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  Some of the 1)maritime world’s most deep-rooted 2)mysteries involve ships that disappear only to reappear as ghostly 3)apparitions upon the waves.
  Loren Coleman (Author of Mysterious America): Are there other worlds? Are there fourth dimensions? I’m not afraid to say I don’t know. People disappear. They’ve been disappearing for hundreds of years, and these ships show up, and I think it’s a[n] incredible mystery.
  Dan Conlin (Maritime Museum of the Atlantic): There’s a whole 4)realm of ghostly folklore at sea starting with 5)forerunners, which are ghostly 6)predictions of disaster, and there’s a rich tradition of those founded on the very fear of all those 7)unpredictable, horrible things that happen at sea.
  But mystery ships can be even more 8)bewildering when one appears but its crew, quite definitely, does not. The most 9)inscrutable of such mysteries is the famous, or 10)infamous, Mary Celeste.
  A 11)wintry morning in 1872, Captain Benjamin Briggs, his wife Sarah, their two-year-old daughter, Sophia, and a crew of seven set sail on the Canadian-built 12)brigantine Mary Celeste from New York harbor 13)bound for Genoa, Italy. Their 14)cargo was 1,700 barrels of 15)industrial alcohol. They were sailing in November, never a good time to be in the North Atlantic. But, despite bad weather, things appeared ship-shape for the first few weeks of the journey.

  The Mary Celeste was not alone on the wide Atlantic seas. Eight days after she left New York, another double-16)masted brigantine, the Dei Gratia, left the same harbor bound for Europe. Like the Mary Celeste, she also carried ten people. Late in the afternoon of December 4th, 1872, the 17)lookout on the Dei Gratia spied something in the distance. Captain David Morehouse of the Dei Gratia sent his 18)first mate, Oliver Deveau, and two others to 19)inspect the mysterious ship.
  Stanley Spicer (Author of The Saga of the Mary Celeste): They probably had a very 20)eerie feeling. You know, you climb aboard this 21)vessel, and here in the 22)after cabin the 23)skylight is open, the cabin door is open, everything is wet, not a sign of life.
  Clearly, things didn’t 24)add up. The ship had food, water, working sails, a working pump, even a sewing machine and a 25)melodeon, a 19th century version of a 26)portable piano. The cargo, except for a few broken barrels, was 27)secure in the hold. They’d left behind tobacco, oilskin raincoats and the captain’s 28)log. What was missing were the 29)sextant, the lifeboat and every human aboard the Mary Celeste.   Deveau returned to the Dei Gratia and asked Captian Morehouse for 30)permission to sail the
  Mary Celeste 600 miles to Gibraltar and there claim the salvage rights注. Morehouse said yes to Deveau. The 31)authorities were immediately 32)suspicious, convinced there had been 33)foul play. A hearing was 34)convened. The case made headlines around the world. Some speculated that perhaps pirates had come aboard and kidnapped the crew. Others thought an arrangement between the captains of the Mary Celeste and the Dei Gratia somehow went sour, and that 35)sparked a fight.
  The cabins were wet with salt water. Perhaps there had been a sudden 36)water spout washing the people 37)overboard. There appeared to be no clear answer.
  Over the years, the search for a true answer to the Mary Celeste puzzle has come to center on the ship’s cargo.
  Conlin: She had a cargo of industrial alcohol, which has very 38)potent 39)fumes, and had had a patch of rough weather. And one of her 40)hatches had been pulled open, probably to 41)vent the cargo, and that may have, sort of, created a sort of a very 42)ominous “43)whooshing” noise and a…and a…and a smell like the ship was about to explode, and Mary Celeste’s crew probably did a temporary 44)evacuation to let their ship vent, fearing an explosion.
  Ted Henke (Senior Vice President of Oil Insurance Limited): And it could be that a 45)gale came up at that point and simply blew the ship away. And it’s…it’s a kind of a 46)chilling thought to think of ten people in a small boat watching their brig just sail away into the ocean. Their chances of survival were 47)nil at that point.
  But nothing conclusively explains what happened. 48)Ultimately, it may be impossible to know the truth.

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从前,在埃及街旁的一所房子里,住着一只名叫爱德华·图雷恩的瓷兔子。那小兔子很是自鸣得意,因为他被一个名叫阿比林的小女孩所拥有,被她深深地宠爱着。可是后来有一天,他被丢失了,从而踏上了奇幻的寻爱之旅——从海洋深处到渔夫的渔网,从垃圾堆的顶部到流浪汉营地的篝火旁,从一个病童的床前到孟斐斯的街道上……这就是《爱德华的奇妙之旅》,一只不懂爱的瓷兔子丢失爱、学会爱而又重新得到爱的故事。  今年年初,因韩剧《
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