Try Talking about The Success Story of Wang Xizhi

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  【Abstract】:With the history entering the Easter Jin Dynasty, Chinese character writing,as the essential of the literati and a kind of artistic behavior, had already included different styles and presented obvious steering and temperament of social education.The culture of calligraphic circles,in Wang Xizhi’s epoch, was with large numbers of outstanding calligraphers. It’s just like various kinds of flowers bloom together in the garden. Wang Xizhi was only one of all classes of calligraphers and even ranked behind Yu Yi and Xi Jin. He rose to fame and became the saint of calligraphy until he had been dead for hundreds of years.
  【Keywords】:Chinese Calligraphy Works;Calligrapher;Calligraphic Saint;Wang Xizhi
  1、There is a question
  First of all,there is a question that how Wang Xizhi has become an immortal calligraphic saint?
  The people of Jin Dynasty upheld lingering charm and Wang brought new changes.
  Wang liked practising calligraphy since childhood and got formative education from his father Wang Kuang and his uncle Wang Yi. Benefit from the dense generational calligraphic atmosphere, Wang’s calligraphy had a high starting point. Wang also learned calligraphy from Madam Wei . She taught Wang with the skills of Zhong You,the Wei’s Family and herself. In a manner of speaking,standing aloof from this prevalent custom and keeping transcending others and himself are the keys which bring Wang high and unique cultural horizon.
  The large scale and span overall relocation of the elite compressed the broad area which had been infiltrated by the Han Nationality culture into the area of the Huaihe River and the South of the Yangtze River (which territory didn’t account for one third of Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties ). Therefore,the calligraphy art encountered a process of contration and purification unprecedentedly,which made it became a cultural miracle.
  2、There is a man
  Wang was a man with high aspiration and great creativity. He learned from Zhong You and applied Zhong’s skills into practice very well. Wang struck a new path for himself to learn from Zhang Zhi. Wang analysed Zhang’s cursive hand and got golden mean from it.Meanwhile , he also applied Zhong’s official script correctly,gaining the essence of it and discarding the dregs. He made an intensive study of Zhong and Zhang. So he didn’t wedded to the ancients,but made the ancients serve him and made the traditional art in accordance with his era properly. He applied different kinds of calligraphic skills which he learned from seal character,official script of Qin and Han Dynasties into his modern regular script , running hand and cursive hand altogether. So, Wang got rid of the stale and brought forth the fresh, thus forming the best calligraphic pattern and style which fits his time best. What’s more,he broke new ground for Chinese calligraphy.He learned widely from other calligraphers’ strong points and had a unique style of his own. That’s the reason Wang was rewarded and respected by the ancients and moderns.   He researched widely and got the essence of various styles.
  3、There is a progress
  The great progress that Wang made let contemporaries look at him with new sight.At that time, some famous calligraphers such as Yu Liang and Xi Yin enjoyed a wide spread reputation. Therefore, when Yu Yi saw people practising calligraphy after Wang’s models in Jin Zhou, he said dismissively that,”the second generation like low-down domestic chicken, they all learned calligraphy from Wang (Xizhi), and I’ll contest with him the day I came back”. Yu Liang begged Wang for his handwriting , Wang replied modestly that”(Yu) Yi is there,you needn’t to come here to ask for this from me”. But he still wrote ZhangCao(a specific kind of cursive script of Chinese)for him. One day,Yu Yi saw the ZhangCao which was Wang wrote for Yu Liang at Yu’s place . He was sincerely convinced by the great progress that Wang had ever made. So, he wrote a letter to Wang, saying that”I ever had ten pieces of ZhangCao of (Zhang) Boying, but I lost them when I displaced from the North to the South of the Yangtze River. At that moment, I regreted that the wonderful handwriting vanished forever. Thankfully , when I saw the fabulous handwriting you wrote for my brother occasionally, I think to myself this handwriting is just the reinstatement of Zhang Zhi’s calligraphy.”
  4、There ia a fame.
  Wang’s calligraphy permeated fully with the beauty of moderation which was upheld by Wei and Jin Dynasties. This kind of moderation fits the spirit of Chinese culture properly. That’s the reason the Wangs dominated the Chinese calligraphy for more than one thousand and six hundreds of years. Wang drew nutrition from various calligraphers while his main achievements are focused on regular script.His calligraphy possessed the aesthetic characteristics of mildness,transcendence,high spirit and elegance. The amount of Wang’s calligraphy works is four hundred and sixty five according to the record in Zhang Yanyuan’s . There’s not any original work of Wang left now owing to the change of dynasties and frequent wars. What we can see now mostly are rubbings or block-printed editions of the authentic works . His representative works are as follows:regular script including ;running hand includingetc;cursive hand including etc.
