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  The Irish author Anne Enright won the Man Booker prize for The Gathering, a novel in which a woman’s journey home with the body of her dead brother leads her to discover and confront[使面临] three generations’ worth of hidden family secrets.
  Howard Davies, the chairman of the judges’ panel[专门讨论小组], praised Ms. Enright’s “tough and striking language,” and said she had written a “powerful, uncomfortable and, at times, angry book.”
  The Man Booker prize, Britain’s best-known literary award, is given annually[一年一次] to a novel written by an author from Britain, Ireland or the Commonwealth[英联邦] and carries with it a check for £50,000 and the promise of increased visibility[可见度] and sales.
  Enright said: “When people pick up a book, they may want something happy that will cheer them up. In that case, they shouldn’t really pick up my book. It’s the intellectual equivalent[相等物] of a Hollywood weepie[伤感的电影].”
  A Dubliner -- and the second Irish writer in three years to win the prize after John Banville took it in 2005 -- Enright studied philosophy at Trinity College, Dublin before working for Ireland’s national broadcaster RTE注1 as a producer. These were stressful years and Enright struggled with depression. She has said: “I heartily recommend having a breakdown[崩溃] young: then you make your decisions and get on with it. I see people who are in permanent crisis, like a chronically[慢性地] faulty[有毛病的] car. The exhaust is permanently hanging off the back of their life注2. If the car broke down completely, they’d have to get it fixed. There would be no more messing.”
  She left her job and began to write; first a well-received collection of stories called The Portable Virgin, then three novels and a work of non-fiction, Making Babies: Stumbling into Motherhood, published in 2004.
  Man Booker Prize 布克奖
  The Man Booker Prize is the best-known, most hotly debated and eagerly sought literary award in Britain. The announcement of the names of the six final contestants[竞争者] -- the famous Booker shortlist[最后侯选人名单] -- has been known to cause furious[激烈的] rows[争吵] in pubs and taxis across London, along with debates over who was excluded[排除在外] and why the winners were chosen. The announcement of the award has frequently caused a huge spike注3 in sales, sometimes making the careers of little-known authors.
  Dating back to 1969, Booker winners include V.S. Naipaul for In A Free State (1971), William Golding for Rites of Passage (1980), Michael Ondaatje for The English Patient (1992) and Margaret Atwood for The Blind Assassin (2000).
  注1:RTE全称为Radio Telefís Eireann。
  注2:恩赖特把处于压抑状态的人比喻为有毛病的汽车。exhaust指汽车的排气管,hang off指排气管没有和汽车连接好,拖在车尾,甚至拖到地上。这样的车在行驶时会发出很大噪音,但车还是能运作。
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