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  The army of elephants stood stiffly, alert and 3)imposing, their powerful gray 4)silhouettes facing our open-air 5)Land Cruiser. It was our second night on safari, and the sky was dark and 6)foreboding as we drove alongside Botswana’s Khwai River, a 7)tributary that feeds into the 8)Okavango Delta, on the northern border of the 9)Moremi Game Reserve.
  Hundreds of elephants filled the river, bathing and drinking, after the heat of the day had 10)sub-sided. Seemingly endless herds continued to arrive, like phantoms, mutely making their way from the brush to the water. We had parked next to the river to quietly observe the herds.
  I sat silently, wrapped in darkness, with three other safari goers, and our guide. The calm and tranquility was abruptly shattered when a vehicle 11)careened down the dusty road, obviously in a hurry and with little interest in watching elephants or concern for startling them.
  Our guide, Dave Carson, sensing the animals’ surprise and tension, remained calm, but on high alert. “Are you ready for a show?” he asked. I held my breath, not knowing what to expect. The elephants panicked and tore through the water, trunks in the air, 12)trumpeting and screaming. Nearly 30 enormous animals 13)stampeded toward us, looking like a wall of 14)doom and sounding like a rushing waterfall.

  My heart raced; I couldn’t breathe. Mere feet from a mass collision of flesh on metal, the 15)tirade of elephants veered to the left, running behind our vehicle and disappearing into the bush. I 16)heaved a hot breath and sighs of relief were heard all around.
  It was my first trip to Africa, the land of dreams, rugged and untamed. I wanted to witness one of Earth’s last wild 17)strongholds—a feral frontier—before it’s gone. Botswana, in south-central Africa, I was told, is the place to do just that: a land teeming with wildlife, but few tourists.
  Our adventure began at a small airport in 18)Maun, gateway to the Okavango Delta, the world’s largest inland delta. As we journeyed through barren desert toward one of the delta’s wet, outstretched fingers, the landscape transformed from lifeless desolation to wildlife heaven. I watched, mesmerized, as a monstrous, confident, wild-elephant bull 19)sauntered across the dirt road mere feet away. He 20)strutted slowly, with 21)uncanny silence, his enormous gray feet kissing the earth without a whisper.
  The spicy smells of 22)sage and wild 23)basil wafted through the dry air. Regal giraffes stretched long necks, browsing on 24)acacia trees lush with yellow, fragrant blossoms. 25)Impala gracefully leapt through golden grasses alongside grazing zebra and 26)waterbuck. Within the 27)marshy reeds and lilies of the waterway, a 28)hippo-potamus bubbled. Then, eyes peeked out, slow, curious, intense. Purplish-gray nostrils breached, 29)snorted, and then submerged, disappearing under a glassy surface.
  Three large, 30)tawny figures took shape among the 31)ocher grasses alongside the road. Lions! A large, commanding male shot up and stared at us with daunting yellow eyes. We were in awe. He was not, however, and quickly fell back down with a thump, and went to sleep.
  Not far from the lions, our campsite was tucked into a cozy 32)grove of acacia trees. A cheerful staff greeted us with a candlelight dinner. To my surprise, it wasn’t typical campfire fare. Instead, we were treated to 33)butternut-squash soup, 34)quiche, fresh-baked bread, vegetables and wine.
  My tent was as delightful and extravagant as the meal—a roomy tent adorned with a comfortable bed, a hurricane lantern and nightstand. Most surprising, and certainly a bit of a relief, was its attached primitive bathroom and shower. After seeing the lions, the idea of leaving the tent for a midnight visit to the 35)latrine wasn’t appealing.
  Despite the 36)comfy beds, sleep was nearly impossible, as I lay awake, reeling with excitement, listening to the fascinating foreign sounds of the night: deep 37)guttural moans from lions in the distance; choruses of 38)painted reed frogs like a symphony of bamboo 39)wind chimes; the nearby 40)whooping of 41)hyena; a hippos’ 42)rowdy 43)honks, groans and snorts were comical-sounding, like hundreds of 44)whoopee cushions. With the morning came a whole new world of music from the birds, chattering to the 45)drone of thousands of bees in the treetops.
