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  Shailene Woodley’s been on screen since she was only five years old. First on TV ads, then her big break in 2008. She was the lead[主角] in an ABC Family series[系列节目] called The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Hardly a secret. She played a mom still in high school.
  Over the course of her career, Woodley says she tried to avoid[避免] formal[正式的] training. Shailene Woodley: I learned as I went. I mean, I took…I would take acting classes, not any, like, scene breakdowns, just improving.
  That’s Woodley today in a Los Angeles hotel room, all gangly[身材瘦长的] limbs and huge hazel[淡褐色的] eyes. She’s spending the day explaining to reporters how acting for her is not about analyzing[分析] scripts[剧本] or probing[查究] her characters’motivation[动机].
  Woodley: I don’t really work that way as an actor. For me it’s about being fully present and actively listening to every single thing that’s going on around me and reacting to it.
  That intuitive[直觉的] approach[方法] earned raves[热烈赞美] when Shailene Woodley played George Clooney’s sulky[阴沉的] daughter in the movie The Descendants back in 2011. Take a scene when she tells her dad about her mother’s affair[外遇].
  (soundbite of film, The Descendants) Woodley: (as Alex) I was gonna call and tell you everything, and then the accident happened. And…I was waiting till she woke up, I guess. And you didn’t suspect[怀疑] right?
  Woodley impressed critics[评论家] even more in a film from last year called The Spectacular Now. She played a sweet rabbit-like nerd[呆子], who falls for a troubled boy.
  That film was based on a young adult novel. So is Divergent, and so is her next one, The Fault in Our Stars, coming out in June. That’s about two young cancer patients falling in love. Woodley’s a filmic[电影的] face of today’s young adult fiction boom[繁荣]. Woodley: The books kind of do the work for you. I would read a scene and then read that same scene in the book and get a bigger perspective[观点,看法] of what my character was going through in that moment.
  (soundbite of film, Divergent) Woodley: (as Tris) Help me.
  In Divergent, Shailene Woodley’s character faces all kinds of extreme situations. Veronica Roth wrote the Divergent trilogy[三部曲]. She remembered what it was like to listen to Woodley emote[夸张地表演] through a scene when something awful happens to her character.   Veronica Roth: Like when you hear someone making those kinds of like gut-wrenching[撕心裂肺的] agonized[极度痛苦的] noises, I don’t know, you feel like you need to go help them.
  John Green, who wrote the book The Fault in Our Stars had exactly the same experience when he watched Woodley film an emotionally devastating[令人震惊的] scene in his movie. John Green: She was so inconsolable[极为伤心的] that I wanted to go up there and check on her. And I actually asked the producers I think you should stop and make sure she’s OK. And they were, like, she’s fine.
  Green was then startled[震惊] when Woodley bounced off the set and asked him lightly what he’d like for lunch. One of the things he appreciated[赏识] was how much Woodley resembled[相像] his heroine[女主人公] in her determination to live by certain principles[原则]. She prefers used clothes and avoids the trappings[装饰] of Hollywood glamour[魔力]. Woodley: In my personal life I never wear makeup.
  She tries to use her public life to promote things she cares about, like sustainable[可持续的] farming. Woodley: I have done, like, wwoofing注1 in the past.
  Wwoofing—I had to ask. That’s a network where you can stay and work on organic[有机的] farms. Shailene Woodley tends to come across[给人……印象] as more of an enthusiastic[热情的] senior at a hippy-ish注2 liberal arts[文科] college than a starlet[初涉影坛的演员] anchoring[锚定] a potential new mega[大] franchise[(电影)系列电影].
  注1:WWOOF是Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms的缩写,是一个为志愿者提供关于有机农场服务的松散国际组织。此处用作动词,表示在有机农场工作。
Yes I do, I believe  That one day I will be, where I was  Right there, right next to you  And it’s hard, the days just seem so dark  The moon, and the stars, are nothing without you  Your touch, your
*Up close  This is how I see it with you  Real close  This is how I dance it with you*  Close, so close  Is how I feel with you  **La la la, la la la  This is how I sense it with you La la la, la la l
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1872年12月4日傍晚,英国双桅帆船德·格瑞第亚号航行至大西洋的亚速尔群岛附近。船上望员发现玛丽·塞勒斯特号在全速航行,但显得十分诡异。于是,德·格瑞第亚号的船长派人上船查看是怎么一回事。奇怪的是,船上一切正常,船帆、食物一应俱全;但是六分仪、救生筏和所有船员都消失不见了。船上没有任何打斗迹象,船员的随身物品和货物也没被移动过——难道德·格瑞第亚号遇上了传说中的鬼船?  Some of the