Culture Difference and Translation

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  Abstract:Culture difference is necessary to be paid attention to during the process of translating.
  Culture difference is caused by different history, regions, customs, religions and the modes of thinking. Having the awareness of the culture difference will make translation more accurate and successful.
  Key words:culture difference; translation
  Translation is the communication between languages, during which not only the language itself, but also the culture is translated. As the biggest problem in translation is the difference between two cultures, how to deal with the culture difference is the key to the success of translation.
  Culture difference, reflected in language, makes people with different culture backgrounds have difficulties understanding each other. How to dig out the connotative meaning of the language, which can not be found in the dictionary, is the focus in the process of translating rather than the literal meaning.
  A.Culture difference caused by different history
  The culture of history is referred to the culture formed by the historical development and social heritage. Since different countries and peoples developed in different ways, the precipitated cultures are not the same. For example, a variety of historical allusions, which are the treasure of the whole culture and demonstrate the unique characteristics of the people with the abundant historical information, have been accumulated, based on different historical backgrounds. The essential thing which can ensure the successful translation is to well understand the culture connotation and use the proper method of translating.
  For instance, “paint (gild) the lily” and “畫蛇添足” are two allusions with typical national features. Lily, which often appears in the works of art about the virgin Maria, symbolizes purity, nobility and beauty. So to paint the lily or make lily more decorated is considered something in vain and ridiculous. Likewise, snakes, which were added some feet, made the painter lose the competition.“画蛇添足” from Strategies of the Warring States and “paint the lily” from Shakespeare’s King John are two different idioms, but they have equally satisfactory results to express the meaning of doing something in vain.
  There are more examples of different metaphors with the similar moral, such as “cast pearls before swine” and “对牛弹琴”, “rob Peter to pay Paul” and “挖肉补疮” and so on, which greatly shows the unique culture of different groups.
  B.Culture difference caused by different regions
  The culture of region is the culture caused by the natural surroundings and geographic environment. With different locations, different nations create their own cultures and are also molded by the cultures. The same thing or phenomenon is referred to with different language forms.
  Take China and the UK as an example. China lies in the east of the Asian continent, to the west of the Pacific Ocean while the UK is situated northwest of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. In the language of Chinese, we prefer to say “从南到北” and “南来北往” rather than “from north to south”, which is the common expression to the westerners. Similarly, 东南, 东北, 西南 and 西北 are expressed to be southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest. “East wind” and “west wind” have totally different connotative meanings to the British and the Chinese, although the literal meanings are the same. To Chinese, east wind is referred to the wind of spring, which brings the people the warmth and makes everything grow. It represents hope and power and is loved by every Chinese. West wind is the wind of autumn, which means desolation and depression. However, to the British, east wind blows from the north of the European Continent with the feeling of being chilly and unpleasant and is mostly hated while west wind, the loved one, brings them spring. As the above, we can see the same “west wind” is entirely different in two cultures due to the different living conditions. So a successful translator must be familiar with the two cultures.
伴随着我国人口出生率的降低,生源的自然减少,小班化教学已成为教育改革的必然。小班化教学是当代发达国家实现小学教育优质化的发展趋势,并将成为我国今后一段时期内实施素质教育的重要模式之一。  小班化教学是以一定教学价值论为载体的教学活动形式,它是创造性思维与教学个性的落实与延伸。它的实施首先是以学生为学习的主体,并为学生的学习创设一种较为宽松、和谐、愉悦的氛围,在此氛围中,教师根据教材中的具體内容和学
摘 要:目前的英语分层次教学有很多是基于英语成绩的好坏主观地将学生分为好、中、差三类,然后设计有层次梯度的教学内容,进行教学设计。这些设计虽然有一定的道理,但忽视了学生不同的知识基础与接受能力,不同的个体态度与心理倾向,不利于在教学中激发学生的学习积极性,不利于发挥学生的主观能动性,影响学生的英语学习效果。  关键词:分层次教学,认知问题,情感非智力因素,纯意志因素,教学思考及设计  20世纪80
一个人如果缺少情感教育,那对他将来的人生走向会产生很大的影响。我在近二十年的英语教学过程中认识到:教学必须以学生为中心,在教学中同学生进行情感交流,不仅可以帮助塑造学生良好的品行,更重要的是情感交流能激发学生的英语学习兴趣,从而提高教学质量。   一、以“愛”为核心  “没有爱就没有教育”,情感教育必须以“爱”为核心。在英语教学中,整个班级学生的成绩参差不齐,尤其是职业学校的学生,多数学生英语基础
摘要:根据我国市场经济发展对人才需要的特点,本文提出培养创新型英语人才,并以就业为导向、以创新为特色、以专业为基础,建构出创新型英语人才培养的新模式。  关键词:创新型;英语人才;培养模式;课程  一、引言  进入21世纪后,随着科学技术的突飞猛进,人类步入了一个科技创新的新时代。面对日趋激烈的国际竞争,胡锦涛同志在2006年的全国科学技术大会上发表了名为《走中国特色自主创新道路为建设创新型国家而
摘要:教育部如此重视英语的学习,初衷是让学生掌握一种技能,在日常生活中能听得懂、说得来。可现在的应试教育却使英语的学习背道而驰——学生的口语能力远远低于书面表达。所以,提高学生的口语表达能力迫在眉睫。  关键词:初中英语;口语表达  由于受到应试教育体系的影响,学生的口语表达能力十分薄弱,就算是初中学生,说起英语来也是别别扭扭、推三阻四,这当然跟学校的教育模式紧密相关。  一、 学校重分不重说  
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