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  Withdrawing money from the bank used to be so convenient. You could visit a money machine almost anywhere. Without paying a cent, you could get enough cash to buy a television or put a large 2)down payment on some basketball shoes.
  But a couple of years ago some banks started charging a fee. If you didn’t have an account with them, you had to pay at least a dollar to withdraw money at their 3)ATM (4)Automated Theft Machine).
  Other banks 5)followed suit and now the majority charge a fee. Some even charge as much as $3! For many people who withdraw money from ATMs daily, that’s more than many would actually save in a year.
  That’s a 6)steep fee, especially when you’re trying to withdraw $5.
  7)To their credit, banks have tried to make ATMs much safer for us. They’ve installed bright lights and security cameras. They don’t want anyone else robbing us.
  Some lawmakers, bless their hearts, are trying to put a limit on the 8)surcharges. They don’t want bankers to get 9)carried away and use ATMs to pay for their 10)BMWs. They don’t want the ATMs to display this message: “Please withdraw only half as much as you can afford, because we’re taking the other half.”
  Banks say they have to charge a fee because ATMs are expensive. They cost as much as $80,000 and that doesn’t even include the money inside.
  It would be cheaper to put a human in a 11)box. But there’s probably a law against that. And humans, unlike machines, 12)are prone to making mistakes. They’re also prone to running off to Mexico with the money.
  The surcharge also allows banks to install ATMs in many convenient places, such as parks, 13)plazas and prisons. But in their haste to make ATMs more convenient, banks have made them less convenient for people like me. I’d rather have one free ATM in my neighborhood, than a dozen that want to 14)swindle me. A couple of dollars may not seem like much to a banker, but to me, it means a feast at 15)Taco Bell.
  Besides, it’s against my principles to pay a bank to give me MY money. I 16)just won’t do it, unless I’m stuck somewhere with no money and no 17)Visa.
  What 18)irks many people, including me, is that we got used to free ATMs over many years. Banks got us 19)hooked to them and then decided to 20)reel in our money.
  For some reason, in the 1970s and ‘80s, bankers didn’t complain much about the cost of installing ATMs. Perhaps they were too busy explaining to shareholders how the machines would replace 21)tellers and save money.
  At the unveiling of the first ATM, a banker probably said, “Here’s a revolutionary machine that dispenses cash without wasting time on 22)chitchat and without requiring minimum wage. It has no bad habits like smoking, swearing, or asking for 23)raises. It cannot be threatened with a gun and will never sue us for discrimination. One day, this machine will be able to greet people through the 24)video display, process their transactions quickly and 25)take them to the cleaners.”


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Murky, mysterious, 4)unearthly! The view from our room was utterly captivating. A light rain was falling, creating a hazy 5)film over the landscape, and a mist hung heavily over the morning sky, like
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