。  【关键词】家长微信群;上传录音指导;拍视频;积极评价  【作者简介】叶晓芳,珠海市香洲区前山小学。  传统的英语作业多以单词的重复抄写、课文的反复读背为主,完成方式较为枯燥,难以
【摘要】写是语言的输出和运用,是学生语言能力的综合体现。英语教学的主要目标是听说读写的综合能力的提高。而“寫”在小学英语教学中常常被忽略。文章主要对小学英语写作训练的指导策略问题进行探讨,以期提高学生英语写作能力。  【关键词】小学英语;写作教学;指导策略;写作能力  【作者简介】周会芳,江苏省淮安市盱眙县希望小学。  写作一直是语言学科的重点内容,同时也是难点。小学英语写作,是小学生语言基础知识