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  肚子好饿呀!Let’s go!
  Italy’s Piedmont region is hidden in the extreme northwest, 1)nestled against the French border. One of the most important economic and industrial
  areas of the country, Piedmont also 2)boasts natural gifts in her mountains and lakes. Perhaps mercifully, this beautiful corner of Italy has been 3)bypassed by the armies of tourists who have captured Venice,
  Florence and Rome. That is about to change.
  Turin, the capital, is no longer 4)anonymous after hosting the 20th Winter Olympic Games in 2006. Home to 862,000, Turin is at the same time
  5)enchanting and modern, glorious and 6)passionate.
  Forget the 13th century baroque architecture of the Savoy family
   7)dynasty, which ruled the city until 1536 when it was 8)occupied by the French. Forget the modern industrial
  9)powerhouse of Italy’s automobile industry注, and don’t think about the city’s 10)exceptional art collections. Just what do people eat?
  Italians do not often miss a good meal, and Turin is no exception. But with the large variety of bread, 11)pasta, cheese, meat, fish and wine to choose from, you need a bit of advice. The truth is, just about
  anything will taste good; but I found the best foods of Turin to be 12)truffles, Barolo wine and chocolate.
  The truffle is a 13)fungus that grows just below ground among the roots of hardwood trees. While the black truffle offers a mild flavor that 14)diminishes with cooking, its royal cousin, the white truffle, has a strong, powerful taste that stands up to pasta, 15)risotto or any meat. Available in limited areas and only in late autumn, Italy’s most precious white truffles come from around Turin, and are expensive.
  Truffle collection is 16)shrouded in 17)stealth.
  Specially bred dogs search the treasure for their
  masters. Once removed from the ground and wrapped carefully in linen handkerchiefs, the prize is carried to local markets. Prices for white truffles (which are ten times as expensive as black truffles) usually exceed US$ 1,000 per pound.
  Hours later, your waiter shaves 18)wafer-thin 19)slices onto your meal. The number of shavings determines the price. The rich, smoky and 20)aromatic delight is worth every euro.
  Wash down your truffles with a glass of Barolo, which has a deep 21)garnet color and rich flavor. Barolo is produced from the finest of the nebbiolo grapes. Nebbiolo is 22)derived from the Italian word nebbia, for fog. The grapes are harvested in late October, when the thick fog settles into the Barolo region.
  Barolo is aged a 23)minimum of three, but more commonly up to eight years before it is sold. Top Barolo wines are considered Italy’s
  best. In a typical Turin restaurant, expect to pay US$ 50-75 for a good bottle. Some labels will run over US$ 100.
  For dessert, you can’t miss the local chocolate. Turin’s love affair with chocolate dates back to the 16th century, when Emmanuel Philbert of the ruling house of Savoy 24)toasted victory over the French with a cup of steaming hot chocolate.
  By the mid-1700s, Turin’s politicians,
  artists and nobles met regularly in the fine
  cafés where they enjoyed bicerin, a mix of hot chocolate, 25)espresso and 26)whipped cream. The drink is still a tradition today.
  Nowadays, Turin is filled with small,
  27)elegant shops selling every shape, size and variety of the chocolate, including milk
  chocolate and bittersweet.
  It is easy to fall in love with Turin. The elegant architecture and museums will satisfy your
  intellectual curiosity. The 28)bohemian bar and music scene exceed expectations. And everyone will be happy with the three 29)culinary
  superstars: truffles, Barolo wine and chocolate.


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