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  Mr. Brooks 《布鲁克斯先生》
  Genre: Crime / Thriller
  Theatrical Release: 6/1/2007
  Cast: Kevin Costner
  William Hurt
  Demi Moore
  Consider Mr. Brooks: a successful businessman; a generous philanthropist(慈善家); a loving father and devoted husband. Seemingly, he’s perfect. But Mr. Brooks has a secret-he is an insatiable serial killer(连环杀手), so lethally(致命地) clever that no one has ever suspected him-until now. As Mr. Brooks succumbs(屈服) to one last mur-derous urge(欲望), an amateur(业余爱好者)photographer witnesses the crime. Suddenly Brooks finds himself entangled(卷入) in the dark agenda of an opportunistic bystander, as well as hunted by the unorthodox(非正统的) and tenacious(顽强的) detective Tracy Atwood. Can Mr. Brooks outsmart his adversaries(敌手) and conceal his shocking double life from his wife and daughter-or will someone expose his crimes and his identity once and for all?
  Ocean’s 13 《十三罗汉》
  Genre: Action / Adventure
  Theatrical Release: 6/8/2007
  Cast: George Clooney
  Brad Pitt
  Matt Damon
  Andy Garcia
  Danny Ocean and his band of thieves return, this time teaming up with their old nemesis(复仇者), Terry Benedict.
  A Mighty Heart 《坚强的心》
  Genre: Drama
  Theatrical Release: 6/11/2007
  Cast: Angelina Jolie
  Dan Futterman
  The story based on Mariane Pearl’s memoir(回忆录) detailing the tragic story of her husband, Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl’s life and death. The story covers Danny’s reasons for being in Karachi, Pakistan, the complete story of his abduction(绑架), the intense effort of his wife, Mariane Pearl to find him during the weeks following his disappearance, and his eventual murder.
  Knocked Up 《一夜大肚》
  Genre: Romantic Comedy
  Theatrical Release: 6/1/2007
  Cast: Seth Rogen
  Paul Rudd
  Two people who, after having a one-night stand, realize that they aren’t right for each other. But then a few months later, they learn they are going to have a baby.
小兰 译  Success Can Be Defined in Many Ways  The newspaper I previously worked for employs a very friendly 1)receptionist. All receptionists are supposed to be friendly, but Connie Abbott has such a pos
亨德里克·威廉·房龙(Hendrik Willem van Loon,1882-1944),荷裔美国作家和历史学家。1911年获得德国慕尼黑大学博士学位。曾先后从事多种职业,并游历过世界很多地方,具有丰富的人生阅历。  房龙在写作方面取得了令人瞩目的成就,著有《房龙地理》、《人类的艺术》、《宽容》、《圣经的故事》等二十多部作品,先后在二十多个国家翻译出版。其作品文风清新,文笔睿智幽默,通俗易懂,趣
朱俊 译  For Generals Only  拿破仑说:“不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵!”  看完这篇文章后,我不由地想借用上面的话感叹一下:不敢质疑和挑战权威的学生不是好学生!上学那会,老师经常教导我们既要学会做学问,又要学会做人。无论是做学问还是做人,我们都应当勤于思考,敢于质疑,勇于挑战,方能将所学转化成自己的东西,学有所得;同时得以完善自身,形成独立的人格。  “停泊在港湾里的船只很安全
Medical Mission to 1)Abancay, 2)Peru  每年,各国许多医学协会都会到一些贫困山区开展“爱心医疗” 援助活动,如文中讲述的秘鲁阿班凯之行,然而“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”,给当地的医生提供先进的医疗技术培训,更多的人才能受惠于此类活动!  ——Lavender  The hallways cast shadows since the only light avail
A few years ago, my younger sister and I were the first ones down the tunnel to 1)board our flight for 2)Norfolk, 3)Virginia. Just as we were about to board the plane, a 4)mechanic emerged from inside
I can¡¯t believe I¡¯m standing here  Been waiting for so many years and  Today I found the queen to reign my heart.  You changed my life so patiently  And turned it into something good and r
One day I decided to plant a garden in our backyard, and my husband began to paint our weathered fence. We’re renters, not owners, and were growing tired of waiting for the day when we would be able t
小兰 译  1)Basements Are Vital for Your Safety   龙卷风本是可怕的,作者却用幽默诙谐的文字为我们演奏了一支让人忍俊不禁的“龙卷风狂想曲”。嬉笑谐趣的同时还不忘提醒人们:要降低龙卷风的危害,人们首先要增强安全意识!  新年快到了,小编在此奉上这篇幽默又不乏睿智的短文,希望大家能于阅读中品味幽默,开怀一笑! ^0^  ——Maisie  The other d
I ago Prytherch his name, though, be allowed,  Just an ordinary man of the bald Welsh hills,  Who pens a few sheep in a gap of cloud.   1)Docking 2)mangels, chipping the green skin  From the yellow bo
乐在其中 译    如果说,东方电影有个走进世界的梦想,那么这个世界,指的就是好莱坞。从上世纪60年代的李小龙到今天如日中天的章子怡,我们评价他们成功的标准,从来都带着浓重的好莱坞色彩。直到亚洲电影接二连三地有了好莱坞版本,直到《无间道》被翻拍成《无间道风云》,直到《无间道风云》获得了票房口碑双丰收,我们才肯定地对自己说:其实我们的电影也很好。   ——Tiffany    If there’s