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  In a world full of Jessicas, who knew that Jessica Biel would be the one to rule them all?
  Biel is the Jessica who has turned out to be the real deal—instead of a walking publicity 1)stunt with an accidental livelihood in the movies ([1]Jessica Simpson). Meanwhile, 2)smokin’ [2]Jessica Alba still hasn’t proved her range is beyond serving as a 3)lad-mag magnet in form-hugging outfits in Fantastic Four and Sin City.
  A couple of interesting things happened to Jessica Biel since we chatted with the young star about her new movie, back in last November. No. 1: The release of Next was postponed for more than five months—not a great sign. No. 2: Her celebrity 4)skyrocketed.
  Some 5)highbrow, sport-coat-6)clad culture critic could probably 7)have a field day extrapolating meaning from the correlation—or lack 8)thereof—between the two developments. But you and Biel’s publicity 9)squad know the 10)score. One Timberlake 11)interlude, several tabloid covers, and a 12)jaw-dropping Golden Globes dress can do more in the game of “It Girl” advancement, than any serious-minded military drama ever could.
  However, Jessica Biel, is an unex-pected treat who appeals to the eye while engaging that trickiest of 13)erogenous zones: the brain. She returns in Next, in which Biel, 25, plays the love interest of Nicolas Cage, a man who can see a few minutes into the future and who must use his odd ability to protect her while trying to 14)quash a terrorist plot.

  She may be the film’s
  15)damsel in distress, but Biel usually plays stronger women, and that may be why she has emerged as a star whose smarts trump looks that kill, literally and 16)figuratively. What else would you expect from someone who was admitted to the oh-so-selective 17)Tufts University?
  So, it seems there are two Biels. Or at least, two different, if not 18)categorically opposed, forces at work on her career. One that could lead to the long-term 19)versatility she professes to want as an actress. And one that will put her on the cover of a few more men’s magazines.
  At any rate, it’s the first force that appears to have the 20)upper hand with character selection lately. In Home of the Brave, for instance, Biel plays a 21)disfigured single mom and sweat-pant-wearing gym teacher struggling to 22)reclaim her life after a 23)traumatic tour of duty in Iraq. Biel 24)sports a plastic limb but doesn’t show much actual skin to 25)reel in the 26)Radar-reading set.
  Which is fine because “there was a bit of an idea of what I was and how people saw me, and I definitely had to break that mold,” said Biel, 25.
  There were a few molds, actually. The sweet, little Mary Camden, 27)willful yet loving eldest daughter of that 28)goodly WB clan on 7th Heaven. A quick topless photo shoot with the 29)fine folks at 30)Gear magazine, when the schoolgirl is 17.
  So, then she was bad. 31)Erratic and rebellious. Remember The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)? How about Blade: Trinity the next year? 32)Stunning, but tough. And stuck in another mold that could keep her face on 33)newsstands but out of the minds of directors looking to cast the female leads of big studio comedies and 34)indie dramas.
  “It’s hard that you know what you can do, but nobody else does.” she said.

  The folks around 35)Neil Burger didn’t. When the director was searching for an actress to play a 36)turn-of-the-century countess for his period drama The Illusionist, he agreed to see Biel, despite the advice of some colleagues who deemed her too contemporary, too pop.
   “But she’s smart,” Burger said. “And she said, ‘This is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. I want more meaningful work.’” In the end, she got the part.
  “The idea, I think, is to really go from one to another to another, bouncing to the extreme—doing something strong and full of action, then small and 37)quirky,”she said. “That’s the goal.”
  Home of the Brave, which also stars Samuel L. Jackson, Chad Michael Murray and 50 Cent (a.k.a. Curtis Jackson) falls somewhere between those two descriptions, as it tracks the struggles of a group of soldiers just back from the war.
  “I wanted to explore the survival,” she said. “I was curious about her… this woman who goes through this traumatic experience, and has to go back to a normal life and deal with this new body, deal with this new 38)mind-set—this lack of confidence, lack of 39)assuredness.”
  Her curiosity, and director 40)Irwin Winkler’s
  guidance, led her to spend time with a group of women that actually experienced such traumas, leaving families behind for battle, losing limbs in the process and finding that life can never be quite the same at home.
  Biel’s next release is a romantic comedy, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, co-starring Kevin James and Adam Sandler. So, the plan to bounce around between genres seems to be 41)in full swing.
  As does that other plan, to keep Biel’s face and body on view in the checkout lines of every grocery store in America.
  Come to think of it, maybe there’s just one Biel after all. And Biel has shown that she’s really the Jessica to beat. 42)Seeing is Biel-ieving. 

