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  Which film will win the Oscar for Best Picture this year? Last year, I had Dreamgirls and The Departed in our Early Predicted[预测] Five; I also had Marie-Antoinette, All the King’s Men and Guerilla in our Top 5 (you can stop laughing out loud now). The point of predicting the
  Oscars, from where I see it, is more about having fun and sharing our passion than getting the right
  Having said that, we hope you enjoy our early look at the 2007-2008 Oscar race. Here we go.
  American Gangster
  Frank Lucas, played by Denzel
  Washington, was the biggest Heroin
  dealer[从事买卖的人] in Harlem in the 1970’s.
  Detective Richie Roberts, played by Russell
  Crowe, was the man who ultimately[最后]
  brought Lucas down. This film, directed by Ridley Scott, tells the story of how it
  While Ridley Scott, Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe haven’t had much luck on their recent projects, American Gangster could more accurately represent[体现] all the talents involved. A November release date shows the studio is confident in the film’s awards prospects[前景].
  No Country for Old Men
  When ordinary man Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) stumbles across[偶然发现] some dead bodies, a load of heroin and $2 million in cash, he decides to keep the cash. Soon, killer Anton (Javier Bardem) comes after Moss and the money, whilst[同时] local sheriff[郡治安官] Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) is hot on the heels of[紧跟在……后] both.
  The Coen brothers’ No Country for Old Men is a tale of murder, money and
  morality[道德]. But beyond the blood and
  violence[暴力], No Country for Old Men
  explores deeper themes of death and principles[道义] as it delves into[探索,钻研] the mind and souls of its characters: the good (Jones), the bad (Bardam) and the ordinary (Brolin).
  This story about guilt and redemption[救赎]
  is produced by the team behind Pride and
  Prejudice (2005). Keira Knightley plays the lead role in the adaptation[改编] of the
  acclaimed[称赞] book by Ian McEwan, and rising star James McAvoy also has an important part. Focus (Brokeback Mountain, The Constant Gardener, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, etc.) has a track record of producing high quality films. After an off-year in 2007, we
  expect them to have a couple of strong
  contenders[竞争者] in the Best Picture mix.
  Charlie Wilson’s War
  Based on 2003’s best selling novel by George Crile, this drama centered on Texas congressman Charlie Wilson. He
  conspired[共谋] with a CIA[(美国)中央情报局]
  operative[间谍] to launch an operation to help the Afghan Mujahideen[穆斯林游击队员] during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s. Tom Hanks takes double duties as the film’s title character and producer. Oscar winners Julia Roberts and Philip Seymour Hoffman co-star.
  Reservation Road 救赎之路
  It’s a story about how a car accident intertwines[使纠缠] the lives of two families. It’s got that dark, emotional feel similar to In the Bedroom and House of Sand and Fog. With Joaquin Phoenix, Jennifer Connelly, and Mark Ruffalo aboard, it’s bound to feature some terrific[极好的] performances. We like director Terry George, who made a splash[引起轰动] with his direction in Hotel Rwanda. Something tells us this film will be a hit, and with Focus pushing it, it could go a long way.
  The Kite Runner追风筝的人
  To be honest, we’re not totally sure about this film’s chances. On the surface, it looks solid: serious topic (the Russian invasion of Afghanistan), intimate[亲密的] story (the relationship between two boys, master and servant), and excellent, underrated[低估] director (Marc Forster). But the
  biggest problem lies in the source material. The Kite Runner is one of the most widely read books of the last few years. If you look at successful award-winning films, you’ll notice they usually come from lesser known books. Why? Because the unfamiliarity with the source material results in less criticism[批评]. They’re also easier to make, because there’s less
  pressure in adhering strictly to[忠于某事物] the book’s storyline. We really like Forster (Finding Neverland, Monster’s Ball), so we’ll say the film slips in just barely.
  There Will Be Blood血色黑金
  The famous 1927 novel Oil! gets its first big screen
  treatment on Paul Thomas Anderson’s adaptation There Will Be Blood. The story is about a Texas oil developer (Daniel Day Lewis) and his thorny[困难多的] relationships with the town locals and his family.
  Also in Competition:
  ★ Michael Clayton
  Director: Tony Gilroy
  Cast: George Clooney, Tilda Swinton
  ★ Into the Wild
  Director: Sean Penn
  Cast: Emile Hirsch, Marcia Gay Harden
  ★ Eastern Promises
  Director: David Cronenberg
  Cast:Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts
  ★ The Other Boleyn Girl
  Director: Justin Chadwick
  Cast: Natalie Portman, Scarlett
  ★ The Golden Age
  Director: Shekhar Kapur
  Cast: Cate Blanchett, Clive Owen
  ★ Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
  Director: Tim Burton
  Cast: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter
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