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  You may know about a 1)grim 2)refugee camp along the desert border between [1]Darfur and 3)Chad because the movie star [2]Angelina Jolie was there. Her image catches your eye and, indeed, the world’s attention.
  There’s no use pretending otherwise. She doesn’t. “If I can draw you in a little because I’m familiar, then that’s great,” she said after she came back from her late February visit to the 26,000 residents of 4)Oure Cassoni camp. “Because I know that at the end you’re looking at them.”“As long as [you] end up looking at them, that’s the point.”
  The aid workers on the scene, at the edge of a conflict the U.S. government now calls 5)genocidal, could not agree more. They live month after month in rough conditions amid constant danger as the war 6)spills into their territory. “You can hear it and feel it,” says Dr. Ashis Brahma, medical coordinator for the 7)International Rescue Committee in the camp. 8)Skirmishes take place within a couple of miles of Oure Cassoni, and shooting is often heard at night in the nearby town of 9)Bahai, where Jolie stayed. There was no fighting when she was there, but it broke out again days later. “It’s horrifying for the aid workers and for the refugees,” says Brahma. “It’s everything they left behind.” Anything that keeps the world focused on this problem, and looking for solutions, is to the good.
  Jolie’s journey to Oure Cassoni began, in a sense, six years ago, when she was thought of as a sort of Oscar-winning wild child in Hollywood. She says she had read about what the 10)United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees does for tens of millions of people driven out of their homes, and became 11)fixated on the idea she had to do something to help. “I remember sitting up for two days straight and reading everything 12)obsessively,” she says. When she approached the UNHCR, she adds, “I think they thought I was a little crazy.”
  Taken on as a 13)good-will ambassador, Jolie traveled to Africa, Pakistan and Cambodia, she says, “with no cameras and with no press, and had the opportunity to have this great education before I spoke at all.” Even now, as aid workers on the ground 14)attest, she travels with no 15)entourage. Jolie took a commercial flight to the Chadian capital of 16)N’Djamena (which is in a state of emergency), then traveled with 17)humanitarian staff across the desert to the most remote camp in the country.
  Among the people Jolie came across was a 18)deranged 7-year-old boy 19)tethered by his family to a tent pole to keep him from wandering away. According to aid workers, he saw his village bombed when he was 3 and hid alone in the bush for two days before his family found him and fled across the border. “I talked to him for half an hour and just looked at him for a long time before he touches me,” says Jolie, “and there was a little boy in there who was open to a kind sound.”
  Jolie’s response to critics who call what she does “celebrity tourism” is 20)matter-of-fact: “I don’t know if anybody saying that has spent the last six years of their life going to over 30 camps and really spending time with these people.”
  While some celebrity involvement in issues can be 21)ludicrous—“lighting some candles and singing ‘Give Peace a Chance’,” in the words of former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke—Jolie stands out a self-taught student of the issues. 22)U2 rocker Bono is the most important by far, Holbrooke says. But Jolie, who has helped him with his work combating HIV/AIDS, also ranks high. “She is just starting,” Holbrooke says, “but she is clearly serious.”
  “It is something that I am incapable of describing…those faces and that place and those people,” says Jolie. “And so I think it’s just—let the people speak for themselves through the camera.”



  虽然一些名人参与慈善活动的行为可能很滑稽,用前任美国驻联合国大使理查德·霍尔布鲁克的话说,就是“点燃一些蜡烛,并唱着《给和平一个机会》”,但朱莉却是以自学成器的方式在社会活动中脱颖而出。霍尔布鲁克认为,在明星参与社会活动方面,迄今为止,最重要的人物是U2乐队摇滚歌手博诺,但帮助博诺一起推动抗击艾滋病活动的朱莉也扮演了很重要的角色。“她才刚刚开始,” 霍尔布鲁克说道,“但她显然是认真的。”

  Audrey Hepburn / 奥黛丽·赫本
  Danny Kaye / 丹尼·凯
  Bono / 博诺
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