  [1]Manfield Zhu,A Versatile and Sophisticated Calligrapher,Chinaweek[J],200301
  [2]Hu Xiang,A Calligrapher Integrating Miscellaneous Styles,China’s ForeignTrade[J],201506
读书是一个长期的需要付出辛劳的过程,不能心浮气躁、浅尝辄止,而应当先易后难、由浅入深,循序渐进、水滴石穿。正如荀子在《劝学篇》中所说:“不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。”现实中,不少人都有长期坚持、积少成多,最后取得惊人收获的读书经历。有人研究过,一个人每天阅读一小时,三年之后就可以变成某一问题的专家。  唐代大文学家韩愈曾经在《符读书城南》中写到“两家各生子,提孩巧相如。少长俱嬉戏,
江南印象之——周庄  桥街相连河成市,咫尺之遥凭舟楫;  蚬江桥下听渔唱,丝弦宣卷吟民风。  砖雕门楼延明清,双桥画里忆乡情;  积厚流光叹传奇,商海浮沉渡一生。  江南印象之——西塘  雨后斜塘,薄雾如纱;  环秀桥下听田歌,石皮弄里望高墙;  烟雨长廊观马墙,花窗镂里赏瓦当。  作者简介:田菲(1989—),女,汉族,籍贯:河南漯河,单位:漯河千盛购物广场有限公司。  江南印象之——忠王府  
【摘要】:陈染深受弗洛伊德精神分析的影响,而她在许多作品也运用此方法进行了尝试,尤其是她的中篇小说《另一只耳朵的敲击声》更是其中的典型代表。本文将从意象和病态寡妇的几个角度用精神分析的方法对这篇小说进行具体地阐释。  【关键词】:陈染;精神分析;意象;寡妇  引言  陈染可以说是90年代的先锋女作家,她开启了“私人化小说”的模式,她远离了男性權威的话语中心,于边缘处开辟了忠实于女性本身的小说写作,
【摘要】:阿拉伯世界文明经历过古代的辉煌和近代的衰落,其思想文化领域也紧随时代发展而产生出诸多流派与分支,而女性文学正如一朵神秘莫测的奇葩,绽放在阿拉伯伊斯兰文化百花园之中。本文致力于研究近现代阿拉伯女性文学的起源和发展,从根源探索女性文学在阿拉伯社会的地位及其影响,从侧面反映出阿拉伯妇女地位的境遇和变迁,并阐述其变化发展的深层次原因,希望有所发现,有所创新。  【关键词】:女性文学;阿拉伯女性文
【摘要】:《老残游记》是晚清四大谴责小说之一,作者刘鹗通过一位走方郎中的游历经历,所见所闻所感,揭示出晚清上至朝廷官吏,下至地方百姓的真实生活。小说中的清官形象尤为印象深刻。他们的“清”仅在于“不要钱”,然其本质与我们所熟知的酷吏、昏官无二致。本文从两个方面具体分析《老残游记》中的“清官”形象,首先,通过传统意义上的清官形象与小说中的“清官”形象进行对比;其次,具体分析小说中的“清官”形象。  【
【摘要】:明清时期,格调派一脉相承,并没有本质上的区别。但就对于性情与格调的关系问题上,清代格调派与明代格调派的观点截然相反,明代格调派主张格调优先,而清代格调派主张性情优先,给诗歌创作注入新的活力。本文旨在总结明清格调派各大家对格调与性情关系的论述,在此基础上分析格调派观点的发展与演变。  【关键词】:格调派;格调;性情  一、明代格调派性情说  明代格调派普遍认为“性情为本,格调优先”。李梦阳
【摘要】:王羲之《兰亭序》被誉为“天下第一行书”,我们在历代的书法家的经典作品中都能看到王羲之书法的用笔,可见王羲之书法对后世书法家有很大的影响。我在临习《兰亭序》的过程中,充分感受到《兰亭序》的自然之美,精妙绝伦之美,本文从兰亭序书写之自然流露、笔法的精妙以及章法的角度进行鉴赏。  【关键词】:王羲之;兰亭序;笔法  王羲之,字逸少。在北方出生,后来因为政治原因到浙江绍兴生活,其著名作品有《孔侍
《通往奴役之路》并不是科学论文,而是一部通俗性的著作。作者弗里德里希.奥古斯特·冯·哈耶克 是英国著名的经济学家和政治哲学家,是当代新自由主义思潮的代表人物。本书成书于第二次世界大战中的英国,大约为二十世纪四十年代初。二战固然是当时社会的最主要的大环境,与此相比,对于理解本书更重要的一条社会环境便在于当时英国国内计划经济和社会主义思潮的流行。  基于这种社会大环境,哈耶克毫不留情的指出了当时正流行
【摘要】:老舍先生的《二马》这部作品是他赴英国任教期间所著的三篇作品之一,写的是中国人马氏父子旅居英国所发生的嬉笑怒骂之事。本文着眼点于分析在《二马》这篇作品中,英国作为“他者”的形象,并反观相对的中国作为“注视者”的形象,以及隐藏在背后的作者对中西碰撞下中国出路的探索。简而言之就是着重分析“注视者”与“他者”的互动性和相互影响。  【关键词】:《二马》;英国形象;他者;注视者;互动性  老舍先生