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  The first three months of my college experience has taught me that when you leave the social atmosphere that once locked your identity in place, you 1)shed unwanted skin, and develop the ability to 2)reinvent yourself.
  Since birth we have been following along a path that our parents carved out for us, not
  really knowing why we are here or who we are. By high school, we have been 3)stapled into the social 4)spectrum; our status is determined and hard to change; our friends 5)have us down pat, and we as human beings have no more room to grow. Boom! High school ends and college begins. As our high school peers are no longer there to reinforce our previous social status and identity, a sense of security is ultimately lost. No one knows who we are in college. No one knows anything about us. It’s almost as if we are completely starting over, which to some, can seem exhausting while to others may feel 6)exhilara-ting. While we break loose from our “safety box” at home, we finally get to write the chapters in our own book, so to speak.
  College gives us the opportunity to completely turn around and look at things from a different point of view. Popularity in high school is irrelevant in college. My roommate wasn’t popular in high school. A girl who is popular and lives on the same floor told me. One weekend, some “popular” friends came up to visit the previous “popular” girl. My roommate stopped by to say “Hi”. A few minutes later she decided to drink with them. And then my roommate returned with a “popular” guy, and they started talking and 7)fooling around. That was about it, no big deal, but this was something that wouldn’t have happened in high school. In college, the rules no longer apply, unless you allow them to. College sets no guidelines; we are on our own. We are reinvented. Forget the labels. It’s all 8)bullshit. Get over it. You are now who you want to be.

  Although reinvention is an important part of college, the establishing of our identity still remains to be achieved. In addition, our eagerness to 9)fit in is still very present. We want the security we had in high school, but in a different way.
  College is like an 10)audition. You walk onto the campus and understand that no one has a clue about you. It’s all up to you. Your parents are no longer 11)at your service, and independence is the name of the game. We are forced to make choices, and become our own thinkers.
  Transformation through a person’s college experience doesn’t just happen right away. Being in
  college doesn’t automatically guarantee that you will change and move away from the social 12)cliques in high school that might have left you trapped. In the beginning, I was still thinking like a high school student, trying to fit in, and finding friends that would be compatible with me. One night at dinner, I was eating with three girls from my floor. They weren’t
exactly 13)diverse individuals who really wanted to get to know me. But, out of habit, I found myself trying to be their friends. Then something hit me. I finally noticed that none of them cared about the real me. No one was even trying to talk to me, or listening to what I had to say. I was just immune to this social behavior, I guess. I was never really that popular, but of course, I wanted to fit in. I was crying inside. It was a painful repeat of high school, and I felt that familiar fear of trying to be someone I simply was not. I thought to myself, “why?” Why do I care so much? If I acted myself, wouldn’t it be so much easier? Later that evening I was reading 14)Chicken Soup For The College Soul and came across a quote which read, “Great minds discuss ideas…average minds discuss events…shallow minds discuss people…which are you?” I was inspired and decided to trust myself and move on.
  Achieving greater depth within ourselves during
  the college experience partly relies on the growing of others. It is a 15)give-and-take phenomenon,
  and we must allow other individuals the freedom from being judged in order to 16)better ourselves. When we give others room to realize their own beauty and ability to change, we in turn allow ourselves to do the same.
  I can’t tell you that everything would be better in college. I can’t guarantee that college wouldn’t be a repeat of high school. But it’s what you make of it that 17)counts. Like I said, YOU write the chapters in your own book. College will teach you how to think. And college will give you the chance to reinvent yourself. But, at the same time, realize yourself.

  高中结束了,大学随即开始。因为和我们一起念高中的那些同龄人各分东西了,我们之前的社会地位和身份不再重要,我们最终丧失了安全感。在大学里,没有人知道我们是谁。没有人知道关于我们的任何事情。我们几乎要从头开始,这对于某些人来说似乎是一件伤神的事;而对于其他人来说,也许是件令人振奋的事。当我们挣脱了家里的那个“安全箱”, 可以说,我们终于能在我们自己的书里写下人生篇章了。
今年5月,好莱坞当红小生迪卡普里奥与柏林动物园的宠儿小北极熊克努特一起登上了美国著名杂志《名利场》的封面。紧接着,他又携环保新片《第十一小时》亮相戛纳,言谈中矛头直指全球气候变暖的问题。  在中国,王力宏在发布最新专辑《改变自己》时提出环保主题,专辑的包装用再生纸替代了传统材料,而且在中国台湾地区发行时还赠送了歌迷一双不锈钢筷子,呼吁大家尽量少用一次性筷子。  尽管有人批评明星此类种种举动不免有作
所谓“麦田怪圈”,是指在长满麦子等作物的地里一夜之间出现有些作物弯曲倒伏从而呈现有规律的圆形图案的现象。关于该现象的首次报道可以追溯到1647年,发生地在英国。此后,美国、澳大利亚、欧洲、南美洲、亚洲等地也频频发现这种“怪圈”,但其中绝大部分仍在英国。  英国威尔特郡自古以来就是“麦田怪圈”的高发地,每年从4月至9月,频繁出现的神秘怪圈能为当地带来数百万英镑的旅游收入。2009年6月2日,一个长约
Growing up, in a decently developed area, a child thrives to find a place that he or she can call his or her own. They yearn for a secret hiding place, where adults would not venture to follow them in
Murky, mysterious, 4)unearthly! The view from our room was utterly captivating. A light rain was falling, creating a hazy 5)film over the landscape, and a mist hung heavily over the morning sky, like
他们是这样一群人:在镁光灯下顾盼自若,在光影中演绎人生;他们的一举一动都是大家关注的焦点,他们身上的任何装饰都可能引导潮流;他们要求公众给他们私人的空间,但同时也明白,如果没有镜头紧随其后,将意味着职业生涯的结束。  他们,就是明星。  拨开娱乐圈种种恶俗的炒作和喧哗,我们也发现,在世界上最危险、最贫困的地方,同样活跃着一些明星的身影,没有平常的搔首弄姿、珠光宝气,只有最平凡的模样,而他们希望的是
Hendrick Hamel, a Dutch sailor, published a journal describing his and his mates’ 13-year detainment on Jeju-do after wrecking their 3)yacht, the Sperwer, in 1653. Even then, the wonder of the haenyo
为了让生活更方便更轻松,人们不断研究开发先进的机器来代替人类。然而就在人类尽情享受便利的时候,也不得不付出相应的“代价”——为便利买单。“嬉笑怒骂皆是文章”,本文作者是位幽默大师,他用诙谐有趣的语言给我们讲述了银行ATM收取高额跨行取款服务费给他造成的诸多不便,并对此表示强烈抗议!不知道诸位读者读后,会不会有所共鸣呢?^o^  ——Maisie    Withdrawing money from
The army of elephants stood stiffly, alert and 3)imposing, their powerful gray 4)silhouettes facing our open-air 5)Land Cruiser. It was our second night on safari, and the sky was dark and 6)forebodin