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  梁碧滢 译
  Madagascar—Cocktails on the Beach and1)Camping with 2)Lemurs
  Madagascar, the world's fourth-largest island lies in the Indian Ocean off the southeast coast of Africa opposite Mozambique.
  Whether in the lap of tropical luxury or the most basic rainforest camp, you will be absolutely charmed by Madagascar' astonishing beauty.
  Madagascar is an island of huge variety and not a few extremes: from the 3)tropical rainforests of the north east, where rain and sun 4)splice the day at 5)regular intervals, to the dry baking heat of the west and southwest coast, to the cooler central highlands, where winter can 6)take root with freezing rain and biting cold.
  Given the wildly different textures of climate and landscape, you would be well advised to sit down with a guidebook before deciding which bits of this beautiful country to 7)sample. And it’s not only beautiful: the country’s8)isolation, for millions of years, helped to spark and then protect an explosion of unique 9)vegetation and wildlife. When the current president 10)tripled the amount of protected land on the island in 2005, 11)WWF described it as a ‘gift to the Earth’.
  12)Nestling in a 13)stretch of protected dry 14)deciduous forest on the north west coast, Anjajavy is virtually unreachable by road; instead, we pick up a seven-seater plane from Tana airport, the 90-minute flight ending in a 15)glorious 16)descent as the pilot 17)arcs over the small 18)peninsula that houses Anjajavy. Half a dozen white sand beaches ring the tiny coastline and around one of these sits the two dozen or so wooden 19)villas of the resort. The plane 20)swoops over the hotel and swings round to land 21)bumpily on a tiny 22)strip of red earth. On one side of the landing strip a 23)cluster of small children gather to stare at tourists from another world.
  A10-minute trip in a 4x4 brings you to the hotel. On arrival it’s as if you’ve walked straight into the pages of Conde Nast Traveller—24)infinity pool, palm trees, beautifully appointed villas and a small army of workers dressed in brilliant white 25)linen cleaning the decks or brushing the lawn. The delightful timber-framed main house leads to an outside 26)terrace and a lawn 27)fringed with flowers and palm trees. Just beyond it, the 28)Mozambique Channel sparkles. Each villa has a deck with an inviting 29)hammock facing the sea.
  You could do worse than lie there listening to the waves and the birdsong and watching the 30)frisky lemurs dance among the trees, but there are 31)myriad pursuits for those who eventually choose to leave the comfort of the hammock: walks and bike rides through the forest to spot any number of different species (32)hummingbirds, lemurs, 33)malachite 34)kingfishers)>; diving and 35)snorkelling; and deep-sea fishing for 36)marlin and 37)tuna.
  A less 38)strenuous 39)option is to take a sunset cruise among the 40)mangroves. Setting off in late afternoon, the hotel boat 41)waltzes around the forest—flooded now at high tide. Huge birds with 42)exotic-sounding names and even more exotic-looking beaks perch 43)imperiously on the highest trees, casting a 44)desultory eye over the forest below. But easily the most magical moment is when the boatman cuts the engine: the world appears to come to a standstill. Any trace of sound is 45)absorbed by the 46)swampy mangroves; apart from the occasional call of the birds, there is nothing. 47)Savour this, the quietest, stillest and calmest few moments possible. It is impossibly beautiful—and the 48)rum cocktails consumed 49)en route help a little too.
  Another must-do trip is to take the hotel boat to Morumba Bay, skirting along the Anjajavy peninsula and passing a scattering of 50)makeshift fishing villages perched on the sand just yards from the ocean. As you pass endless isolated white beaches, beautiful coves and tiny 51)craggy islands, the only obvious living being is a Madagascar eagle resting in one of the 52)majestic 53)baobab trees that are dotted along the coastline.
  The boat will leave you for the afternoon in the 54)castaway-like cove of Morumba. After a few blissful hours of snorkelling and swimming, you’ll be ready to tuck into your packed lunch of sandwiches, a cool beer and some fresh fruit. This treasure of a beach is surrounded by the forest, which 55)tumbles down almost into the sea. It’s simple and 56)idyllic.
  And you really should not leave Anjajavy without visiting the little village across the sea from the hotel that is home to 200 people. There are no 57)concessions to tourists: it’s basic and 58)lived-in, with a school, a tiny six-bed hospital and wooden huts built yards from the sea. There are fish drying outside the huts, pots cooking rice and a tiny sign that indicates a bar—really just a room scattered with 59)crates of beer.
  As we leave Anjajavy, we are 60)gripped by one of the most 61)invigorating and 62)spontaneous events of the holiday. A violent tropical storm visits our little six-seater boat without warning and within minutes we are being tossed about and sprayed with massive waves. The boat doesn’t quite rise vertically in the water, but it gets close. There is much dramatic squealing as waves of water hit the deck and we cling for dear life to the rails.
  Once the initial fear subsides it is 63)magnificent and 64)exhilarating fun. Much like Madagascar, in fact.
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