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  Scientists have developed what could be a low-tech, low-cost weapon in the war on terrorism1: trained wasps. The tiny, non-stinging wasps could check for hidden explosives2 at airports and monitor for toxins3 in subway tunnels.
  “You can breed them by thousands, and you can train them within a matter of minutes,” says Joe Lewis, a U.S. Agriculture Department entomologist4.
  Lewis and University of Georgia biological engineer Glen Rains developed a handheld “Wasp Hound” to contain the wasps while they sniff out chemicals and other substances5. Rains says the wasps could one day be used instead of dogs to check for explosives in cargo container coming in to the nation’s seaports, in vehicles crossing at border checkpoints, at airports and anywhere else where security6 should be tight.
  “It’s real easy to learn how to work with them,” he says about the wasps.
  How wasps work
  The wasps are trained with sugar water by using the classical conditioning techniques made famous by Pavlov’s dogs7. According to Rains, the wasps are sensitive8 to a host of chemical odors, including TNT, a volatile9 compound used in dynamite.
  To do their work, five wasps---- each a half inch long---- are placed in a plastic cylinder that is 15 inches tall. This “Wasp Hound”, which costs roughly $100 per unit, has a vent in one end and a camera that connects to a laptop computer.
  When the wasps pick up an odor they’ve been trained to detect, they gather by the vent---- a response that can be measured by the computer, or actually seen by observers. Lewis says the wasps, when exposed to some chemicals, “can detect as low as four parts per billion, which is an incredibly10 small amount.”
  Lewis and Rains say their device is ready for pilot tests, and could be available11 for real-life applications in five to 10 years.
  乔宇 摘自 Advanced

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