  A peculiar blend of 46)adrenaline and a sense of total serenity was the prevalent feeling while living in Botswana’s wilderness. Within days, we observed enormous herds of 47)cape buffalo, zebra and antelope. We witnessed the 48)ferociousness of lions, 49)ambushing and killing an unlucky 50)warthog right in front of our eyes. On another day, we saw how the entire ecosystem teams up against the predators, as a male lion was nearly killed by a hippo, while crossing a river, and then was charged by bull elephants when he eventually made it to land.
  I was forewarned that the magic of Africa would forever change me; it would be stirring in my blood. Indeed, it’s true.
  这是我第一次到非洲,这是一个充满梦想的地方,粗犷而野性。我希望在地球上最后留存的蛮荒要塞之一 ——野生世界的边疆消失之前亲身体验一下。有人告诉我,位于非洲南部的博茨瓦纳正是一个实现这种愿望的地方:那里到处都是野生动物,但游客却不多。

1980年7月16日,在莫斯科,只经过一轮投票,萨马兰奇便登上了国际奥委会主席的宝座。对此,他既惊又喜。他表示:“对我来讲,这一职务不是什么牺牲,而是对我多年愿望的满足。我要说,这是世界上最美的差事。”  2001年7月16日,就在他81岁寿辰的前一天,萨马兰奇在同一地点为自己的主席生涯画上了一个完美的句号。他说,担任国际奥委会主席的这21年,是他一生中最有意义也最快乐的时光。  2007年8月,
今年5月,好莱坞当红小生迪卡普里奥与柏林动物园的宠儿小北极熊克努特一起登上了美国著名杂志《名利场》的封面。紧接着,他又携环保新片《第十一小时》亮相戛纳,言谈中矛头直指全球气候变暖的问题。  在中国,王力宏在发布最新专辑《改变自己》时提出环保主题,专辑的包装用再生纸替代了传统材料,而且在中国台湾地区发行时还赠送了歌迷一双不锈钢筷子,呼吁大家尽量少用一次性筷子。  尽管有人批评明星此类种种举动不免有作
所谓“麦田怪圈”,是指在长满麦子等作物的地里一夜之间出现有些作物弯曲倒伏从而呈现有规律的圆形图案的现象。关于该现象的首次报道可以追溯到1647年,发生地在英国。此后,美国、澳大利亚、欧洲、南美洲、亚洲等地也频频发现这种“怪圈”,但其中绝大部分仍在英国。  英国威尔特郡自古以来就是“麦田怪圈”的高发地,每年从4月至9月,频繁出现的神秘怪圈能为当地带来数百万英镑的旅游收入。2009年6月2日,一个长约
Growing up, in a decently developed area, a child thrives to find a place that he or she can call his or her own. They yearn for a secret hiding place, where adults would not venture to follow them in
Murky, mysterious, 4)unearthly! The view from our room was utterly captivating. A light rain was falling, creating a hazy 5)film over the landscape, and a mist hung heavily over the morning sky, like
他们是这样一群人:在镁光灯下顾盼自若,在光影中演绎人生;他们的一举一动都是大家关注的焦点,他们身上的任何装饰都可能引导潮流;他们要求公众给他们私人的空间,但同时也明白,如果没有镜头紧随其后,将意味着职业生涯的结束。  他们,就是明星。  拨开娱乐圈种种恶俗的炒作和喧哗,我们也发现,在世界上最危险、最贫困的地方,同样活跃着一些明星的身影,没有平常的搔首弄姿、珠光宝气,只有最平凡的模样,而他们希望的是
Hendrick Hamel, a Dutch sailor, published a journal describing his and his mates’ 13-year detainment on Jeju-do after wrecking their 3)yacht, the Sperwer, in 1653. Even then, the wonder of the haenyo
为了让生活更方便更轻松,人们不断研究开发先进的机器来代替人类。然而就在人类尽情享受便利的时候,也不得不付出相应的“代价”——为便利买单。“嬉笑怒骂皆是文章”,本文作者是位幽默大师,他用诙谐有趣的语言给我们讲述了银行ATM收取高额跨行取款服务费给他造成的诸多不便,并对此表示强烈抗议!不知道诸位读者读后,会不会有所共鸣呢?^o^  ——Maisie    Withdrawing money from