Murky, mysterious, 4)unearthly! The view from our room was utterly captivating. A light rain was falling, creating a hazy 5)film over the landscape, and a mist hung heavily over the morning sky, like
他们是这样一群人:在镁光灯下顾盼自若,在光影中演绎人生;他们的一举一动都是大家关注的焦点,他们身上的任何装饰都可能引导潮流;他们要求公众给他们私人的空间,但同时也明白,如果没有镜头紧随其后,将意味着职业生涯的结束。  他们,就是明星。  拨开娱乐圈种种恶俗的炒作和喧哗,我们也发现,在世界上最危险、最贫困的地方,同样活跃着一些明星的身影,没有平常的搔首弄姿、珠光宝气,只有最平凡的模样,而他们希望的是
Hendrick Hamel, a Dutch sailor, published a journal describing his and his mates’ 13-year detainment on Jeju-do after wrecking their 3)yacht, the Sperwer, in 1653. Even then, the wonder of the haenyo
为了让生活更方便更轻松,人们不断研究开发先进的机器来代替人类。然而就在人类尽情享受便利的时候,也不得不付出相应的“代价”——为便利买单。“嬉笑怒骂皆是文章”,本文作者是位幽默大师,他用诙谐有趣的语言给我们讲述了银行ATM收取高额跨行取款服务费给他造成的诸多不便,并对此表示强烈抗议!不知道诸位读者读后,会不会有所共鸣呢?^o^  ——Maisie    Withdrawing money from
The army of elephants stood stiffly, alert and 3)imposing, their powerful gray 4)silhouettes facing our open-air 5)Land Cruiser. It was our second night on safari, and the sky was dark and 6)forebodin
主题札记:  那晚,心情有些烦躁,于是很自然地就拿起了桌上的大学毕业纪念册。捧着它,一页一页地读,已经远去的大学时光顿时历历在目:白云山、相思河、图书馆、白千层树……虽然已经走出大学,但心始终牵挂并留恋着那美丽宁静的校园。  从懵懂地向往大学到亲身体验大学生活的点点滴滴,再到告别斑斓五彩的校园,走进社会这所更大的“大学”,这期间有欢笑,有泪水,有收获,也有遗憾……但毫无疑问,这是我们人生中一段最宝
2006年5月,英国登山者大卫·夏普在第三次攀登珠穆朗玛峰时遇上暴风雪,氧气耗尽,生命垂危。在接下来的一段时间里,大约有40名登山者从他身边经过,但没有一个人伸出援手。这40多个人中,其中有一位是新西兰的无腿登山者,他在登上珠峰之颠的时候,感觉自己“像是上了天”!然而,同时许多人指责他的人道和品格是“下了地狱”。  此事在世界范围内引起广泛关注和讨论——究竟是人的生命重要,还是征服这座全世界所有登
离家读大学后,最想念的就是家里那个长长的院子,爸妈在里面种了各式各样的花花草草。从春天枝头吐出第一缕嫩芽到深秋时节落叶飘零,院子里就陆续开满了迎春花、月季、牡丹、芍药……除此之外,还有樱桃树、石榴树、无花果以及满满一架遮盖了整个院子上空的葡萄树。这个小小的院子里的各色花草,经由爸妈的悉心照料,在不同的时节释放出不同的芬芳,绽放出不同的色彩。朵朵蕴情,片片含意。  于是,多少个想家的夜晚,思念的除了
Cross the border  Into the big bad world  Where it takes you about an hour  Just to cross the road  Just to 1)stumble across another poor old soul   From the 2)dreary old lanes to the high-street madn